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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Yuki's Quizes!
These were made by MY lover!
 All out yaoi!
How much of yaoi fan are? brought to you by Quizilla
I did the queitions!
 Pink-You're cute,sweet,and cry ALOT.You're not smart and get easely scared.But you're so damn kawii!No one can help but agree!
What's your anime hair color?(By Yuki &Shuichi) brought to you by Quizilla
 Pesonalty-You love there self.You should be proud!
Why do you love you boy/girl friend? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
The girly one. You're more of the sweetest side of a blonde. Your sweet, a cutie and proble like pink fluffy things. You're not that smart and get scaried eazy and you proble cry alot. You hate being alone and are more of a dunce,but you can be tough once in a while and your a great friend.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 COOL! the perfect couple. You and your boy friend are mostly like Makoto and Rune Venus. When you two met it was love at first sight. He thinks of you as a warm,caring,compassionate person. AS no one else love Rune as Makoto.I hope your happy because you make me sick.
Which anime couple are you and your boy friend like? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, You're in love or like a person who you're not aloud to see. Maybe he/she's to old ,or to younge or your parents don't aprove. Here's a tip for your love CRISIS, DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO,FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND LISON TO YOUR FRINDS AND FAMILY. BUT defently follow your heart,kay^-^
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
So true,my partents kicked me out for doing so,but I DON'T CARE!^-^
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hi!Member me?
Hi!Sorry I haven't been on!My com doesn't work for shit!Anyway life has been okay!My "Gravitataion vol.3:One million copies"is dead,along with the DVD player!And I thing I finily mastered english!

Also Chi has disided to be ubused with Tohma!
Feel the love!Nittle Grasper!Bad Luck!Gravitation!WHEEEEE!

I feel bad for Noriko,nobody loves her......

Well see you when ever!
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Saturday, October 16, 2004

I have no clue why I put ths up.
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 A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?
 Which Evangelion Child Are You?
 You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Shu-chan's adoptables
If you can write html you can now adopt from me!All imgs from: www.nittlegrasper.com

Or if you can restist those:

Even still:

That all fock!
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It my birthday!WHEEE!CAKE!!!!!!!!!!PARTY!PARTY!PARTY!*smile*
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I sleepy......
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Do you rember me?
HI!Do you rember me?I moved.I sorry I wasn't online.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
This damn movie I watching won't load!!!!It pissing me off!GRRRRR!
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