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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Eragon and Report Card
Persona 4
Well i got 8 comments so yeah that made me happy but still went though to delete a few but only those who haven't updated for months. well let's see in my last post i forgot to mention that me and laseatia went to see Eragon it was such a cool movie! I mean they left out so much and everything which kind of upset me especially the part where Eragon finds out he has a scar on his back like murtagh and murtagh goes like 'guess were the same now huh' I loved that part but oh well! Murtagh and Eragon were so cute! And me and laseatia almost died every time they got near each other like when they were in the water together lol i think we were high on something lol because we kept saying 'Forbidden Brotherly Love!' We're weird i know.
Well i get my report card today i am kind of scare i so do not want to get a bad grade but oh well right i will just have to try harder! Oh and laseatia is coming over tonight and Tomo and Aneko are coming tomorrow yay! Well gtg get ready for school. bye!
worn out


"Tears of Sadness... Tears of Joy... They're far from the same."-unknown anime
Comments (10) |
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Persona 4
Well hi everyone! Sorry but i am going to delete some people on my friends list today. I have only been getting two visits and that makes me kind of mad since i visit everyone who updates but receive no visit even when they say they are visiting hemph! Well ok got the bad news out of the way now for the good! I passed so far my exams on my french i got a 87% yay i think best in the class, Math- 82%, and Reading- 78%. I am so happy i know they are not the most impressive grades but they makes me happy! Well i think i should go back to sleep so i don't fall asleep on my friends tomorrow lol. Well bye everyone!
p.s how do guys like my new theme? It's my favorite game character Sora! Ain't he cute?!

"I've been having these strange thoughts lately. Like is any thing for real or not." Sora I am pretty sure that is how it went lol.

Comments (4) |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
i don't really have a subject....
Persona 4
Well hey everyone how has you week been? I'm so happy i have no school tomorrow yay and because of that Laseatia is coming over tonight and i am trying to get Tomo and Aneko over tomorrow...maybe i should call Aneko and ask her lol. Well last week i had first semester exams but they were not really that hard except for English and Biology those were a little tricky. Oh on better news i don't have gym anymore since the first semester is over thank god so now i don't have to worry about blacking out again. Laseatia's boyfriend broke up with her by the meanest way he wrote a note and then made a smiley face at the bottom with his tongue sticking out. Oh when i find him i am going to beat the crap out of him i swear i will! Sorry yeah but that made me so mad. Well gtg clean my room before laseatia comes, bye!

"Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid." Jack Sparrow My baby!!!!
for laseatia


laseatia on the left and me on the right |
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
convention day 3 and exams
Persona 4
Well sorry for the lack of updates exams kept me busy all week and plus drama is starting up. I got three parts in the play! This kind of makes me scared but we are doing the wizard of oz so yeah i got minor parts thank god lol. but i am happy.
Convention day 3 Sunday 7th
Well me and Laseatia woke up that morning and seriously did not want to get up our beds were just to comfy lol but we did after a while well when her mom woke us up. Then we went to the convention and ate breakfast there but the food sucked but oh well food wasn't the reason we were at the convention huh lol. Well me and Laseatia both ran off to take pictures but couldn't figure out who to take no one had costumes lol so we decided to go to the shopping center -just to look XD- Well her mom was in there and she bought Laseatia a Yuki hat from fruits basket so i finally put on my kumagoro hat -i was the only one there with a kumagoro hat... 0.o- Well then she bought Laseatia a final fantasy alarm clock and me a naruto one as well as two posters hers was full moon and mine was kingdom hearts 2. Well we then left to go upstairs and we found to people cosplaying as two of our fave people Tamaki and Kyou from ouran!! So we took their picture so happy! Then we left! For the next convention i am going to make a mascot outfit of Kon from Bleach! Well bye!

"Come on, scribbles on the bathroom wall, please show me the path that I must follow! " - Excel (Excel Saga)


cosplay pic
sephiroth i took!
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
exans and second day of convention
Persona 4
lol it seems that some of you thought i was at the convention when i made my last post because everyone said 'have fun at the convention' lol no the convention was over when i wrote that i am going by days like todays will be last saturday lol you guess made me confused with the have fun at the con lol. Well not much happening here just high school exams ~shudders~ i hate test!
Saturday Day Two
Well me and laseatia woke up early because we were so excited about the anime convention! Well we decided to wait for her mom out in the hallway and while we were i started taking pictures of laseatia constantly she was getting then we left and went to bob evans for breakfast and i got myself a crepe! Then when we finally arrived at the con we couldn't find any parking space but we eventually did lol. This convention was much larger than the last one i went to! So a lot more stuff to buy! We got pins mine said Greg's #1 fan meaning Greg Ayres, we both got clip on yaoi otaku tags, naruto alarm clock, Sukisyo volume 1, genshiken vol 1, and gravitation ova, along with challangers a manga and some other manga. And then we thought we had no more money but we saw this kumagoro doll and had to buy it but yeah it was 25 i had 5 but she only had 6. But then when laseatia pulled out her money a 20 fell out so we bought kumagoro and called that 20 magic dollar all day lol. The cosplayers there were awesome as well! When we got back we ate at Japanese Steak house and then came back and watch genshiken vol 1. Well i think that was it sorry for it being really long, do you understand why i am going by days lol.

