demonwolf1252 (01/21/08)
Hi thanks for signing my guest book. Yes I like diedara alot! It's funny how he dont show up alot but alot of people like him. Nice site urself! I hope 2 see u around also. I'm going 2 add u! Hope u dont mind.
~Chow! :))
CrystalSin (01/19/08)
nice site ^^
ummm... i dont know wat else to say O.O
well byes then i guess...
CrimsonValkyrie96 (01/19/08)
HIYA! like thanx for signing my gb. i'll totally add u as a friend. i see u havnt added me let (u bastard) no im just kidding. i'll pm u as soon as i can. or u can just pm me whatever. well thanx again and byz ttyl. :D
(real name)~Arianne~
Hoshi Chan (01/19/08)
Thank you for that lovely signature you left behind! I like your site too! Compare yours to mine and yours would win hands down! Yes, I do love acting but mostly singing. I'm also in a chourus so its a favorite thing of mine to do.
Hoshi Chan
darkemyst (11/07/07)
I'd love to tell you how I happened upon your site but I really have no idea, I thought I'd let you know that I liked your site though. Your art's nice too, when school stops trying to eat you put some more up!
Twists Of Rain (10/20/07)
cool site.
just randomly passing through, ive been known to do that.
anyway, hope you dont mind me adding you.
AiTenTen (09/28/07)
love da site!
da layout looks nice. ^^
Artichoke (08/11/07)
hi!! sorry that i took so long to answer back!! XD i like your site. a little plain but....lol sorry just had to say that since you typed that to me! i hope we can be friends!! and since you seem to be hyper that wont be a problem!! lol im adding you! you can add me too!
KittyKoma (07/31/07)
ayee thanks for signing my gb. its greatly appreciated. wow.. im looking at this and its like the shortest gb signing you have... wow.
Neko Nana Mode (07/06/07)
Nana is pleased to meet you.
While Nana is in the military, She isn't really for the war either.
You will make the third male Nana has befriended. Be proud.^-^
Left is right only when right is wrong an up is nowhere