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myOtaku.com: Short Kunoichi

Friday, August 24, 2007

Wow Amazing I'm up so early!! I was up reading this awesome book i got yesterday, till like 1:00 Am. Yea, I'm a dork.

I've finally got about 15 pages in my fan fiction, and this time i ACTUALLY like it. Wow, shocker there. I always wound up deleting half of my stories because i thought they sucked. But this one is actually turning out good.

*Sigh* About 6 days left before school starts! I'm kinda sad actually i mean it's Our last year at St.Matt's!!!! We grew up their and it's like MY second home. So much has happened there and i mean most of our class grew up together, i mean we've known eachother since we were,what, like 5/6. So i'm stressing over that and various other things like Highschool placement tests. -.-' Mom isnt really helping with that.

I can not WAIT for the next shippuden episode come out, it's bugging me! I finally catch from watch ALL the Naruto Episodes *yes i saw the fillers!* and some of the SHippuden ones, and i have to wait now. Which.Sucks. Grrrrr.


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