"Stop making me repeat myself. It's bad for my health!"

Comments (5) |
Monday, January 8, 2007
convention day 1:Hotel
Persona 4
Ok i am going my days since if i write everyday day it will be pretty long. ok here is how it started i got home on friday from school and decided to start packing and when i took a break laseatia calls saying she needs me to print out the directions to her house i was like 'why didn't you tell me sooner!' so i rushed to start printing it out but none of the printers worked so i had to write it all ~sigh~ but then they arrived and we went to laseatia's house to pick up old man and for me to pack my belongings into her suitcase. We ended up taking ed's (old man) truck and laseatia's mom and ed smoked like crazy i almost died! Then we finally arrived in columbus but we ended up getting lost until the numskulls decided to stop and book a hotel(finally) so me and laseatia got our own room yay! When we went upstairs the room was so nice i loved it! The beds were like angel soft lol they were filled with feathers and the shower was awesome! Then when we were preparing for bed we watched Moon Child and then fell asleep. So yeah that was day one tomorrow first part of the convention!

"If someone can cause those scars. There is sure to be someone who can heal them."

pictures from friday!
laseatia in the car on the way to the hotel

my side of the room is the clean part! lol
Comments (4) |
Friday, January 5, 2007
buy bye
Persona 4
Yay today is the anime convention and Friday so one last day of school for this week! Well yesterday was a ok day in gym i didn't have to run the mile because i was sick the day before you know blacking out and all so yeah that made me happy. Then at drama practice tomo asked me to stay after with her so she wasn't alone so i did even though i knew it would most likely get me in trouble. And in the end like always she left me like i didn't exist for the popular kids ~sigh~ it made me mad but i am use to it now she just tries to hard to be popular. Well i tried visiting everyone's site yesterday and leaving longer comments since i can't comment all weekend so yeah! Well if the hotel dosn't have a computer then i guess have a great weekend everyone!~hugs everyone~ buh bye!

"I think I know, I don't think I know, I don't think I think I know, aww I don't think I
think." this is one of my favorite things to say it is from ed from cowboy bebop.
i wish lol

i want to be a kitsune so badly!
Comments (9) |
Thursday, January 4, 2007
school and convention
Persona 4
hey everyone thanks for the comments! I hope i went to everyone's site yesterday if i didn't i am sorry you must of updated late. well i just got back home because me and laseatia were at wal-mart picking out clothes for our cosplay we are going as Japanese school girls. We bought the same cloths; two button up white shirts, two black skirts, black panty hose, two black ties(must learn how to tie lol) and those brown shoes you see them wearing a lot. her friends are going to be there which is bad news for me because she most of the time abandon me for them ~sigh~ i don't think she means to but if she does i am leaving to take picture lol which i will post on my site i am thinking of doing a theme dedicated to our trip hopefully! Well yeah got to get to bed for school ~sigh~ i don't want to go but have to. Well bye!

"Shining brightly, even for a split second, is better than living a dull-grey life for
eternity." unknown but is from a anime can't remember which one though lol.

looks like what me and laseatia are going as.
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Over Slept
Persona 4
Well i overslept so i am going to go into school late today. Well the real reason i want to go in late is because i don't want to go to jym again today mainly because i blacked out yesterday in jym. God it was scary every was black and i couldn't see a thing. Well at least i know what it is like being blind now...but yeah i am going to in late to get some more sleep so that hopefully that wont happen again god it was scary... well have a great day everyone.

"It's the end of the world as we know it; and i feel fine." Chicken little- End of the world as we know it.

Comments (8) |
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Persona 4
Well it is back to school for me ~sigh~ But it guess it is better that way since i was about to go insane here. Well you see i spent the whole day in my room yesterday hiding from my parents because my mom yelled at me for not helping my dad with the game even though i did god i hate it when she is mad...~sigh~ So yeah i am kind of looking forward to going back to school beside jym that is lol. Well i guess i should get ready for school now. See ya!

"I'm no baby anymore! You play with fire and you will get burn!" Sakura- Naruto
avatar of the day
