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myOtaku.com: shiroikarasu

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Bell Liberty All Boys Boarding School...
(In other words, BL high school. Rofflyrofflyroffly.)
I did some heavy duty manga shopping yesterday and finished up all the important Christmas shopping, so I have that off my chest. Phew.

And today I'll start my What the Crap Is That? contest! Sorry, Lisa, you can't participate in this one because I already told you what this item is. But everyone else can give it a try! The winner(s) get(s) a recording of me singing a Christmas carol of my choice. Great prize, eh?

Onto the picture!

Is this:
A) A bundle of matches.
B) A bundle of paper clips.
C) A rolled-up bamboo placemat.
D) A mushroom or bunch of mushrooms.

Get guessing!

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