I have horrible problems with killing my own pride. For about three weeks I was actually drawing everyday. It was nice, I loved them; but then, it was like I woke up. I still sort of like them, but I've discouraged myself. I always do that, thought I might just be depressed... again... if it weren't for the fact that I'm so obsessed I'd probably stop going on the internet too. I feel like I'm somehow annoying people, it's hard to tell when you can't actually see the people you talk to and, well, I feel like I'm being just barely tollerated. Wow I am SO optimistic. *rolls eyes*
On a less depressing note, I've FINALLY been able to start work on my fan fictions again! YAY! I wrote like three chapters (two have been posted) on my story "Do as I say" and I'm working on "Crooked" ^_^ My writer's block is relatively dead! YAY! -_-; I think in order to kill it more I have to read some kind of rape story for Ryou, those always get my mind a-tickin'. Ryou doesn't like it though. lol |