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10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
Duh duh duh my week
Persona 4
Hey guys sorry for my lack of updates and visits after the convention i was really tired and very sick. You can forgive me right!? Well here is my week.
Friday- We left for Ohayocon and picked up my grandma. On the way there we talked but i fell asleep and when i woke up i could see Columbus in the distance. When we got the hotel it was so fancy! I felt like i was a princess lol. But we got our room and on the way up we saw a Hinata, Neji and Akasuki cosplayer. We screamed lol. Our room was ok we got a view of a cathedral which was very pretty at night. We left for the convention after we finished our outfits. (Sasuke's took 5 minutes and yet it looked cool lol) We weren't going to dress up but Akemi wanted to so we did. We waited in like for like 2 hours and finally got our tickets. By then we had 2 pictures taken of us. Being our first cosplay it surprised us. But we left due to nothing happening and ordered pizza at the hotel.
Went downstairs for breakfast and i felt like i was getting sick so didn't eat much. We left for the convention and walked around the dealers room till 1. Then we waited outside the cosplay performance room. I was so freaked out. But we went in and they loved our skit. We left and just walked around and we got our pictures taken some more. We we're happy but i felt even more sick. At 4:30 we went to the cosplay performance rehearsal and we were group 2. When we went up though they couldn't hear us. We didn't know it was best to have recorded dialog. So we quit and tried watching the performance but it was to depressing so we left. When we got back to the hotel we went to the Chinese restaurant there and i got ramen. It was good it actually looked like the ramen in naruto. Well we went back upstairs and stayed up till 2 doing random stuff but i had to sleep on the floor which i can not do so that night i didn't sleep but like a hour.
Woke up thinking i was going to die. 1 hour of sleep+ being sick= not good. We went to the convention and bought some medicine for me. I didn't want to eat much so we bought a omelet for all of us to share. (ME, Laseatia, Akemi)Not much happened we just bought more stuff. We ended up getting our own plushies i got a Roxas. One miss call japanese version and chinese dresses, also i got a gravitation t-shirt. Well that's it for now i promise to upload stuff from it but i need to go now well bye! |
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Persona 4
HI GUYS! Ohayocon is finally here and i am ready! Yeah we're going to perform there and play DDr and dance and talk and just have fun! Can you tell i am hyper?! Yes i can not wait! Laseatia and Akemi don't seem to excited hold on.
Ichigo- "I have a question...who is excited?!" -says to akemi and laseatia.
Akemi and Laseatia- YEAH!
So yeah i forgot to visit i'm sorry! We had last minute cosplay preparations and i ended up losing my naruto jacket at the store but luckily we found it so that was scary. But i have to end this now maybe if our hotel i can get a connection on my laptop i will come on and visit everyone! Ok well bye bye!

"Squeezable Foxes Let's go!" Yeah the name of our cosplay group >.<

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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Persona 4
Yeah i was going to visit the last two days but my friends were over and i got really addicted to these two movies that before i knew it was 12. Sad and those movies were High School Musical i never thought i would actually like them but they were pretty good. I didn't care for much of the second movies music though the first one had a lot of good songs. Yeah well while watching HSM i thought of the cutest akuroku skit so i can't wait to perform it but we need our group together first lol. Yeah so the convention is in 6 days scary...and i realized something; Ohayocon has very strict masquerade rules. I mean come on more freedom people! So yeah I'm looking more towards otakon for doing our akuroku skit and cosplay but ohayocon will be fun if my mom doesn't ruin it for me she only wants us to go for the day. I was like no! We're really nervous though now our skit is going to change again! But it's all good we will just be practicing all Friday night and Saturday lol. So i am going to my grandmas Monday to finish naruto and then we will be finished!Yeah but i am not to excited on cosplaying as Naruto he has such weird hair, I just want to cosplay as Roxas already!!! i will visit today! So yeah i think i may go to bed considering it is almost 1 A.M. Well bye guys!

"I like pudding!" - Akemi Yeah i had my camcorder out and she said that she didn't know what to say , so laseatia told her to say something random lol.


