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myOtaku.com: Sholagan

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I updated, sorry 'bout that.

Well, Im back in school already, and I have a lab, a time capsul, and a chapter summary due in the next two days. And only 3 days of school has gone by!

My weekend was fun, I went up to Edmonton and went to Animethon XII! Lots of people there, but Otafest here was still better. I bought Tsubasa 6 for only $10! And I got a whole bunch of stickers, and I got a new wallscroll:

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It's replacing my old one (which is now going to my little cousin...:

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Well, it'll probably be another little while before I update again, so.......YEA! Bye everyone.


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