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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Friday, November 9, 2007
do da day!
Persona 4
Hey Guys,
Well i know this is late but yesterday was my b-day! I turned 17! yeah i stayed home cause who wants to go to school on their birthday lol. So yeah after a little bit my parents gave me my present. Naruto rise of the ninja! I love it so much it is a very addicting game. I love how you can travel all around the city but i played that till my dad came back and we left for Cici's! Yeah know that pizza buffet place. It was good but there was barly any pizza but i got like 4 plates hehe (People would never expect someone that weighs a little less than normal for my height and weight to eat that much lol)And then we went home only to leave again for my dads work. When we got there my god everyone was like 'omg i remember when she was a baby! Now she has grown so tall! Grown to be such a pretty girl!' I was getting a little embarrassed lol. But on the way home my dad got me two cupcakes from a bakery Laseatia's mom took me to once yuuummmm. And i played naruto more lol. :p
Today at school was normal had a french test but i am not so sure i got a 'A' on it...Photography my photo didn't turn out but oh well. Me and Akemi stop fighting thank's so boring when you are not talking to your fellow anime fan and fellow cosplayer. But we had a veterans assembly today so boring...same as the past 7 years....but we stayed after and help pass out food to the veterans. Me and Aneko kept stealing food lol but hey those cheese squares and brownies were good! And now i am home trying to clean my room before Laseatia comes over. So maybe i should get to it lol well bye.
p.s basket2. About that birthday card if you really want to make me one well i have been in love with both Loveless/team 7/and of course roxas and his friends. So any of those would be awesome!thanks!

"The only thing that makes sense is moving forward." Edward Elric

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Persona 4
Hey guys sorry for my lack of updates and visiting. I have been real busy lately. Not only do i have to work on my Naruto outfit but also Sasukes and Sakuras for my friends -sigh- It has been kind of keeping me running around the place lol. Work has actually not kept me busy i haven't even worked for a while -sigh- no money=no cosplay materials aka fabric/accessories/and heavy duty insulation foam(What i am making weapons out of)But oh god! Man i have been busy! -stares at unfinished painting- Yeah i have to do a water color painting and i chose Naruto! Of course i am lazy and i still need to color in his jacket and the background and stuff like that...but yeah to lazy and then i have to do a mosaic i think i may do Kon or Kero. But today had to of been my worse day ever! I have had bad luck since this morning that should of told me stay home! Well to start off i am really sick been sick since Saturday. My throat is so swollen up that i can't eat a thing it seems like and head is always pounding. Well at lunch today i was talking to Aneko and then Brittany (god i hate her!) came up and asked me a question. I said the answer and everyone started laughing so here is the reason. 'Yeah Chelsea (I call her Akemi) told me to ask you that cause you say it funny!' So i just stood there in shock until Akemi came and was like 'But you say it so funny.' So yeah they were making fun of my speech and then i was trying eat and do to my throat and our food was spicy i was struggling and this girl said 'You eat like a rabbit!' And of course everyone started laughing at me again. Yeah and i just yelled 'What is it with people making fun of me today!' Lucky Aneko was there and she really helped me but i was so tired that i about cried. I mean friends don't do that, they don't embarrass each other that yeah bad day but my birthday is this Thursday and i get to take off school! Tomorrow i am just going to ignore everyone and just talk to Aneko. So i guess that is it well bye you guys.

"You know if we made a atomic bomb that killed only the jocks, preps, and jerks in the world. There would probably be only 20% of us left..." -Aneko. I think she said this to make me laugh; it worked.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007
I'm so proud to be a cosplayer!
Persona 4
Hey guys! Wow I have updated twice in a row! It's amazing! lol ok but yeah yesterday I had to go to was so boring. You know the only good thing about Dairy Queen is their ice cream. All of their prices are so high. And they wonder why no one ever comes to eat there anymore...I mean you can go to Macdonald's and get a hamburger for pretty much half the price! So yeah no business at work most of the time we are just walking around, trying to figure out what to do or being sent home -sigh- I always get sent home along with my friend Beth. I need a new job 10$ per week is not a fair deal! I need that money from convention and my cosplays. Ohayocon and Otakon are my next two convention for 2008. Anyone going? And for 2009 omh Kingdom Con!!!!!!! Convention dedicated to Kingdom Hearts! As well as final fantasy and Square Enix. It sounds like so much fun! Struggle competitions, capture the flag, a glomping station , and so many more cool things. God i can't wait i am bouncing in my chair lol. Has anyone else heard of it? Oh that reminds me anyone like my new theme? Sorry the font may be hard to read but i can't find anything easier -sigh- i hate choosing font! But yeah my driving perment has i need to re get it and i am thinking of getting it thursday but aside from that i am looking for new coat and fabric for my naruto jacket. I spent all last night watching cosplay skits after i got off from work. I love the ones where it is in their neighborhood, house or something like that. Their funnier than watching them on stage. I can't wait to finish my cosplay. But i need to clean my room. So got to go bye bye!

