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Thursday, April 15, 2010
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

Hello folks so here is the thing. I got accepted to the college and I'll be moving to Arizona since life is picking up for me it'll be really hard for me to work on school and post all over the net HOWEVER e-mails are frequent i'll pop around here sometimes but mostly i'll be accepting e-mails so there it is for all those who care and in special cases like xaos im still trying to get a ps3 so i can play again <_<
Thats all for now and I hope life goes well for all of ye
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

I'm like...back and stuff....
Ok so uh....i can't get everyone's comments from the post before cauuuuuuse i'll have to move coding so i'll work on that for my next post im a lazy bastard right now -_-
So taxes came through for my folks they're gonna buy new furniture and junk yay-ish hardly care but that means i gotta move stuff tomorrow or monday night when they try to do a rush job like a bunch of smart people -_-
Dad decided he is gonna start being harder on me for what i don't know since i don't hardly do anything i just figure that means he's gonna be an a**hole got a little taste of that on the same day got an attitude over some retarded mess. They didn't understand what i was saying then wouldn't let me explain it the way i wanted to which is all in one go short and simple then i tried to do the longer version since they couldn't understand but my mom told me to shut up then she went on talking and i had to explain AFTER she was done trying to figure out what i mean instead of just letting me tell her took like 7 to 10 mins for that hold retarded moment
As for my last post i thank you all for your words and support some comments were really really long *cough*wolfofsorrow*cough*
comment reply time (too long so it may be segmented)
Thank you for the support. I am sorry that you are going through stress right now too.
Your welcome Nightshade and i hope things improve for you
Deadly Neko
*hugs* I know the feeling about being super stressed, not making enough money to save, pay bills or anything. I am in that boat. I owe a lot of people money and I work two jobs just to get a enough for food and gas. I know you don't want a lawyer to take a certain percentage but maybe it would be better. I mean you wouldn't be as stressed, your financial aid would be fine and you would still have money. Don't worry about not having a girlfriend. She will come along when the time is right and the right college will too. I hope I was a little helpful. *hugs again* Try not to let things swallow you. I keep my head up high and think positive...thats how I get through.
Thanks Neko please know that you were helpful and I wish things also go well for you.
Kiba051095 (holy freakin cow the numbers in your name gave me hell)
Ugh, I hate the court system sometimes, I've never been through it really, but I watch a lot of judge shows [well, my mom does, I'm just stuck watching it] and they're stupid and lawyers just take too much money!
Try working full-time if that's possible, you'd get a lot more money, but you'd be exhausted. :/
The economy is crap, I know how bad it is. My mom's boyfriend owes money to a lot of people and my mom pays for it all, which pisses me off.
Family fights are never good.
You don't have to make people happy, you need to take care of yourself before you do anything with anyone else, and they need to understand that.
I rant to, so it's okay.
Actually think i need senority to work full time all the full timers have been there for 20 plus years which is 18 more years or more than myself im actually pretty low on the ranks and just about everything works by senority. And your right if im not right with myself no one is gonna want me around any way. Though at the same time that don't sound too bad.
WolfofSorrow (you may have to be segmented)
Well, from semi experience, settlements don't take weeks, they take about a year, maybe in your case. My Dad's took over 6 years to finally settle. I shouldn't say that since it's very disheartening. I don't know how long car accidents settlements take, but seeing how you have no lawyer (actually a very wise choice) it may be awhile my friend.
That sucks a**
About the job, you really do need to find another job and quit that bitch. If not, DEMAND more hours! (even though I'm not sure how effective that is in a huge business).
Can't really demand more work all the extra stuff is taken by high seniority people. I also need the benefits primarily the possible $15000 over the course of 3 years for school which you gotta admit is a sweet deal.
I think my credit is about to take a dunk too (in my post today). Shred, and so does Jean, needs to start writing down every dollar spent. Every bill we pay and owe needs to be recorded. Every little cursed financial related shizz needs to be noted. Hopefully that'll take care of how much we owe and to whom we owe it too. As for the credit report, I'm sure you heard that cursed song on television more than I have,
I forgot about that site thanks and maybe I'll use a spread sheet for money tracking.
As for college, I'm doing heavy research for all kinds of scholarships. Number one, my brother and I will be SCREWED next two semesters due to the settlement. Scholarships and campus work are the only things that can help pay for college when grants and loans aren't there.
You see anything i can use you let me know
Yeah, I haven't gotten my W-2 either. I'm worried about filing for that rebate again. Didn't you do it and got chased by the IRS for it?
Nope ain't got attacked yet
I would tell you to help solve their problems, since studies prove that helping others minimizes stress, but considering how people are these days, you may get thrown in the drama, which will make more stress. So tell them not to bother you; or you can just let them rant towards you while you nod and shizz.
Just breathe man. Ya know I'm usually here for free rant listening sessions. I would tell you to talk about in the nice weather, but your weather is different from mine, and you live in a bad neighborhood. Sooooooo, HUGS! *hugs*
lol thanks *hugs back*
Think of the future Shred. One day, we'll all be living in a state we all agreed on (whichever one that'll be), in a nice estate with our own little houses; throwing awesome cookouts which involves steaks, ribs, and Vienna sausages (since Lin hates people food); listening to very loud Japanese rock, having the time of our lives. Hopefully we'll have awesome jobs to where we can support each other financially if needed, and give REAL hugs when needed! THINK OF A BRIGHT FUTURE! It's not gonna slove your problems, but we all need to smile in the darkest of times.
Well, longest comment I've ever written. Ahem. Just stay strong my friend. Something's good bound to happen. :]
Thanks and i can see how we could futuristically afford that but what about everyone else?
*hugs* you could have told me all of that in the IM yesterday, cause I was so lost as to everything that was going on... If you don't talk to me about these things, I never understand the full scale of what's going on and then I can't react properly to it. You know...
*sigh* It hasn't been a good few days for either of us... Though I think yesterday was mostly my fault -_-'
I hope things get better. And pretty please talk to me about this stuff. We need to understand where each other are coming from before we react in a manner that causes us to fight or w/e.
I need to go take a shower for work tonight. See ya whenever I"m on next
I'm sorry girly I'll make sure to tell you next time.
Well thats all everyone hope you all enjoy your day PEACE OUT oh and i'll try to comment but ive been sick and tired and my family got guitar hero world tour soooooo SOON AS I HAVE FREE TIME IM TOTALLY ON IT it would be rude not to *nods*
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

