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DES's hikari
Real Name
Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
Monday, December 18, 2006
It's a Common Disease Where Children Grow Horns from Trying Too Hard
My first day back at work, and I'm tired as fuck and want to shoot myself. Things, needless to say, did not go well.
So I come in real early (so I can leave real early), around 7, and pretty much nobody is there. Tracy left my mom an email outlining what I could do to occupy myself until she showed up since my computer was basically non-existant. There was a monitor, and a mouse, and a keyboard, but it was missing the rather essential computer bit of the setup. So I did letters for about a half hour and then moved on to mystery calls, which is where a team member not well-known to all the stores makes phone calls to each store in the area and asks a question, testing the quality of the customer service. This would be a good job to keep me busy for a few hours except that, uh-oh, I have a phone phobia. I don't know if I'vw mwntioned it before, but I get really upset when I have to make a phone call to someone I don't know very well. Once I was so nervous about ordering a pizza that I went without lunch. So I got all worked up over this mystery call thing and managed to make one call. It went pretty well, but it only served to build up my nervousness. After screwing up my courage again I got through a total of six calls before I just couldn't do it anymore and felt like utter shit because I couldn't accomplish such a simple task. I managed to call Tracy and get a different task.
So I ended up deconstructing ginormous boxes and toting stuff up and down from a closet in the basement to my cube. This took several hours and had me pretty much worn out. Mike, a really nice guy in customer service, was having a little luncheon meeting and offered to get me lunch as well, so I gladly accepted. I gave the folks my order and went on with my work until I was done at about 11:30. Then I sat down to wait, thinking it wouldn't be long before the food showed up. I doodled on a piece of scrap paper. I doodled some more. It was about 12:30 and I had a killer headache and was ready to give up on the whole thing, so I went over to my mom's cube to at least wait in company. About two minutes after I sat down in there the food came, and I went to eat. It was BBQ and turned out to be a little spicy for my taste, but I snarfed it down anyway since I was starving by that point. After lunch, I not only still had a headache but I felt a little nauseous too, so I went to sit down for a bit. I could have helped out one of the ladies by IT but she seemed to be busy and I felt pretty crappy, so I just curled up and napped for about an hour and a half, and then we went home.
All in all, it SUCKED. The manual labor tired me out and then I got that damn headache, which thankfully is mostly gone by now. I really hate this job. I think maybe I just wasn't cut out for the working world. I'm too much of a wuss. Bleh. I am going to go nap now, properly and in a bed.
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