"What's important isn't how often we see each other. But how often we think about each other, right?" Hayner - Kingdom Hearts 2

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Friday, October 19, 2007
I feel so loved!
Persona 4
Hi guys sorry for my lack of updates but i have been trying to visit sites but my report card comes out next week so i have been busy trying to keep everything in and stuff. So since everything was due today, so they can put grades in i have time to relax or do I lol. Our school was in the news! -gasp- i know scary. Our school is infected with Staph infection! (oh no!) Yes we were on the news because a school was canceled cause they had two cases of it and we are not canceled yet and we have seven cases!!! Yeah apparently the news was like 'This school has had seven cases and is still running...' hint hint principal. Someone just died from it after all i am kind of scared going to school! But my friend Aneko has a red mark on her arm and she was like 'oh god i hope it isn't staph!' Well we just backed up i hope it isn't either.So yeah our school is so stupid i mean we seemed to get a new case everyday today we got two more people with it! Your scared to even sit in the seats anymore. But yeah that was the highlight of my school. Now for my life...
I have good grades at least last time i checked. Right now the only grade i know of is Photography with is a 94% and most people have F's (was listening in to others grades) He always let me go wherever i want when we are not in the dark room cause i have everything turned in.
My fanfiction got it's first bad comment and i was so angry. He hated it because it was a slash and OOC. And i was like i read a fanfiction where Naruto had long black hair, glasses and was a nerd! And your saying i am OOC. Well at least be nice about it! No he was saying 'I feel sorry for your english teacher having you in her class.' You know how angry i was. He had no right! Out of 80 comments he is the only one who has been disrespectful to me. You would agree if you saw the whole comment and if you want to look at my story 'Forbidden Love by Echigo-chan' on grrr i want to break his neck and he private messaged me after wards with the english class thing grrrr.
Well today i was feeling miserable because my mom and dad were fighting again and i guess i started it because my mom was buying useless stuff again and i wanted to her to stop so i said 'is that even useful' i guess i made her depressed but my dad is going to kill himself at how much he has to work to catch up on all the money she spends...-sigh- And then my Naruto jacket for Ohayocon got ruined in the washer cause the blue faded into the white and orange so my hard work went to waste and i was so upset. and Laseatia couldn't come and when i am by myself my mom gets very scary. But at the end of the day i was called to the office. Laseatia sent me flowers and i about cried right there. I was so thanks laseatia if you are reading this -glomp-. Well it was a yellow rose representing friendship. Sorry i guess i should stop but i actually have had a eventful week. So bye bye!

'We stick together. That's just part of who we are. After all we are only two Nobodies in a Somebodies world.'

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Monday, September 24, 2007
Ouch my side!
Persona 4
lol unique subject title but that is what i said as i was trying to think of a title so why not lol. Ok so sorry for not being around much! Homecoming was last week and i was freaking out and trying to decide what i should do. You know go or not. So i did and well like last year it sucked! Yeah well let's go back shall we. Thursday i went out with Laseatia's family and we bought our dresses and everything i got a floor length red dress, strawberry necklace, 3 ring bracelet and a pair of black high heeled shoes. Laseatia pretty much got the same but a knee low dress, cherry necklace and red high heel shoes. Over all it was fun and we got Macdonald's on the way home (i want a french fry so bad right now lol) So yeah i only agree to go since i could be with my friends. But at the Homecoming that night. My one friend Akemi wouldn't dance and most of the time i would be the only one trying to talk to her and i was so angry when the others would be out there dancing. Like when Girlfriend by Avril Lavign (sp?) was playing the others were out there jumping and dancing and i was glaring at them all especially one girl but wont mention a name cause we just got out of a disagreement don't want to go back. I just felt bad cause she looked miserable so i spent my time sitting and talking a lot. Oh and she can't dance because she spent a long time in a halo (wheel chair with metal ring attached to skull.) So her back is very weak and she has barely any muscles in her legs it's very sad. But yeah that same girl, Akemi starting crying cause she wanted to dance with this guy but he didn't come. Oh how i wanted to go home but she wanted to stay till 11 and since Akemi would be coming back with me and Laseatia and she was having a bad time i thought 'sure...' When we got home we watched Naruto and then bleach we then fell asleep. Sunday we spent watching more anime. So yeah and today i really talked to Akemi more and we both agreed we would not be going to homecoming next year we would probably be at my house watching anime lol. But yeah that is all that has really happened. So see ya and i will try to visit.