I just need to talk this time in my next post i'll reply to comments from this post and the last one
I am so messed up today just stressed like hell.
1. Well now that physical therapy has finished its getting about time that I end this dang accident settlement but i have paper work to do and bills to find and send to them along with all my doctor information and medical insurance information and since i don't have a lawyer to represent me i have to do it myself i have to figure a dollar amount for my pain and suffering and the inconvenience all the stuff the lawyer does, but if i use my mom's lawyer he'll do that but he'll take roughly 33% -_- like i need that shit im trying to save 1000 dollars for college stuff right now which brings me to something else
2. My job sucks normally i get 8 to 10 hours a week which is barely enough but now i don't get to work my saturdays so i've been getting less money lately and its killing me this whole gas for the mini van and laptop pc payments are killing me i have no idea how im supposed to save up AND i still don't have a new car i don't even wanna talk about the 2405 dollars we got for that....i just don't....
3. My mom told me the other day (some of you know about this) that my credit was bad she found mail for me today and i found out i owe people 12.50 i have no idea how many other people i could possibly owe money to this one letter can't possibly be it i need to figure out how to get a credit report -_- no telling how many bills i could have possibly missed because of this malarky
4. And then there is financial aid with all the money that is supposed to be coming with all the taxes and settlements around here i have no idea whats going to happen with my financial aid for college the way i have all the money calculated could be totally screwed if that goes wrong and on top of that i still haven't gotten my W2's from work or i have and its more lost mail -_- *controls hand and stops it from jamming a pen in my eye* any waaaaaaay *glares at hand*
5. While i was trying to figure out what to do about alllll that other mess my family starts fighting, sibs and parents both and they keep coming to me with their freaking crap like i need to be involved in their stupid little quarrels
6. I keep trying to make people happy i try to make everyone happy on the net in reality every where everyone wants to talk and play and spend time with me i have to schedule times for people, future dates into separate months everyone expects me to go away to a college THAT I HAVE NOT BEEN ACCEPTED TO YET and do well and get a good job and make money and my aunt wants me to get a girl friend I-am-going-fucking-in-sane i just need people to back off and things to slow down i mean holy fucking shit give me a damn break just thinking about it all shortens my breath i just need time that no one wants to give me.
well if any of you actually finished that and read it all thanks i just needed to complain/rant/whatever
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

