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St George Utah
Member Since
Student, Night Audit
Real Name
Angela Hughes
Ummm None... XD
Anime Fan Since
I was 12 or so...
Favorite Anime
Right now?... DNAngel, Full Metal Alchemist
To live my life as best I can
Drawing, writing, reading, and singing
Drawing and writing
| shironotenshi
Monday, September 22, 2003
 Thwack What's Your Anime Power?
Thets intresting... *giggles*
Well… The new owners have taken over the hotel… From what I hear my job may be safe for a few months or so until they get the hang of running the chain hotel. (Everyone working at the other hotel has been let go, but since I’m night staff I’m still here) So I wont have to go job-hunting for at least another month. The owners seem real nice which calmed my fears about the new ownership. I met with them while I was working the morning shift today. (Why they have me working two shifts I’ll never know…) It was kind of refreshing actually seeing the sun while I worked. The only disadvantage to working the 1st shift is people seem crankier during the day, while you’d think it would be the other way around. Course this being me, I just smile nod and apologize a lot even if it is their fault. But it’s worth it for the big fat paycheck. =^-^= I’m gonna’ get me my Argento Soma and some manga this week! I earned it! But yeah… that’s work…
Let see… school and home stuff… Well, math’s a bore I’m not to worried about that. I have a test Monday that I need to study a bit for, but these are all things I learned in like Middle school. (I’m such a bad test taker ^^;;) This next Wednesday is my last of orientation. (It served to disorientate me instead of orienting me) I must finish all the busy work. pi! English I have a paper due next Monday. It one of those ones that will drive me stark raving maaaad! My partner for my VT1300 class was flirting with me… Hehehe ^^; I won’t mention that he’s totally hot, because that would get the Nemi-chan’s hopes up. On the other side of the dating scale, I’m still being pursued by Randy, and I still don’t know exactly why I don’t like him but I know I don’t. (My mom is still hopeful this will work out, but my Dad agrees there’s a definite clash and he’d be surprised if we ever really become good friends. ^^; Perceptive, my Dad is.) I get this weird feeling I’m some sort of trophy girlfriend, I have no clue why he would want such an ugly trophy but that’s just the feeling I get. (“Mahana you ugly!”) I’m usually right on these things.
NEways! (I should never type these thinks out before hand, they get to long… ^^;;) There’s the weekend report! Tune in next time for my insane ravings! If you aren’t taken to the funny farm before me! Ja matte!!!
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