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Sunday, July 15, 2007
um...I can't think of a title....
Shizuka:Well last night I missed anime night because I was paint a picture for Kayo because her birthday is coming up.
Yami:Her birthday is Agust 4th and it will take you that long to paint the picture and find a present
Shizuka:-.- well anyway tommarow I start my camp that I'll be going to for a week
Yami:From 9 am to 4 pm , oil painting at rosewood art center with Kayo.
Shizuka:^^ then I have another one in agust ^^
Shizuka:Well let's see what else has happend...Well my cousin is salking me....>.<
Shizuka:I also went to a manga meeting Friday we watched a anime that had no plot what so ever.But we had fun making fun of it we said it had the anime's :Pokemon cuz some girls name was mew,Yu-Gi-Oh because this guy had some other dude taking to him in thought like yami,Fullmeatel Alchemist cuz some girl had hair like Rose,and I think Naruto because the dude that talked into the guy like Yugi's dude that's like Yami was a pervert like the pervie sage!
Shizuka: ^^
Yami:Well The dog has chewed a library book and now shizuka must buy it
shizuka: it's not my fualt! -.-
Yami: Well we must go
Shizuka: wait I must show them a drawing kayo scanned!

Shizuka:I made it for Chandler ^^ because I thought it would be a nice goodbye present before I knew he was just going on vaction and didn't know the exact date he was moving *sweatdrop*
Yami: Good job!^^
Shizuka:well goodbye
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Shizuka:I am bored....And Hungrey.....
Yami:Well you still need to have breakvest that will make you not hugrey but don't know how to cure the boredom.
Shizuka:I shall return!!!!!!!*run's downstair's to go get breakfest*
Shizuka:*downstaires in the kitchen*OK!
Yami:That made her unbored
Shizuka:*run's in the room with 2 bowl's of ceral*Here you go!*hand's yami a bowel of ceral*
Yami:Thank you
Shizuka:Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire!!
Yami:What the heck?
Shizuka:It's from a movie I'm going to watch
Shizuka:Well I'm getting better at drawing computer art
Yami:Yeah look at how much you've improved:

Shizuka:Yami did you have to put them on?
Shizuka:Well anyway I got to go to the beach with Chandler last week
Yami:And on the way home you fell asleep
Shizuka:You didn't have to say that -.-
Yami:But I wanted to
Shizuka:Well it's time to go
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The weekend where random thing's happend. O.O
Shizuka:Well this weekend very random thing's happend
Yami:One you got a dog and it like's to chew my hair -.-
Shizuka:Yeah^^ and last night I had a weird dream where it was the first day of school and we were all supposed to wear black turtle neck's and black pant's with black shoes and my 2 cat's kept fallowing me everywhere then my room somehow doubled in size and the door was a cloaset then my princable came in on a flying tiara and me and my friend's who were waiting at the door for me took a ride on it to school and it was really random...
Yami:Shizuka all your dream's are random and scare me
Shizuka:Well I'll finish this post when I get back from doing some errand's
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!
Yami:I'm going to scare Shiuzka so shhhh....*tip toe's into the room*
Shizuka:*Is working on some computer art*
Yami:*tackle's Shizuka*HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!
Shizuka:Ahhhhhhhh Yami don't do that!!!!!!!
Yami:*Get's off Shizuka*Why it's fun!
Shizuka:*get's up into a sitting positon*Well today you and me are going to Chandler's huse for the 4th of July but to bad I wont have a camra I used it all last night at the Beach waterpark....
Yami:Too bad....
Shizuka:But will probley still have a great time!
ami:You 2 alway's do
Shizuka:Yes we do ^^
Yami:Well shizuka we must go..
Shizuka:bye everyone!
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The beach
Shizuka:Well yesturday after waiting forever and his da taking a wrong trn me and Chandler got to the beach,and I got picture's,got to ride the rapid river ride-
Yami:Which you were completely tarrified of and it was the ONLY ride you went on!
Shizuka:Your mean!
Yami:*smirk's and walk's out of the room*
Shizuka:Talk to you all later!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The world will be attacked by Vampire's before Chandler come's on time...
I swear are doom will come before Chandler arrive's on time to go to the beach waterpark!I have been waiting for him for almost 2 hour's!Uge boy's are so rude sometimes!And he doesn't know what time he'll pike me up......My poor little camra is waiting in the bag for me to stalk Chandler with it......My inpedibal demise will happen before he come's here.....Help me....