Well my site is done emeraldsky finished it yesterday and personally I think its sexeh all eagley and stuff.
I hung out with my friends the other day played vid games ordered pizza it was cool though some guy I didn't know was there and he annoyed me he only got to live because he could play Enter Sandman by Metalica on the guitar. Nothing really notable happened though.
It is comment reply time sometimes i do this sometimes I don't it depends on the number of comments im responding to.
Alphonse13:ooh a new layout huh? sounds cool bet it'll be awesome!
xD oh thats funny! having a conversation about Jamo's name! xD and its cool because now i know how to pronounce it and i was right about it! xD i can't remember who i was talking about Jamo's name with awhile ago lol
sounds like a good plan i'll have to switch colleges in awhile,
Reply: Yes it is awesome and its very cool. oorah so where are you looking to switch colleges?
Emeraldsky: *reads jamo's comment*
LOL thankies jamo @.@ I now know how to pronounce your name lol.
Anyway, Yeah I am trying to work on that layout but I might be too tired tonight @.@ I'm doing my best lol.
Sorry about college. But maybe you needed this to get a second job for a bit so you could save up the money you needed for college, ne? lol idk. Sounded good at the time @.@
Think Ima play games with you or w/e lol. So yeah. xD
Reply: yep I'ma save up some cash and such and correct me if I'm wrong but i think we both pronounced her name wrong @_@
Jamo: O.M.G. YOU GUYS HAD A CONVERSATION ABOUT MY NAME!!! That is so awesome! Well since my real name is Jamie, and Jamo is one of my nicknames, I chose that. It just fit. And it's like this J- mo. That's how you would say it. Like Jay, with mo. Hehe hope that works. My other nicknames are moe, and, this is used by my brother ONLY, Jameson.
This makes me laugh!
Reply: lol thanks Jamo and yes we did really have a conversation about your name and it seems alphonse13 did as well you can now be proud that your name is an uncommon yet intriguing enough name to cause a casual conversation
Kiba051095:I remember when I first joined here, I got like 14 comments a day at least, and now I get at most 4... 4 is a good number these days though! xD I love getting comments, and I get sad when I don't get any...
Haha did you really have a conversation about jamo's name?? Haha, sounds like something I would do! xD
I want a job, but I can't seem to get one. :/
Yeah multiple comments is rare its kinda depressing. lol Yes i did and it was riveting. Yeah finding work is almost impossible lately almost no point in looking right after peak season either.
I'm so sleepy right now -_- freakin work is killing me get up at 2:30 be at work by 3:45 work for two hours then go home -_- If any of this doesn't make sense or something just ask me to clarify in your comment cause im all out of it.
Well today i shall close with a question.
How did you come up with your otaku name?
NOTE: Jamo doesn't have to re-answer
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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

Ok people I know you've noticed that my site looks all messed up well thats because its all under construction emeraldsky is building me a new one and it's gonna be awesome to.
I never do anything on here yet i got 4 comments that crap was amazing to me. OH JAMO hopefully you read this cauuuuuse how do you pronounce your name? Cause i was all "maybe its like this" and emeraldsky was all "maybe its like that" and i was all "you know what ima just ask her" so thats what I'm doing. And yes we really did have a conversation on your name cause we do that.
Well my college doesn't have anything for me to take this semester there were two classes but they are all full probably because they have so fewer classes in everything else -_- so im just not going to take classes this semester I'm going to try to find a second job and try to get into Collins College it'll be tough but its what i got.
I believe that concludes things ENJOY LIFE PEOPLE
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bleh don't feel good
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

I feel kinda sickly idk why ive felt like this for a really long time though i don't even think im contagious actually which is good because im going to see a friend of mine today he joined the army and will be leaving soon so i decided to hang with him while he's still here
Since my most recent car accident ive been taking physical therapy and I gotta tell ya the excercises the lady teaches me use muscles ive never used before so im in a good deal of pain @_@
If your wondering why the random post then thats cause I'll be tying to post more often and read peoples posts more often buuuut thats all for now cause I'm tired so i'll see ya later
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

Woooo I never post on here. I've been thinking about something for a few months that I have noticed about people and myself. People worry about lots of things I don't do that. In fact I refuse to do that I'm not a worrier and when I do I become disgusted with myself. "Well your just lazy" *slaps person* wrong I'm not lazy, laziness has nothing to do with it. "You just don't understand" *slaps person* wrong again I do understand when I do something 9 times out of 10 I'll have a very strong understanding of the situation if I have to jump off a building and land onto the next building I'm not just thinking "oh well I'll either get hurt or not get hurt" no,while some people are freaking out thinking "oh no what do I do what do I do what do I do" I'm trying to figure the distance speed and landing so that I can come out of this ok. "Well you should worry more" *glares at person* no I shouldn't worry more maybe freaking out and worrying helps some people but thats not going to help me worrying doesn't solve anything actions do if there is a problem calmly assess the situation and solve it logically why does there need to be fear and worry? My mother gets onto me about this kind of crap all the time its annoying as hell "Well you need to be as concerned as I am" Who in the hell told you I wasn't? Unless I tell you I'm not concerned then make no assumption that I'm not concerned and on top of that if I'm not concerned leave me the hell alone about it you can't MAKE me be concerned AND there might be a good reason I'm not concerned I hate explaining myself but if you need it I'll give you one but of course you have to ask there is no point in talking to someone who already "knows" the answers. I do things at my own pace in my own manner in the way I like to do them I WILL NOT take up your way of doing things unless I have tried to do things my own way and failed EVERY time. So perhaps if maybe you have a concern or something you can ask me what I think instead of assuming I'm just lazy and don't care cauuuuuuuuse your not me so you have absolutely no idea what I'm thinking or planning regardless how much anyone thinks they understand the situation.
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