"On that day, you taught me that solitude is painful! I understand that so well right now. I have family, and I have friends but if you're gone... To me... It will be the same as being alone." Sakura Haruno - Naruto

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Saturday, September 15, 2007
yay finally the weekend...
Persona 4
Well yeah it is finally saturday thank god. So far i have messed up my film and lost one of my films in photography. I have a guy who is hitting on me in art which is hard cause i don't want to be in a relationship till i get to college and he is my friend. I got invited to go to homecoming with him and i don't want to but my friend Chelsea said yes to him grrrrr. I'm still fighting with my best friend my mom went insane and started throwing things today and cussing and raving at me. And a lot of other stuff that would take to long to explain. so yeah i have been stressed and i seriously do not want to go back to school Monday. So yeah....well on lighter note does any one like my new theme? It's sasuke and itachi and about how they use to be so close until Itachi went and had to kill the clan and all. It's sad but i thought it would be cute. Uh yeah guess not much has been happening to me but bad stuff later kind of making me go -------! So yeah just wanted to update and i will visit everyone tonight. Well bye.

Uhh sounds like me right now i do feel like screaming at the moment.
"Have you ever thought your day was so bad it couldn't get any worse but it does...?" -me asking my friends at lunch

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Monday, September 10, 2007
Persona 4
Well sorry i haven't updated for a while. Man i have been trying so hard in school lol you know paying attention and all cause i want to go to CTC next year and i need good grades especially since so many want to go. Well let's see my scedrual(how do you spell it?!) is
French 2
Social studies (last three are on the completely different side of building. >.<)
Art 2
Lunch B
English 10
All of them are pretty much easy. Haha want to know how i act at school by a anime character example? I act like Shikamaru. I seem like i don't care and sleep a lot that you would never think i was really smart lol very sad. But yeah i still work, usually on the weekends but this week work at all so i am going to help my dad at Sandy's for extra money! Oh and I am going to Otakon next year! Who else is going? But i am going to go as link from Zelda cool huh? But yeah not much new has happened just been catching up with friends and all. There is one certain situation i don't feel like talking much about right now but next weekend is my homecoming hah probably wont go...i had fun plans for homecoming but they are not going to happen not with what happened. So yeah i am going to go and i will visit tonight unless something happens so yeah. Oh and expect a change in theme soon when i agree on something. Well bye.

"yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
yesterday is a promise that you've broken
don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
this is your life and today is all you've got now
yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes" Switchfoot- This is your life (may be the song for the theme i am thinking about...)

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
These religion shows host such fauds... god i can't watch this anymore...
Persona 4
Well Hi guys, sorry for once again the lack of updates. Right now i am sick. I have been working and going to school so not much time for rest and i think i gave myself the flu or something. But yeah had to take school off today which sucks cause it is only the second week. But over 30% of our students are sick and over 30 students were absent yesterday and we are not i repeat are not a big school. We're that school you never heard of lol. So yeah don't think i am going to get better that way huh. Well let's see i got a new wallet it is shuichi hugging kumagoro so kawaii! And i got two pins of shuichi and kumagoro. I tried ordering a book bag but it wasn't in stock. I felt like crying cause that is why i ordered the pins...but yeah school is ok. I don't really care for any of my teachers i actually don't care. But i have 2 classes by myself and the rest with a friend or two but the coolest thing is i have all my friends with me in lunch! Yeah we have a lunch A and B due to our lunch room is so but it is fun at lunch. Yesterday my friend Yuika was trying to get this guys attention but he couldn't hear her so since he was wearing a Kakashi sweatshirt i told her to yell 'Kakashi' and she did. Well he turned to that lol so we nicknamed him Kakashi. But last night i couldn't sleep well i was shivering from cold chills i think i was about to cry i was hurting so bad but this morning i am better and my dad told me to stay home. I'm going to relax so i can go back to school tomorrow. Oh yeah and i bought Aquarian Age DVD 1 on rightstuff. It was on 7.99 so i saved 21.99. Hey can't beat that but it was in the bargain bin so i think it was only for a limited time. So no way i am waiting lol so i bought it and i can't wait for it to get here. well that is all going to go rest and all well bye.

