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Nothing notable as of yet. I'll let you know when I achieve something great...
Anime Fan Since
I became an anime fan late in 2004 thanks to my good friends Rice Flinga and ToonMasta.
Favorite Anime
I have enjoyed nearly every anime I have encountered so far.
To become a better artist and make many good friends.
Art, Video Gaming, Music, Reading, Writing, Sports (Football), Swordplay, and did I mention Art?
See Hobbies.
| Shroudcaster
Monday, August 29, 2005
Where has the summer gone!?
I can't believe that school is starting so soon... I am just not ready! It seems that only yesterday I was celebrating the end of a tough school year and the beginning of the only freedom I have ever known... and now that freedom has gone with the turn of the wind. Alas, such is the fate of a student.
*SIGH* I am sitting here enjoying my last hour of free time before I must leave for another of the dreaded football practices... I am beginning to develop an intense dislike for those. Anyway, I just submitted a picture of my cat... I hope you like it. I wasn't truely inspired to do any real artwork, so I kinda just made a random picture. My cat is sort of my companion in many of my stories that I've written, so I drew him to appear as he does in those stories. He's really cool.
If you can't tell, I'm just rambling on about this nonsense because I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. My soul feels like a chunk of lead right now... I really really don't wanna go to school!!!!
Aah, well... time to go to football now. See you all later, my friends!
Ja ne!
Oh... and which character from Tales of Symphonia would I be? Well...
 You are Kratos Aurion, a mercenary for hire who has been hired to protect Colette. You are an extremely useful character, and are a bit stronger than Lloyd. When everyone gets to the Tower of Salvation, you reveal yourself as an angle of Cruxis, an half-elf orginization. Lloyds team then attacks you. After that, you run into Lloyds group several other times. Two times you are fighting him. The other two he is in your party. Kratos has most of the attacks Lloyd has, and some magic attacks too. His control is almost identicle to Zelos.
What character from Tales of Symphonia are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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