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Ni Yuki-chan shinzo!
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
"Shining Collection" By Nittle Grasper
Garasu no bedo ni toraware no motion
Tesaguri de shukujo wa kamikudaku
Soliday na tail de midara na hane collection
Himei hodo mujaki na yoruga hoshii
Yuuutsu no borode odoru jiyuu to uso ni tsuda nukare
Moroku maichiru puzzle kono shihai kara tobitate
Kiss shining hitomi ni kuchizukete
Toke dasu hanabira mo jama ni naru
Make me shining irozuku shigeki no hate ni
Kagayakihajimeta maboroshi
Shikai wo nukedashita panorama no dimension
Kanpeki na gitai wa tada furueru
Cheap na shokushu wa mitsu wo motomeru reaction
Tsumetakutemo hiwai na kimi ga mitai
Nanairo ni moteasobu waki-da-shita kairaku no umi
Kage ga fuchidoru game kono sekai kara uchinuke
Kiss shining kodoku wo katashidori
Karamaru koukai ga kuu wo kiru
Make me shining chirabaru kokoro no hahenra
Mabushiku sugisaru kibou ni
Ta-iki wa somaru akaku nureta yubisaki ni habatakenu
chou no namida
Subete wa suna ni naru shining, make you cry
Kiss shining hitomi ni kuchizukete
Toke dasu hanabira mo jama ni naru
Kill me shining irozuku shigeki no hate ni
Kagayakihajimeta maboroshi
Please don't cryin' kodoku wo katashidori
Karamaru koukai ga kuu wo kiru
Make me shining chirabaru kokoro no hahenra
Mabushiku sugisaru kibou ni
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 Dreamer! You love to dream and laze around. Girls will love your sensitive heart and your cute shyness!
What kind of Boy are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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this is my survey | if you had a pet earwig what would you name it?: | Buggy-chan! | do you write poems?: | I write love poems! | do you consider plaid a color?: | No,but Chi do! | are you on a diet?: | Why you care? | are you in a relationship?: | YUP!I love my Yuki-chan. | do you have pets?: | Yup,three cats! | what do you like to do in your spare time?: | Sing! | what kind of music do you like?: | I like Nittle Grasper! | can a cow turn red if left out in the sun too long?: | Wha--? | have you ever swallowed a bug?: | No,why? | have you gotten stung by a bee?: | I hate bees! | does size matter?: | What...? | do you like roses?: | Yup! | what color?: | Red or Pink! | do you like food?: | Yup! | do you think you're too fat?: | No. | do you excercise?: | No,not realy. | have you ever touched a chicken?: | Wha--? | do you drink?: | Sometime... | do you smoke?: | No. | do you do drugs?: | No. | are you gay?: | Yup! | are you a lesbian?: | No,I a guy! | are you straight?: | No. | do you like to hug random people?: | Yup,all time! | are you depressed?: | No,why would I be? | would you give your second cousin's fourth cousin twice removed a kidney?: | Wha--? | do you go through other people's things: | I only mess with my friend stuff,but they mess with mine too. | do you like clothes?: | Why? | do you do the dew?: | Wha--? | do you like parties?: | Yup! | are you a homebody?: | What a "homebody"? | do you go out in public?: | Yup! | do you have pasty skin?: | No. | do you go to camp?: | No. | are you a senior citizen?: | No,I 17! | do you like senior citizens?: | I like everbody! | is your grandmother alive?: | Why? | have you ever eaten something that was alive?: | No,I would never do that! | do you like chocolate?: | Yup! | do you have plaid pants?: | No. | do you have a band t-shirt?: | Dose my Nittle Grasper shirt count? | have you ever heard of coheed and cambria?: | No. | do you eat?: | Yup! | do you throw up your food?: | Only if Rei or Chi cook it! | The Opposite Sex | should your perfect match be chubby, fat, or skinny?: | Why? | best hair color?: | Blonde! | best eye color?: | Blue! | height?: | I donno.... | long or short eye lashes?: | ........ | their favorite sport?: | I hate sport...... | should they be funny?: | Sometime.... | should they be sweet?: | Yup! | should they play an instrument?: | No. | should they care about you?: | Yup! | should they love you?: | Yup! | should they be sympathetic?: | Yup! | should the guy be a little feminine?: | Why? | should the girl have big boobs?: | ....... | should they like your friends?: | Yup! | Ok I'm Done With That | do you brush after every meal?: | No. | do you watch tv?: | Yup! | do you watch nickelodeon?: | What "Nickelodeon"? | do you like pizza?: | Yup! | if your brother swallowed his girlfriend what would you do?: | I don't have brother! | do you think santa is real?: | I not answering that. | who is your favorite reindeer?: | No. | who is your favorite of the seven dwarfs?: | Wha--? | do you believe in magic?: | Yup! | how about fairies?: | YUp! | what do you think of gay marriage?: | Everyone lives their own lives... | abortion?: | What that? | sex before marriage?: | Why? | syblings?: | I like my sis. | cousins?: | I don't have cousins. | have you ever bitten someone?: | No,that mean! | do you find your grandparents unbearably annoying?: | Not anwsering. | do you know how to spell unbearably?: | I do now! | can you mow a lawn?: | Yup! | do you have a job?: | No. | does food eat you?: | Wha--? | do you write books?: | No. | are you a teenager?: | Yup! | do you like cake?: | Yup! | do you have friends?: | Yup! | how many?: | 100s | is it summer right now?: | Why? | well this is almost over, but stick around theres more questions: | Okay! | but i have to fill up these last few spots: | Okay! | so...: | What? | does your house have roaches?: | No. | do you have a cat?: | Yup! | well...........: | "Well"what? | do you watch mtv?: | No. | vh1?: | What? | do eat chips?: | Yup! | favorite kind?: | Hulapinyo! | its almost over: | Okay! | do you have a sister?: | Yup!Her name Mitsune! | whats your middle name?: | I donno.... | do you like pictures taken of yourself?: | No. | BYE: | Ja ne! |
This is my wonderful, weird, awesome, SHITRIFFIC, random survey!! brought to you by BZOINK!
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
More quizes!
 ...a hidden sorrow
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
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I love quizes!
 You're the innocent child! A young little girl with large wide eyes and a nave expression on her face, you will probably meet up with the party when they come to your hometown or they save you from some horrible fate. You may be related to an important character in the story, or you are a survivor of some terrible event. At any rate, you develop a strong bond with the hero and probably end up developing a sibling-relationship with them, viewing the entire party as members of your family. Your innocence and trust reminds the group of what they are fighting for and trying to protect, and your words strengthen the resolve in their hearts without you even noticing it. Being the adorable thing that you are, most people will want to stoop down and hug you for being so cute. Despite perhaps seeing some awful things, the child in you never seems to fade away completely, and you have large amounts of love and hope. Always try to retain that innocence, because there are many people who would risk their lives to protect it!
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know why I take this one....
 You're Fiona!
Which character from the anime 'Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force' are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're the one that the hero is out to save. You're there to try and help the hero out but always seem to end up being the one who gets saved. And somehow you manage to steal a kiss from the hero, and steal the heart. ^.~ Even though at time it might seem the hero is a bit controling or a jerk.
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Quizes again
 Water. Whatever you do, where or when, you do it with all of your heart. You listen to your heart and all of your emotions are true non-acting. Friends are very importent to you and you will do anything for them. You're the most dreamy of all 4 elements.
What is your element? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Grouper. You like to be in a group and are in 1 too. You have all the friends you ever wanted and are really happy with it, but beware! The group can not solve all your problems and you're maybe not able to give your opinion.
What kind of group person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're not dark!!! Did you take the quiz just to discover that? I mean, you must be some kind of angel to get this result between all the darkness...
