Birthday 1994-08-17 Gender
Female Location My computer desk Member Since 2007-07-12 Occupation Living my Life! Real Name Amber
Achievements Gaining the love and trust of my friends. Anime Fan Since about a year ago.... Favorite Anime NARUTO!!! Goals Live my life the way i want to, not the way someone wants to live my life for me Hobbies Listening to my music. MUSIC = LIFE Talents Being crazy *not really a talent.....* Short Kunoichi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Omg Thank you Kunoichi_warrior SOOOOO much for my wonderful layout. Love ya *muah*
Ok last night waz amazing!! I went to the itailian carnival with my friend jordon.(We grew up yogether since we were 3) Yes he iz a guy. (our parents went to). Ok so Jordon and me ditched our parents and went to go buy tickets,which we did. Ok so the first ride we went on waz The octopus (Ok kids that go to St.Matts know what i'm talking about,they had it at our carnival) So we were on the ride, while people were still getting on, all of a sudden there was a BOOOOOM (yes i love screaming that)I scream llike a little kid and duck. Jordon starts laughing his ass off because they were just teasting one of the fireworks -.-' stupid me.
Ok next we went on the scrambler. Of course he waz the one getting squeshed. Haha. So randomly he started poking my stomach, now if you know me you know i am mad ticklish ( i squeck!) So i tickled back. The guy who works the ride came over to us and said "this is how my mother and father started out." and walked away. I waz like OMFG and jordon waz grinning. I smack him and he wraps his arm around. I waz thinking like what hell! (Cause one thing about jordon he's had about 10 girlfriends already.) I poke him, he jumps and lets go.
AFTER that akward ride, we went on these swings (not the baby ones, these went really high). He sat infront of me. Normal ride, right? WRONG. He kept talking about his ex-girlfriends. Ok so now let me tell you wat i was thinking.
At first i thought he liked me, now he's talking about his old girlfriends, so does that mean he doesnt like me. So yea i'm thinking that the WHOLE time on the swings.
Alright, after we got off i really didn't look at him. He walked off for, i told him to meet me at the zepole stands.
So i'm standing there waiting and i feel a pair of hands cover my eyes. I turn around and jordon iz there smiling and hold this HUGE teddy bear....I waz like AWWWWWW and he gave it to me. I hug him and kissed his cheek.
NOW i waz totaly cunfused!
So he calls our Parents and says somthing about, we're gonna see the firworks with out you guys (mean no parents) Now i'm thinking wtf?
So we go by our cars ( our parents are watching from the park, our cars r parked next to each other.)
He opens the thing up, and we are sitting in the back of the big red truck. (yes anormal truck thats open in the back)
Alright so we like stayed in silence,NOT for the whole time of the fireworks. Me being stupid i kept scream BOOM, and he scream KABOOM.
So thats pretty much it, except when he left he kissed me, yes people not on the cheek, the Lips. And he went back inside his car, as my dad pulled me into ours.
So yea i'm in lala land today!
Heyy waz not a good day for me. I had to watch my friends group (like be a counslor for a day) who has like six 7 year olds...who think they are all that. We went to this stupid carnival, which wasnt even a carnival..just like 4 rides and a bunch of tiny booths.
So this one kid comes crying to me because he didnt have any money, 2 other kids rann off (which i went on this wild hunt to look 4 them), and another kidd got sick.
Whats up everyone!?!? Yea just really hyper right now! And trust me i'm get a little ditzy when i'm, hyper so, bare with me!
Ok at camp today we went simming. Boy have i got a story to tell you! Ok there is my friend Angie, Josh, Ari, Mike and Red(girl)
Ok Mike was from my last post...the kid with the broken arm. Anyways...I was in my bathing suit and a pair of shorts while everyone just jumped right in..except for Mike ofcourse he stayed next to me. What i didn't know Angie, Josh, and Ari where sneeking up on me while Red was talking/distracting me. So yea i didn't even notice them behin me. Josh lifts me up over his shoulders and Ari and Angie untie the top and bottom string of my bathing suti. (I was like WHAT THE F*UCK!) and Josh threw me in and i stayed under water for like 3 mintues trying to tye my bathing suit back. I come back up and they are laughing their butss off! So yea total embarassment!! I was soooo red.
Ok then after we left the pool me and a bunch of counslors and campers were playing soccer. Yea i rock at soccer!! Anywayz this one counslor, Carlos, ( i accidently stepped on his sun glasses) He had the ball and i went to get it and he tripped and my leg went up to kick the being me..actidently hit the wrong 'ball' if you get my drift. U tried sooo hard not to laugh as he fell to the ground screaming bloody murder. It took him like 5 minutes to pull himself together and then it was my turn to start screaming....he came running after me!! But yes i'm still alive!
So yea my day waz very....eventfull ^.^
So peace out everyone!!
Thanks to my friend Joey (some of you know him) Linkin Park iz now one of my favorite bands! Comments (5) |
Monday, July 16, 2007
Worst Day EVER
Ugh...Hey guys whats up? Today was TORTURE! Probobly the worst day ever in my life!! Ok as a said before we (me and my camp) went to the PNC art center. For those who don't know it's this BIG stage and LOTS of seats...yea its big. It was WORST then last year!! If that is even possible. Ok first there was this really bad maguc show and then this stupid band named Peas and Butter....ugh sooooo stupid. They sang about NUMBERS!!
So yea to add things to my probloms my friend Mike wound up in the hospital today. I got a call before saying he was skate bording and landed on his arm and the doctor said he broke it in like 3 places...which mean his WHOLE summer iz shot :(
Well Once again i would like to thank Everyone for being my friend and helping me out here! Love ya *muah*
Ugh even if i hate this pairing...i can't help but to love it!
Heyy everyone! I just want to thank everone so much, especially Kunoichi_Warrior and Shinobi_J, for being my friends!
Ok so my weekend was BORING. My Dad has been trying to get me a laptop because i am on the computer was to much and My mom was all like she doesn't need one, she can wait. So yea it sucks, i really wanted one to!
So tomorrow i have camp (like always) and we are going to see this show. Let's just say i am not looking foward to it. I mean it's torture, last year we had to see the DOODLEBOPS. *shudders* Man those things gave me nightmares.