'Mat, Mat. Mat, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Gaara, Mat, Mat, Mat, Kakashi, Rock Lee, Gai, Mat, mat, Kakashi!' Yuika trying to get Mat's attention. Remember from earlier.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The melody of logic, always plays the notes of truth
Persona 4
Well hi everyone sorry i haven't been visiting much. I haven't been online much especially since i was trying to work as much as possible last week for some extra cash but i promise to visit everyone after i get back from work today. Yeah i was suppose to work Thursday but one list Thursday while the other said wendsday i guess. But yeah since we couldn't go to the convention last weekend we went to the movies and saw Stardust a defiant must watch. A+ rating from Ichigo! Then we went to the mall and both of our parents gave us 200 dollars put together. So we bought 2 shirts that are both fairies (returning mine for a larger one and quite passably the Edward one instead Full metal.) We bought the first fatal frame game which is very hard! I hate the broken neck and blinded lady! -shivers- I got Our Kingdom Volume 2 -dies from drama- and Laseatia got Full Moon volume 2 (i think?) We then danced on a crappy dance machine before heading over to hastings and buying the box set of Spiral. God i love that anime oh and that is my next theme so watch out for it. And we bought Hot Fuss for my dad i think that is what it was called you know that movie from the creators of shawn of the dead. But we went home played the wii and then watched Hot Fuss with my dad and brother. And that really is the most exciting part of my life so far. I start school monday so yeah that sucks but hey. Well bye got to get to bed for work tomorrow.


"Little Narumi, believe in your abilities...believe." Rio from Spiral
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
Welp i dissapeared again
Persona 4
Sorry i haven't updated or visited much. I haven't had really the best week ever. Laseatia came over Monday it was fun we went the fair and rode three rides and her mom spent over 70 dollars? in just 25 minutes and that was just for tickets to rides. We all agreed that kings island was cheaper and that is sad lol. Well we went home and me and Laseatia decided to order Bacon chicken ranch pizza with half the side vegetables and the other only the meat. Well when we got it it was half vegetable pizza and chicken ranch. I called back since Laseatia was a chicken and he was like 'i personally made that pizza and i know it was right' oh i had to keep from screaming at the guy. But we called my parents and they called them i guess they scared them into agreeing to making a new pizza. Of course we just wanted to disappear yes we were embarrassed. We watched the messengers that night it was a good movie. Tuesday really we practiced the hare hare yukai dance until my dad started crying due to a headache and my floors being the lousiest in the house doesn't help much so we sat around until we managed to get the song on dvd and we practiced out in the garage till we were hurting. Wednesday we went shopping to hopefully find our shoes for Eureka and Anemone but of course gogo boots are not here yet but we were somewhat lucky with Laseatia's. But really our quote for that day was 'we're screwed, we're screwed, we're forever screwed!' mainly since next weekend was the convention. Thursday woke up and went downstairs to talk to my dad and he said we had to rescredual the convention since my mom is having root canal i ran upstairs and cried. Laseatia called her mom but she couldn't take us so she started crying to. I then went downstairs and ask my mom if i could go to Laseatia's and she said yes before i shut the door. The next thing i know she is screaming at me telling me i can't go cause i have a attitude. So yeah more crying for me. That was really my week i just hope working isn't going to be horrible too. Well bye.

"I can't wait to move out and finally be free from these people." Can you guess who said that? Me.


If you could, could you go and watch the video up above. it is my newest video and i spent the whole day on it. So if you could tell me what you think about it that would be nice since i am thinking of sending it in to a convention. |