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
The party was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shizuka:The party was more insane but crazy will have to do.Well it ended up Chandler was half and hour late to his party then we played paprazie(sp?)and took like 6 photo's of him.Then when went in a watched a few video's I made for him.After that we ate pizza and payed pokemon master trainer(chuck's into pokemon)and listean to some music.Then we got dessert and when I gave Chandler his he of course droped it and luckliy it was in a cup.Then me Jackie and Terase put Chandler's long hair into pigtail's and got a picture of that!And we scared him to death we Jackie jumped out of my closet with his shoes!After that Jackie and Teresa played their role play character's aka Ed(Jackie) and Al(Terease)and drew a transmution circle on my chalck board and tried to bring their mom back from the dead(the mom was a dog) and a baseketball was the philosepor's stone and I was Hunges but went to the dark side to help Envy(Chandler) and Scar(Seth) but in the end Al and Ed won.Then it started to rain and we all went inside to watch the video for Alyssa lies and Concrete angel some Chandler favorite song's.And we all just sat their stareing at the computer then they all left pretty much after that.But Chuck was the last on her and he kept hitting himself with the basketball!
Yami:Wow that was alot to say in a couple of breath's.
Shizuka:So what alot happend
Yami:You never mention the part's where you got hurt.
Shizuka:I was going to say that!
Shizuka:your mean
Yami:Well as Shiuzka would say it's time to go come on Shizuka let's go attempt to pick up the board games!
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
The post I forgot to post after breakfest ^^;;
Shizuka:Well sorry I forgot to post after breakfest because I fell asleep ^^;;
Yami:Yeah after I had my ceral and ice cream(yeah I had ice cream with breakfest)I was screaming Shizuka wake up you need to post again!
Shizuka:You freak out everytime your up all alone don't you *anime sweatdrop*
Shizuka:*anime fall*
Shizuka:Well anyway so far we have discovered that burning video's to blank cd's take's forever
Yami:Along with saving video's on memonto express it took you half an hour to save 1 video!
Shizuka:I know!
Yami:Well anyway if you've ever heard the song "I'll remember you" by no secret's that's the song that Shizuka has been playing/singing for the past 2 week's
Shizuka:What?Am I not aloud to sing?
Yami:No it just get's annoying!
Yami:Well Yu-Gi-Oh was cool
Shizuka:Yeah it's my favorite episodes there playing "friend's till the end" ^.^
Yami:Yeah but we better go it's 12:43 and we have to leave at 3:00 to get the pizza's and the party starts at 4:00 and we have some cleaning to do so bye!
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Shizuka:Today is the party I'm having for Chandler!^^
Yami:Yep!Last night ou were up till 2:30 am cleaning the kitchen,bathroom,and your room
Shizuka:And I woke up at 6 am to add some finishing touches.
Yami:After the post Shizuka chased me around the house then chased me around the block twice and hit me with a flute cleaner on the head for singing her locker cambonation.
Sizuka:And right now we are burning a cd witn my favorite song's on it.
Shizuka:WELL I'll cintune this post AFTER breakvest!
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
never jump in a pool with your cell phone in your pocket or bad thing's will happen XD
Shizuka:Well we found out why Chandler was not answering his phone!And we had to go to his house to find out!
Yami:YUP!We found out he jumped in a pool with his cell phone in his pocket and broke it!
Shizuka:Yup!And he's like "it's vibrateing in my pocket it must still work!" but sadley it does not TT.TT
Yami:And you beat him 3 time's at naruto class of ninja 2!
Shizuka:yup!And we found out I can't play the lego star wars game without almost killing my character ^^;;
Yami:You kept falling off the edge till chandler had to take the controler from you and do it himself and he's like "it's simple oh wait you can't do simple" and your like "yup!"
Yami:And we found out he still has not watched the video you were up until 1 am Friday morning making(aka the last day of school early early in the morning)that video because first you saved the wrong one and it took half an hour to save it then you saved the right one but it took another half an hour then you had to burn it all on a cd which took 20 minutes then you were done finally
Shizuka:^^;;Yup!And were having a party for him Saturday!
Yami:3 unorganized children(me,Kayo,and my friend Seth) planning a party what's going to happen?
Shizuka:I AM ORGANIZED!Last night I was up until 2:30 am cleaning my room,vacuming my room,folding my clothes,and putting them in my dresser,go look at it its spotless ell except for the ink spill but that's another story!
Yami:*goes to Shizuka's room*OMG!!!!!!!IT IS CLEAN!!!!!!!!
Shizuka:Just don't look in the closet
Yami:*goes and looks at the closet*OMG!!!!!!!!IT'S LIKE YOUR LOCKER ALL OVER AGAIN IT'S A DISSATER!!!!!
Shizuka:It's the new teloprtion device to Mars and IT ALMOST ATE MY CD PLAYER!!!!!!!
Shizuka:-.-well'm reading this really good book called twilight and I'm almost half way done with it
Yami:nope you still have like 300 more pages to go...
Shizuka:Sometime's you reminde me of Chandler so much......
Yami:40-2-30 40-2-30
Shizuka:YAMI ATEM I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*starts to chase Yami around the house*
Shizuka:YOU BETTER RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~End of post~
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