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myOtaku.com: Shonigoneyes93

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grimreaper666 (03/03/07)

hey awesome site keep it up

O_O grimreaper666 O_O

vincent strife16 (03/01/07)

i see you like rurouni kenhsin i have that dvd set lol its awsome but my name is zell on here but not realy lol i hate my real one so i made up zell lionhert lol but the band name would be chosen by myself and the bad members lol but i think seeds of yevon would sound awsome lol well the music would have to be punk or heavy metal lol well any squareenix games i guess and the worriors mostly rpgs lol game creator soon too lol making some sweet rpgs when i learn how to lol

Sazumechan (03/01/07)

hey i love your backround pic.i like it better than a hiei theme even though i really like hiei but i like kenshin way more!

Mimi-Mako (03/01/07)

I like your site background! I love it! It really Rocks!!
I'm going to add you as a friend if you dont mind! ^.^
I hope we can talk some time!
Rock ON!

lifes burden (02/26/07)

Longest comment in the history of otaku by far…

My spelling is really bad…

Especially when the comment is really long ok...

Hey what’s up.... ok I have seen your name all throughout the otaku on like a million people's sites... I can tell it's always you because they are so long... I mean you have so much to talk about... I read a couple of them... you never stop but you don't ramble on about anything... I mean it has some meaning, not like repeating anything... How do you do it...? Do you like to read and write... if you do your crazy...? No just kidding... But man I could never talk about anything like you do... But since you do I am going to make sure this is my longest guestbook sign... ever... just so you could never do better than me...!!No also kidding...!!But I don't know... you’re just talented when it comes to commenting on people's sites....

A lot of my friends have comments from you.... have you been on the otaku long... because you have two sites I thought you might have started your other site page a little later on... why do you have two... I wonder... I also have two but they are connected in a way...anyways... how are you liking the otaku so far... Seems like you have made a lot of friends... it's funny because I joined almost one month before you did...... but you already know so many people... guess you might like meeting new people, and having friends... I am kind of antisocial... sort of...in a way but not on the otaku....

For some reason you don't seem like the kind of person who would live in New York... your a lot less demented than I thought someone from New York would be.. I thought everyone there was crazy.... but you don't seem to be like that... it sounds like you’re from the south because of the attitude that you have towards others... I mean I’m not saying people here are saints but you seem to be a lot different.... I could never live in New York... it's just too crowded and crazy there.... anyway I really doubt you’re married... No one your age could be married I mean you’re like 13... Not really you little liar… your eighteen…That’s just not possible... makes for a good joke though...

You seem kind of active for a boy your age... not saying you’re a little kid anymore… but you are kind of young...not even twenty years old yet… Which is cool... I wish I could have joined while I was younger... I think once your over the age of 25 you should not be on the otaku... some people are over the age of 25... But some of them are just creepy... It’s weird... like a child molester or something... (Did I spell that right??? (Molester???) lol...I use to play soccer but not anymore it sort of got boring... And basketball too... They all got boring... but you should stay active... It’s good for you... I’m sure you already know...

I can't believe that you’re a dbz fan... there are not a lot of those left... It’s all about naruto now... do you like naruto...I wonder... I never really liked dbz.. Seemed to be kind of long and really boring after a while but that’s my opinion.... but it's great you started liking anime while dbz was out... It was very popular... I like the anime's you like... except fullmetal alchemist... I hate that show... (Although I have never read the manga....) Just watched the show... is it boring... Or something you should give me the details some day... maybe I’ll get interested in them...Anyways I do like yuyu hakusho.. That’s about when I started watching anime...

lol I like your goals...even if your sister wrote it. I also wish to rule the world with my sister... but great goal... You actually want a career. Unlike some people here on the otaku with very unrealistic goals... you know the kind right...lol... anyways being a car designer for you seems to be a goal that you can reach... because I took a look at your fanart...

Your fanart looks really great ....but you really didn't submit that many I wonder why...I mean you have some great skills when it comes to drawing... although you don't have many drawings of anime I can tell you draw great... I would really like to see more of your drawings... That is if you’re not to busy to draw... do you think you could draw something animeish... (Is that a word) like maybe kurama or something.. I would definitely vote for it... your final fantasy looks really great...hope you submit some more art soon....

I can't believe I haven't said anything about your site yet...

Your site looks awesome really... how did you get it like that.... you really know your codes and html....who taught you... Or how did you learn... it must have taken you a while to do... no???? Well you did a great job... nice theme too...kenshin is one of the coolest anime characters ever... I can't wait to see more of your anime themes on theOtaku....

It's kind of funny the whole cake thing.... your mom seems like a very nice caring person.... moms that like to cook are especially nice.... I always treat my mom with respect... Seems like you do too... (Although she doesn't make cake or bread very often...) I wish she would though... but when she does it's al worth the wait... that’s how good she cooks... better than Emeril... BAM lol... Just kidding..... Man that’s so stupid....

