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myOtaku.com: Shiruberu tairu

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

   YAY!! cool things are happening!!
ok everybody.. remember i told you about how the site http://www.otakurevenge.com/ was pretty much nakid.. well not any more!!! now this site is like nothing u have seen before.. or possibly a little of every site you have seen before.. those of you that have heard of the following sites will know what i mean.. lets see now..:

.. or any other site that could sell anime dvds and such... this site has that and more..

it has everything every site has.. its like this site.. it had a place where u can create an account interact with your friends.. post bulletins, POST YOUR ART or WRITING or anything along those lines.. and i am helping to build this site cuz i am friends with the #1 man..

this site has everything.. and if you think it is lacking in anything, just pm me on here and let me know.. and i will either tell him.. or do it myself.. if you think something would make this site better than just let me know..

so ya the site is http://www.otakurevenge.com/

it is wicked cool, at least go check it out, and if your interested please make an account.. it is wicked cool. i am sure u will love it.. now remember it is still being created, so those of you who make an account will be some of the first people to have an account on this site.. and you get to watch the site progress.. so yeah check it out.. make an account talk to me people.. i wanna hear your ideas.

if you think this is cool then pm me about it.. then if you want to contribute to make the population grow on this site, then copy and paste this into a post of your own.
thank you
~ Shiruberu tairu ~

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