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Nothing notable as of yet. I'll let you know when I achieve something great...
Anime Fan Since
I became an anime fan late in 2004 thanks to my good friends Rice Flinga and ToonMasta.
Favorite Anime
I have enjoyed nearly every anime I have encountered so far.
To become a better artist and make many good friends.
Art, Video Gaming, Music, Reading, Writing, Sports (Football), Swordplay, and did I mention Art?
See Hobbies.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
This is going to be a long post...
Sorry that I haven't posted lately or put up new fan art. The looming shadow of an ever mounting pile of homework combined with the demanding amount of time I spend playing football has left me with little time to ever visit my friends here on the Otaku. Fortunately, I am still able to find time on weekends, so I shall most likely add my fan art then.
Aah, so where to start... well, it's been a good week or two since my last post, and a great deal has happened since then. I just got back from a Varsity Football game at my school, which we won! Score ended up being 19 to 12... and it was a really fun game. My friend Rice Flinga was there to watch me play. (She's part of the band that plays at the games.) A really wonderful evening for me, as you can see.
Hmmm... in other news, I got the Japanese class I wanted so badly, so now I am learning a great deal about both Japanese culture and customs. I have also learned Japanese Hiragana reasonably well... I just love that class! Normally I hate school with a passion that burns with the fires of hell. (was that too extreme?) But this year is going to be much better I think. I'll always have ToonMasta and Rice Flinga to hang out with if I get depressed, and I also have all of my friends here on the Otaku. So life is good. Well, that's all that is falling out of my head and onto my keyboard right now. I hope to have up some new fan art in a day or two, and until then, I'll just visit around on all my friend's Otaku sites!
See ya!
Sore ja mata!
P.S. Please continue to direct your prayers towards those still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina and the New Orleans disaster. Thanks!
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Friday, September 2, 2005
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow.
My last little vacation with my family starts tomorrow, so I'll be gone for a few days. I'll miss you all, so give me lots of good stuff to read and admire when I get back. Okay?
Ja ne!
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Hey everyone!
I just wanted to ask you all to keep the people suffering from Hurricane Katrina in your thoughts and prayers. I have no idea what it must be like to have your home washed away and your city underwater... it must be horrible for them. Pray for those people!
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Where has the summer gone!?
I can't believe that school is starting so soon... I am just not ready! It seems that only yesterday I was celebrating the end of a tough school year and the beginning of the only freedom I have ever known... and now that freedom has gone with the turn of the wind. Alas, such is the fate of a student.
*SIGH* I am sitting here enjoying my last hour of free time before I must leave for another of the dreaded football practices... I am beginning to develop an intense dislike for those. Anyway, I just submitted a picture of my cat... I hope you like it. I wasn't truely inspired to do any real artwork, so I kinda just made a random picture. My cat is sort of my companion in many of my stories that I've written, so I drew him to appear as he does in those stories. He's really cool.
If you can't tell, I'm just rambling on about this nonsense because I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. My soul feels like a chunk of lead right now... I really really don't wanna go to school!!!!
Aah, well... time to go to football now. See you all later, my friends!
Ja ne!
Oh... and which character from Tales of Symphonia would I be? Well...
 You are Kratos Aurion, a mercenary for hire who has been hired to protect Colette. You are an extremely useful character, and are a bit stronger than Lloyd. When everyone gets to the Tower of Salvation, you reveal yourself as an angle of Cruxis, an half-elf orginization. Lloyds team then attacks you. After that, you run into Lloyds group several other times. Two times you are fighting him. The other two he is in your party. Kratos has most of the attacks Lloyd has, and some magic attacks too. His control is almost identicle to Zelos.
What character from Tales of Symphonia are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Wow... it has been a while.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I've been rather preoccupied with my daily 7 hour football practices... and too tired to do anything but sleep when those are over. Yes, you guessed right... I've been back from my road trip for half a week now. Thanks for the prayers for a safe trip. I assure you all that they were very much appreciated.
Well, I have managed to complete one art piece that is Otaku worthy... and I will try and get it up tomorrow. Until then, goodnight my friends. Zzzz.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
I'm going on a road trip...
Hey everybody! I'm leaving on a 9 hour road trip today. Unfortunately, I'll be doing most of the driving... so I'm gonna be really tired. *sigh* Hopefully when I get back I will have more art to post on The Otaku.
Pray for a safe trip for me and my family! Farewell, my friends... for now.
See ya soon!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I finally finished it!
I've been working on a picture in paint for almost two weeks now, and its finally finished! I had no idea how hard it would be to complete a larger picture in paint. I've always used it to create small images, but wow... my hand is soooooo tired from constant clicking. Well, I think this will be the last time I do a picture this large... its taken me a solid 10 hours to do.
So, go look at my Fan Art to see it. Please do tell me what you think!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
My art is up!
The two anime pictures I did while on vacation are on Otaku now. Look at my fan art to see them. I decided that I wasn't going to submit the sketches I did of Crater Lake and the surrounding area because technically, they're not anime. Well, I hope you enjoy the artwork I submitted.
Ja ne!
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
I'm Back!
Hey everyone! I'm back from vacation! I was able to finish two drawings while I was away, and I'll be submitting them soon. My vacation was awesome. I went to Crater Lake, one of the deepest lakes in the world. The water there was the cleanest and bluest water I have ever seen. I took a boat ride out across the lake, and the landmarks were incredible. I saw the Phantom Ship, a rock formation shaped like a 16th century sailing vessel. I also saw a 3000ft high rock formation that is rightly named "the Devil's Spine."
There is something to be said about floating in a 1900ft deep lake that was once the magma chamber of an awe inspiring volcano that just radiates power. You can truely see the glory of God when you are sitting in a beautiful lake below the cliffs of a collapsed volcanic chamber once filled with the fires of the earth. Only God could create something so beautiful.
Well, with that said, I shall get back to the business of artwork. My true passion. May God guide my pencil to create works of art that reflect His glory.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Finished One!
My family delayed the wacation for a day, thus giving me time to submit my latest piece of artwork! I hope to see it up within a day or two. Anyway, thanks for all the support, my friends! I'll miss you guys, but I have to admit... I can't wait to get some relaxing time. Well... bye!
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