HAHA going to be me and Laseatia at Otakon but singing included lol. |
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Persona 4
Hey everyone well how was everyone's christmas? Hopefully good. Did you get what you wanted? Me, i got stuff i was least expecting to get.
--From my parents I got--
Super Mario Galaxy
A wii sensor (my dog chewed up my last one)
A wii remote so i can play with my friends now
Japanese candy like pocky and Ramune
Spider Man 3
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire (not the one i wanted i wanted the newest one but oh well)
--From my sister--
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
--From my aunt--
Body lotion
--From my grandma on my mom's side--
Cooking Mama
--From my grandparents on my dad's side--
Kyo Kara Moah volume 3
Naruto doll
And something else that will remain a secret just in case Laseatia is reading this.
So yeah i love all my gifts and i watched Paprika yesterday and loved it! Defiantly recommended! So yeah convention is next weekend and i am trying to get a hold of my friends so they can come over and help me prepare tomorrow. But no luck so far so wish me luck ok! Bye! oh yeah like my new theme? It's a hyper theme since the convention is next week and we will most likely be playing DDR so combine the two yay! And the character i always play as is my background so cool lol.

"Don't you think dreams and the Internet are similar? They are both areas where the repressed conscious mind vents." - Paprika

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Persona 4
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm the first one up this morning cause i have to cook breakfast and finish my friends Sasuke shirt all before we go to my grandma's so i thought i should come online and say merry Christmas to all my online friends. So is everyone getting what they wanted? I have gotten so far Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 and cooking Mama. I have yet to open the gifts from my parents cause they are asleep. But i will update tomorrow and tell what i got. So have a great Christmas everyone and i hope you have a a lot of fun and get the presents you want. Oh and if you don't celebrate Christmas well Happy Holidays! Well bye bye!

(Me and my dad use to watch Charlie Brown Christmas every year)
"I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included." - Bernard Manning

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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Persona 4
Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update but i was planning on just updating this weekend due to how busy school was keeping me. Exams are next week after all -sigh- I'm nervous! But it is finally the weekend. So finally some time to work on my cosplay! Yeah i guess i surprised someone that my Naruto costume has yet to be finished and that got me to thinking. Why isn't finished? I couldn't be that busy could I? so i wrote down our jobs in this cosplay group here is what it looked like...
Design Outfits
Rewrite skits
write skits
Ichigo (me)
Sew costumes
make weapons
Paint/decorate weapons
Buy/make accessories
Design wigs
Design outfits
Fight Coordinator (or the person who thinks of how the fighting should go...)
Write skits
So yeah i think some of the jobs should go to the others to help me out a little. So yeah at least now all i have to worry about is sewing Sasuke and Naruto's outfit and making the props for our skit. Oh is anyone going to otakon next year? Just a question. Well i think i am going to go and see if my dad is going to take me to the bank still. The snow is coming down fast outside! lol well bye guys!

"I've seen girls who cosplay and make better guy characters then even the guys do. So answer me this why can't i cosplay as Roxas?" Yeah that is something i said to my brother the other day. I told him i was going to cosplay as Naruto and Roxas. And he said i should stick to my own gender. That i would look ridiculous.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Persona 4
Well we finally got snow! On the days i don't want it...Today we have a field trip to CTC and now with the snow we may be canceled or we will go but we wont be able to do as much. Do you guys know CTC? It's a career tech school. I'm going for digital design. It pretty much is like going to college during high school. So it looks like a lot of fun and i get to learn animation even before we go but that wont be till my junior and senior year and only if i get accepted. And we are suppose to get more snow today and i have a anime meeting tomorrow. I hate it we will never have our meeting! But if we do get canceled i am forcing my dad to take me to the fabric store so i can finally get my fabric for Naruto!!! Yeah and my wig that i ordered like over a month a go got lost in the mail so he has to mail me another one and it needs to be here by January 4th yikes. It better be here before then cause i am not dyeing my hair blond i would not look right! But yeah not much has happened to me lately just been trying to get though school and get some money in my bank cause i am now unemployed. Oh is anyway watching tin man? I think it is pretty cool and the way that Scarecrow is dressed kind of reminds me of the outfits that MCR wear in Welcome To The Black Parade. Ok i think i am going to leave now. So bye guys!

"Don't look back. If you got something to do, then only look forward." - Kurogane ( RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE)

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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Persona 4
wow someone probably my dad and brother came into my room while i was at school and cleaned it!!! It's spotless! Yeah i was suppose to clean it but i rather be listening to music than cleaning so i never got to it lol but i never noticed how much space i had before now lol. I am kind of mad though they stacked my lounge chairs on top of each other so right now i am sitting on the ground typing this -sigh- but oh well. A-and they threw away my candy!!! Oh no!!!! Oh well i will buy more i guess.
Well i had to stay after today due to being behind in photography but i was so proud my film came out! It was the first one i had done by my self!
Well my friends can't come over this weekend which suck cause my mom is being a witch again. I guess since i was playing Final Fantasy X downstairs one day at 9 at night. Before that i cleaned the house and my room like my everyday chores and i thought well i will play final fantasy for a hour and go to bed. Well obvousily i was suppose to be cleaning all night long. Cause my mom got angry and was all 'Your friends can't come over this weekend because instead of cleaning your room you were down here playing!' I was so angry cause we were going to be working on our cosplay this weekend. But oh well i guess next weekend. (Laseatia me and Akemi will make the skit and i will mail it to them tomorrow or whatever i have to do.) Yeah need to email or skit to them went on there and it said '10 more slots available and i was freaked out. I need to make a appointment or whatever they call it for us. Oh yeah anyone going to Ohayocon in January well if you are and you are going to the mascarade. Scream extra loud for Squeezable foxes lol. It's our cosplay name cute huh? So yeah next weekend they WILL come over and we shall see The Golden Compass. Well take care guys and wish me luck on my midterm tomorrow! Byez!