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, June 28, 2004
 ~SAMURI GIRL~ Your nice and wise and bueatiful.Your strong and cool. Isn't the gif so cute.^-^
What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS brought to you by Quizilla
 COOL! the perfect couple. You and your boy friend are mostly like Makoto and Rune Venus. When you guys met it was love at first sight. He thinks of you as a warm,caring,compassionate person. AS no one else love Rune as Makoto.I hope your happly because you make me sick.
which anime couple are you and your boy friend like? brought to you by Quizilla
~ANIME OR GAMES~it's my lil brothers.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
 ~~~%SWEET LOVE%~~~
You have a avage normal love life. Where you care dearly about someone. That's normal. Tip, don't get to attach to people,your sweet love could be broken like that.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
*hold up mittle fingure*We no spilt for 3 months!
 ~KENSHIN~ Your Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin.
Kenshin is a peacefull, wonderer, with a bad pass. He's kind,sweet,nice, and always trys to find an easy nonvilint way out of arguments, but if he has to fight he will. As a child his parent were killed and he was raised by his master who tought him lots os cool sword moves.
Wha anime brat are you? NEW!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Your~Sweet and Kind~Himora kenshin. You're the most sweetest and kindness person ever. You bring peace to everyone, dosen't matter what they look like,act or what there personality is. You bring a smile to everyone you meet. You're sweet heart is Ms.Kaoru. She hasn't showed her feelinds, but you know.
what anime guy are you? *UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
Am I really like Kenshin?
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Trip By:Chi,Rei,Mika,Shuichi,Yuki,and Yumi
Chi:Let's go on a road trip!
Mika:I hate road trips....
Shuichi:Road trip!
Yuki:Fine....Chi's paying for gas.
~6 hours later~
Mika:Everyone packed?
Yuki:Let's go then.
Rei:Can we bring Yumi along?
Yuki:I don't care!
*tier pops on the way to Yumi's house*
Yumi:Hey are you okay?*fixes tier*
Rei,Mika,&Chi:Can we go now?!
Yumi:*gets in car*Where are we going?
Mika:The Moon!
Yuki:Make up your Goddamn minds!
Yumi:I've never been to Tokyo let's go there!
~Later that night~
Shuichi:Yuki-chan I'm tried let's stay somewhere.....*whinne*
Rei:*yawns*Yeah I'm tried too.
Chi:There's a place!*points at creepy old hotle*
Mika:Let's stay there.I'll pay.I'm not siting in the car anymore today!
Yuki:Fine....*pulls over at creepy hotle*
All:*gets out of car**walks into creepy old hotle*
Shuichi:I no wanna stay here!It scarey!
Mika:Room for 6 please.*gets room key*
All:*walks into room with broken window,baby light,and one TV*
Shuichi:*hold on to Yuki-chan's arm*I scared!
Rei:*sits in corner next to window*I like it here!
Chi:*dusts of bed*Yuck!Doesn't anyone clean this place?!
Mika:*tries to trun on TV*Does this thing work?
Yuki:Tries to pile Shuichi of arm*
Shuichi:*let go Yuki-chan's arm*I still scared......*sits down on bed*
All:*gose to sleep*
*spider crawls on bed*
Mika:What's wrong is everybady okay?!
Rei:*freaks out*What the fuck is going on?!
Chi:Witch one of you idiots screamed and why?
Yumi:Wha--?*goes back to sleep*
Yuki:*tries to comfert Shuichi*
~In the morning~
Mika:This is crapy!Let's go home!
Yuki:Fine you're driving.
Shuichi:*holding Yuki-chan's arm*Yeah let's go home.*still scared*
Chi:Ah man!
Rei:I liked it here!
Yumi:Whatever.....I can always go on my own!
~Back home~
Chi:that trip sucked!
Rei:*is going back to creepy hotle on bike*
Yuki:*tring to pull Shuichi off arm*
Mika:Yup,it sucked!
~The End~
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Are you an InuYasha fan? brought to you by Quizilla
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The girly one. You're more of the sweetest side of a blonde. Your sweet, a cutie and proble like pink fluffy things. You're not that smart and get scaried eazy and you proble cry alot. You hate being alone and are more of a dunce,but you can be tough once in a while and your a great friend.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
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