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myOtaku.com: Shonigoneyes93

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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demonwolf1252 (01/21/08)

Hi thanks for signing my guest book. Yes I like diedara alot! It's funny how he dont show up alot but alot of people like him. Nice site urself! I hope 2 see u around also. I'm going 2 add u! Hope u dont mind.

~Chow! :))

CrystalSin (01/19/08)

nice site ^^
ummm... i dont know wat else to say O.O
well byes then i guess...

CrimsonValkyrie96 (01/19/08)

HIYA! like thanx for signing my gb. i'll totally add u as a friend. i see u havnt added me let (u bastard) no im just kidding. i'll pm u as soon as i can. or u can just pm me whatever. well thanx again and byz ttyl. :D
(real name)~Arianne~

Hoshi Chan (01/19/08)

Thank you for that lovely signature you left behind! I like your site too! Compare yours to mine and yours would win hands down! Yes, I do love acting but mostly singing. I'm also in a chourus so its a favorite thing of mine to do.


Hoshi Chan

darkemyst (11/07/07)

I'd love to tell you how I happened upon your site but I really have no idea, I thought I'd let you know that I liked your site though. Your art's nice too, when school stops trying to eat you put some more up!

Twists Of Rain (10/20/07)

cool site.
just randomly passing through, ive been known to do that.
anyway, hope you dont mind me adding you.

AiTenTen (09/28/07)

love da site!
da layout looks nice. ^^

Artichoke (08/11/07)

hi!! sorry that i took so long to answer back!! XD i like your site. a little plain but....lol sorry just had to say that since you typed that to me! i hope we can be friends!! and since you seem to be hyper that wont be a problem!! lol im adding you! you can add me too!

KittyKoma (07/31/07)

ayee thanks for signing my gb. its greatly appreciated. wow.. im looking at this and its like the shortest gb signing you have... wow.

Neko Nana Mode (07/06/07)

Nana is pleased to meet you.

While Nana is in the military, She isn't really for the war either.

You will make the third male Nana has befriended. Be proud.^-^

Left is right only when right is wrong an up is nowhere

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