"Gippal: [looking closely at Yuna] Never been this close to a celebrity before.
Yuna: That's nice.
Gippal: I really could get used to this.
Yuna: Let's not." Lol love that part!


I love her wedding dress. Someday i shall cosplay in it! |
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
New theme
Persona 4
Hey guys! Guess what I'm happy cause i managed to visit you guys yesterday! So yeah sometimes i feel like i'm forgetting about the site but I wont forget about this site! So yeah how was everyones thanksgiving? Eat a lot? I just went to my grandmas and had a relatively big lunch. But i hate it that my break is over. Well at least in 20 days we will be on Christmas break! I can't wait for christmas! What about you guys? I'm really only wanting a camcorder so i can record our cosplay skits and also Sony Vegas Movie Studio since it is a lot cheaper then Adobe. But i am more worrying about the convention in January, Ohayocon. Laseatia has yet to buy me her fabric and her stuff for her Sasuke cosplay. And since everything is coming from Hong Kong it could take a month to get here! I know wigs take forever. So I told Akemi and Laseatia that if Akemi doesn't give me the money to buy her stuff and Laseatia doesn't buy her stuff by Friday i am canceling the trip to Ohayocon. Which i will hate cause i am really excited but yeah. School ok i guess in photography we have to have our 5 x 7 picture negative in and i haven't had time to do it because he gives us a new project each week. So hopefully i can get someone to redo my film because it was exposed thanks to those stupid freshmen girls while i do my 5 x 7. Art is also being frustrating i had a 26% in there for the longest time cause he wouldn't put in my grades and now he gave me a 0 for my watercolor painting so i have a D. OH makes me so mad! But yeah tomorrow may be a stressful day for me at least in Photography. But anyway does anyone like my new theme? I have been addicted to Final Fantasy X lately and i love this couple. I also love Utada Hikaru voice! So hey combination and i know well at least i have heard that this song is from Kingdom Hearts 2 but it sounds so much like Tidus and Yuna too so there you go lol. Well i should go i think i may play Final Fantasy X some more. Well take care guys! Bye!

"This is my story, it'll go the way i want it or I'll end it here!" Tidus- Final Fantasy X. I love this quote it is currently my quote on myspace.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My leg hurts so bad!
Persona 4
Hey guys long time no update! Yeah school has kept me busy these past two weeks. We had to take a preACT which some of you may know but you take it to get scholarships to go to collage. It was timed and i wasn't able to finish the reading portion which sucked but they designed it so that you can't read the passage and finish in time. I was so mad! But anyway Akemi and I made our own anime club at school but our first meeting my teacher decided not to come to school so we can't have our meeting till December 6. So that upset us a bit but hey at least we have the club. Maybe i should describe my subject title lol. Well yesterday morning i was walking down the stairs and we have no light on and i didn't see my kitten laying on the step. Well i trip on her and i guess during that i pulled a muscle in my leg and also in my arm from grabbing onto the railing. So pretty much my whole right side hurts. Well tomorrow is thanksgiving and i am finally on thanksgiving break! But i am bored out of my mind so i figured i would just work on my cosplay since this is my list
Naruto- Me
Sasuke- Laseatia (Give me the white Fabirc Laseatia!!!!!!!!!!)
Kero (Cardcaptor)- Akemi
(Eureka 7)
Eureka- Me
Anemone- Laseatia
And what ever else i decide to do which i am thinking of making this one outfit from Kaleido Star but i guess i should wait till i catch up T.T This sucks Laseatia get a sewing machine! I hate being the only sewer! -cough cough- ok now that that is out of the way i guess i should start with the cosplay and i will make sure to put my cosplay pics on here if people want to me to. Well bye guys!

"We humans are just made to be greedy I guess. But there are some of us who can resist the greedy temptations and desires of our hearts." - Jing (King of Bandits Jing)