Anyways I am definitely going to add you hope you don't mind....maybe we can keep in touch you know.... always looking for new friends... and you seem like a pretty cool down to earth guy... in my Opinion...... but I still don't know you that well.. But i will try and visit when and if I have a chance to visit... But I will try.... okay...

Anyway looks like you really like to post.....so you’re very creative... I think ill have a good time reading your posts... Just read your most recent one.... I would like some cake... interesting people here on the otaku... Well have a great day... And ill talk to you later ok...


Hey… thanks for signing my guestbook… I really appreciate that even though I gave you a long comment you gave me a longer one… I was hoping mine would be longer than yours… But in the end I was wrong… I am very disappointed in myself really… I was hoping that my guestbook sign would be longer than yours but I was wrong. Like you said I am a very determined person… I think I was wrong to have challenged someone that is known for their extremely long comments… (So disappointed)

Thanks again for all the compliments you gave me on my site… I appreciate your honesty towards my site … really… Not a lot of People pay attention to how hard it is for me to create a site… Considering I am not taking classes or lessons from anyone… I did take a short tutorial and it really helped… It was created by somegirl… on theOtaku…
She really did a great job with it… And it helped me out so much… I have only started to create layouts and work with html and all those codes… for me they are kind of hard to understand sometimes… I was like you I didn’t really get on the otaku until recently… About 3 or 4 months ago…Yeah somegirl’s is a little more difficult for the more advanced people… But she is a great person… My actual site is more based on her tutorial than shishou’s but placement of things and html is more shishou’s…


I forgot to mention shishou… oh man is she a crazy girl… no just kidding. She is a bit competitive … like most people are you know considering how long her comment is… But she is a great and talented artist you should really go check out her portfolio… I mean she draws really well and her coloring is way better than mine could ever be… But don’t get me started on her site… She has some of the best otaku web layouts in the whole otaku community… She always has something different… and her layouts are never boring… I don’t really know how she does it sometimes… she is so good with all the html codes and computer stuff… you two would get a long great… maybe… anyways she is one of the two people that helped me out the most with all theOtaku layouts and stuff… she has a great tutorial… it’s more about placement and how do the simpler stuff… you know for the beginners on the otaku… but it’s just as great as somegirl’s… it really helped when it came to the basic stuff on my site… including text boxes… and many other things…. To much to get into at this point…

I consider her a close …??? Acquaintance… we have been a little out of touch for a while… but when you get the chance you really should go visit her… it’s worth it... By the way what the heck is up with all those big words…


Another close friend is lethean… just as crazy as the rest of the people here on theO… but it’s fun talking to all my friends… didn’t teach me anything… but I got to know this person through somegirl…

You’re lucky though… You’re actually taking classes In website stuff… and html… I wish they had those kinds of classes here… that would be great… How long have you been taking theses classes…? Yeah sorry I don’t really know any computer languages. Now that I know your 18… what college do you plan to go to...? I mean there is a wide variety… and I bet you have a lot to choose from where you live…

Wow I never knew you were a gamer… You don’t really seem like the kind of person who would be a gamer… I love games… I have been playing them all of my life… My first console was the Nintendo… I got it when I was born… (Hard to believe…) But yeah as soon as it came out I got it… I have been playing ever since… It’s kind of funny knowing that your mom likes to play games… Not saying it’s a bad thing but I don’t know a lot of adults that like to play video games… especially women… My dad loves Mario games… He never stops playing… He is way more addicted to Mario games than I am to any other games… My mom on the other hands hates video games… She thinks that world could do a lot better if there were no video games in the first place… And me I could continue playing video games all my life… And I think I will that is how I love games… I really want to get married to a girl that loves games as much as I do... And is not so materialistic … So have you ever played the kingdom hearts series… or Senosaga… Those are some of my favorite games… I really like final fantasy but next in line is Kingdom hearts… I have both kingdom hearts and kingdom hearts II… I beat them both… although kingdom hearts 2 was really short… I don’t really like the Disney characters and all that but that’s besides the point …. Those are some of the greatest games of all time…If you haven’t played them I really recommend them… That is one of my top three reasons I am getting the Playstation 3.

