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myOtaku.com: Shiruberu tairu

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

80 degree weather!!
whooo hooo we are gettin B-E-A-Utiful weather this week!!! its been in like the 80s all week. i just got outta the swimming pool it was NICE!! and i already got a sunburn!! WHOOO HOOOO!! yes im happy about this.. im wierd..

oh i got more art i gotta post on here.. i know i havent done that in a while.. heh heh.. oops.. yep but yeah ill get those on here.. ive got a drawing of inuyasha.. naraku... kagome.. kilala.. or kirara, not sure really.. and the band of sevens jakotsu... and of coarse my person favorite.. GAARA!!! whooo hoooo.. all to be showing up on this site some time before the end of the week.. most likely tonight, if i can get my butt in gear..

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