Hi! xD
This is emeraldsky posting for shred cause he didn't feel like posting hehe x3
Anyway, I'm here posting about this new petition I came up with today. It's about bringing myOtaku back to it's former self. I was hoping if enough people signed, the mods on theOtaku would see how many of us still wanted myOtaku back and maybe do something about it.
Sooo yeah.... the site is here! Please please sign the petition if you support us. I need as much help as I can get xD Don't just let myO rot on the inernet. Let's try to do something about it!
So siiiign! You know you wanna!! x3
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

I believe the back of my mind brought me here since when ever i had a issues i'd randomly rant here since one one will read this why not do it again but then again.........perhaps i'll just write it else where...someone will read it with my luck and i'll have to explain it so no
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Friday, May 8, 2009
Alright folks so I’m 20, 21 in August and I’m a College student long before VV I was on here often chatting with some of the most amazing people the otaku world had to offer we still have some of the awesome folk but not many most people moved to VV but I don’t rightly like those folks so I stay here….kinda….ANY WAY
I like anime, card games, movies, video games, and music my favorite rock band is Linkin park my favorite rap artist is Snoop dogg or Ice Cube leaning towards the Cube and my favorite j-rock artist is Nightmare.
I like to read so don't diss books in front of me its annoying annnnnnd lets see well I don't talk much because I’ve basically given up on the world people usually just annoy me. Well thats about it if you have any questions just ask

As you can see my site is freakin awesome emeraldsky did it for me cause I was too lazy to make my own and it turned out awesome DRAGONS FTW lovin the papyrus
Yooooooo whats up people very sorry I haven’t been around had some personal business then there was the whole school thing which by the way is pretty much over thank the lord it was getting troublesome now ima see about summer guitar lessons and a second job at a fast food joint for the summer need some strong income hmmmmmm don’t think I got much else to say to yall see ya soon then
This survey is being done for mizu (she has a site here to get there just click mizu in my friends thing I’d type her user name but screw that noise) since she got it from me I shall return the favortism
Would/will you?
[yeeeeep] Come to my house to do nothing at all but chill?
[I would but apparently you can’t fight] Fight me?
[yeahhhh noooooooooo definately not] kiss me?
[nope]Let me kiss you?
[yep] Watch a movie with me?
[not alone] Go out to dinner with me?
[sure why not] Sing car karaoke with me?
[doing so] Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[nope] Hold my hand?
[last time I checked you couldn’t cook so no] Let me make you breakfast?
[doubt I could but sure] Help me with homework?
[nope Tickle me?
[over my dead body and I’d fight it then to] Let me tickle you?
[yep] Instant message me?
[up be all HEY THERE *insert name*] Greet me in public?
[yep] Hang out with me?
[sure but what happens to your mind after that aint my fault] Bring me around your friends?
[yup] Be down with me no matter what?
[nope] Go out with me?
Do you?
[nnn nope] Think I'm cute?
[I’d say about 50% of the time] Think I'm serious?
[yes] Think I'm a good person?
[not in the least] Think I'm conceided?
[no] Want to kiss me?
[no] Want to cuddle with me?
[no] Want to hook up with me?
[as a friend] Love me?
Am I?
[yeah when your not being lazy] Smart?
[didn’t I have one of this already?] Cute?
[yes] Funny?
[e_o uhhh no] Sexy?
[yup] Cool?
[no idea] Romantic?
[you warp the fabric of time and space e_e] A freak?
[if your gangster im ] Gangster?
[sure] Lovable?
[ummm no] Adorable?
[yep congrats you have breached the shred barrier of paranoia *shakes hand*] Trustworthy
[um….maybe?] Compassionate?
[ sure] Great to be with?
[hmmmmmm definately did this one] Attractive?
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