1. Graphics.
2. Final fantasy series.
3. Kingdom hearts series.

But what I really like is all that it can do… You know the games, internet, movies, music, pictures, and of course blue ray discs… and more games…

(About the Playstation 3…) I am thinking about getting one… You are right they are expensive… But I really think it’s worth the price… I might wait for the price to go down but by then it’s going be kind of pointless to by one… I have been saving up money since Christmas... I have the money to by one… But now I don’t know… I was thinking about getting a TV… I already have the Nintendo Wii… And it’s great. I think nothing can beat the Wii… And the first game that I bought for it was The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess… If you don’t have it or have never played it I recommend it… If you’re a big gamer, like me… The story is actually pretty great but it’s kind of short… It’s only about 40 to 45 hours of game play… the only con to so many pro’s… A lot of people keep on telling me that the Xbox 360 is way better than the ps3 but I don’t really care about the Xbox 360… They just seem so cheep really… Never thought the graphics were any good… and most of the games they have are sports games… and I am more about fantasy, fighting games…

Oh and I can’t believe that you actually looked at my art… Not many people that actually visit my site look at my art… They just check it out real quick and sign my guestbook with an “I love your site! It's really awesome ^^ you know some HTML too I see. Can I add you as a friend? “Or a “Hey cool site u got here! ^^ I like your site and BG well see ya!” I really hate that… There is no thought into what they say… They are just looking for a person to sign their guestbook… (Anyways of subject a little…) I never thought my art, or drawings were that good… I always thought I could improve somehow… I just don’t know how… That is why I joined theotaku in the first place, to get criticism, but haven’t really gotten any just compliments… I don’t mind but I would like to know what I could improve on…

Why did your girlfriend take your drawings to Florida… I would really like to see what you can do… I am really more about art than all this internet stuff…

Do you plan on going to a college for computer graphics… that would be one of my ideal jobs? To work in a computer graphics company…

Okay I think I have extended this as long as I possibly could… sorry but I am very competitive when it comes to someone else being as determined or more than me… I could also go on… but what’s the point … but I will make sure to make this the longest comment… every time I have something new to tell I will make sure to post it on your guestbook… well not your post comments but you get the point don’t you… hope I haven’t wasted your weekend… especially by the time your finished reading… but I think for some reason you can get done reading in like 5 seconds…

Update- ok know that I know your 18… nice to really know you… how’s it been.. Great myspace… looks very white… anyways talk to you later…

Oh and about your name… I would have never thought you meant to put sharingan… but it sort of suits you… by the way what is the 93…

Oh yeah…

You have some great taste in music… I never would have known …. Really like the song on your myspace… I don’t think I told you but I actually ask people if they have any requests for music that I should put on my site… I still haven’t made a complete list yet… but when I am done I download the songs and upload them to poqbum… if you have any requests for me then you should definitely tell me … that way I can add them to my list of music… soon…

How long have you known my sister … You pervert… no just kidding… I say that to all her guy friends... so I can try and scare them off, you know… Especially those who are four years older than her… if you get what I mean!!! But really how long have you known her?

Well thanks for the good read …

The end... This is probably the longest comment I will ever post so I hope that you enjoyed it... Let’s hope you don't accidentally delete it or something.... see you round the O


PPS... I know you’re all competitive and I am sure anyone can type a longer speech than I can…

~Life is but a Burden~

GloomSyndrome (02/26/07)

Thanks for signing my GB! I'm glad you like my art. It makes me happy to know that it's appreciated. Oh and Case Closed is a mystery anime/manga. It's called "Detective Conan" in Japan. And my site background is from Final Fantasy IX. I think that covers everything...lol but anyway I added you. Talk to ya later!

TimeChaser (02/26/07)

Hey there, I decided to come return the favor after you signed my book =) I like your site, very nice design. I just started reading the Kenshin manga. I envy talent like that O_O I'm not very good with web design or anything technical, but I don't mind learning.

Thanks for the encouragement. Maybe I'll write and post some articles on theO in future, and I'll check out the idea of doing some writing for them. I've toyed with the idea sometimes. Gotta do something to justify that English degree ^_^

I enjoy giving long throrough posts, and have already added you as a friend, so I'll be sure to stop around here often =)


Siaras Kaiba (02/25/07)

Hey, a friend mentioned you, so I thought I'd stop by, show my respects, add you since you seem to be very interesting...the whole shabang! Anyway, I love your site, very well done I might add. So, as i said, I'm gonna add you, since you seem so interesting.

Huh? Wow, I think some people like you. Well, I'm not that competative, plus...I don't have the time to do such a long entry, and I doubt you would really want to read another long entry.

So, I will bid you adeu, until I come over when you update, and when I've seen you've update...and so goes the program.

Ok...I'm off now to add you! PM me for anything if you'd like.


"Let angels fly in your sanctuary.
Where fears and lies melt away."

♥ ♥


Wings of Dream (02/25/07)

I read lifes burden's gb signing! Long! O.O *brain freeze* Well, he said you're a nice person so I decide to drop by and visit you ^^

Wow, you like soccer?! Awesome! I do too. Your goals and hobbies sound really interesting *evil glare*
But how on earth you're married when you're 13???? O.o Just wondering...

Anyhow, I hope we can be friend. See you around!

N.O.A.F (02/25/07)

*falls out of chair from looking at Lifes burden's comment* he's one of my crazy friends, and vis versa. he said you were a pretty cool guy, so i deside to check your site out. very cool! so, i thik i'll add you as a friend. chow! ^^

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