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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
so exhausted!
Persona 4
-flops down on chair- well hey you guys! Well the title explains it all i am exhausted! Yesterday my brother woke me up so early saying he needed the cellphone and my dad wanted to know if i wanted to come work at Sandy's with him. (Sandy wants her house rebuilt before she dies from lung cancer which i think will be soon...)Well i am like sure since we would be going to my grandmas and my grandma has been sick so i went. Well when we got there it was normal boring as heck but Sandy was gone and we were with Jaye the whole time, when me and my dad left for lunch we went to my grandmas before and she looked horrible, really exhausted and she said sometimes it feels like she could just die so that makes me worried...well we left after she gave me some Asian fabric. When we got back to Sandy's my dad started tearing down the wall and i was sitting on the bed drawing Bobobo lol don't ask why...but then i heard my sister screaming 'MININ!' her nickname for me. I was like oh god! Well then Jaye gave my dad 2 hundred something check for his work plus money to pay back the tools he bought and he said that 60 of it was for me so hey not complaining lol. Well not much happened after that we went home and i made another amv which is yaoi i like it. Well then i stayed up till like 1 and woke up at like 8 this morning and went to help my dad at Sandy's again we really just ripped out a sink and put tiles down but hey 60 more dollars! Well after that i went to work with my dad. He works at the Dayton VA and sterilizes tools and stuff. Well it was weird i had to wear scrubs and everything but i got to use one of those stampers that have expiration dates on them hehe that was fun i put a will expire in 30 days on my hand and i was like well looks like i only have a month to live! But we went to get Chinese and well my dad's boss seemed to like me! Oh and i got my report card today i passed all my classes and even got High Honors the last quarter! With merit role the whole year yay! So yeah it was good. So...i guess that is it i am going to go to bed now (12.09 am) so exhausted. So bye bye you guys!

"I'm going to miss you like a child misses that blanket." Fergie- big girls don't cry. The song i used in my newest video.

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Saturday, June 9, 2007
Persona 4
Well hey everyone looks like i was able to update quicker than usual lol. As some of you can tell i have a new theme it is the yaoi couple OishixEiji or the Golden Pair from Prince of tennis. Sorry if you do not like yaoi but you can just think of them as friends if you don't looks at the pictures down below lol. Well i also put my newest video up above i made it today while i was working on my wallpaper! Yeah i actually made the wallpaper for once i am so happy for myself! Ok what else oh yeah wendsday when Laseatia came over we watched Prince of tennis the movie and i was laughing so hard tears formed in my eyes lol it was a good movie but how they tried doing the moves they did in the anime it was just weird. Lol but live action movies can't be perfect i guess. But it is still good and you don't get to see Ryoma freaking out cause his dad appears out of nowhere inside the bathtub with him. Poor boy i am surprised he hasn't been molested lol. Well thursday Laseatia and I went swimming in my new pool. It was so cold! But eventually i went under you see we say Laseatia's element is water so she can handle cold water better than me, while my element is fire! I hate the cold. But it was fun we threw marbles into the pool and tried searching for them but we lost most of them. Well ever since then i have been listening to music and planning videos out and all. So that is about it oh and if you could watch my video up above and tell me what you think!? Thanks well bye bye everyone!

"hoi,hoi!" Eiji Kikumaru- Prince of tennis

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
lack of updates?
Persona 4
Yeah sorry for my lack of updates my cat Ming has been having some problems and i have been really worried. She is 16 so it is kinda common but i grew up with this cat so i worry easily about her. Well she is fine we just have to force pills into her mouth which suck. And i am pretty sure she has gone that sucks. Well let's go away from the sad news shall we Friday night i went to Laseatia's and we rented two games and movies. Mario tennis, Naruto chronicles 2 which i rule at hehe! The movies were Sahara (I thought it was something else) and Reincarnation (a Japanese horror film really good) and we were up till 3 or 4. Well then Saturday we went to kings island with 3 hours of sleep hehe not smart lol but we only rode like two rides due to it started thundering and we were in the water park well once we got to the lockers someone had passed out so we had to wait and when we got to the main part of the park the storm stopped but Laseatia's mom still wanted to go i was so angry i couldn't ride the beast or anything before we left but we did buy some necklaces like the one i am wearing right now it is one of those mood necklaces with Laseatia's first name on it and i also got a cellphone chain, and friendship butterfly necklace. Well Sunday we really just hung out due to we were both hurting really badly and then i went home and slept for most of the night. Well that is about it Laseatia is coming over tonight so that will be fun we will probably watch Prince of tennis live action film i just got and tomorrow swim! Well that is all i guess so bye bye.

"Ryoma- I don't want anyone to know you are my dad.
Nanjiroh- Why not?
Ryoma- you embarrass me...
Nanjiroh- Where do i embarrass you!?
Ryoma- Everywhere..." Ryoma and Nanjiroh from Prince of tennis episode 90.

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Friday, June 1, 2007
going away....
Persona 4
Well hey guys sorry for the lack of updates, not much has been happening. Well i have been watching Death Note like crazy lately. It is such a awesome anime and i love how it keeps you thinking at times lol. My favorite character has to be L or Ryuusuke whatever you want to call him...i shall call him emo boy cause of the dark circles under his eye and he reminds me of being emo lol. I also love Light but him being Kira kind of takes a bit of likeness away from him I like him when he is just plain light. I think i am rambling but really this is all i have been doing. I am thinking of books i could write in the future. Right now i am thinking of a book about dreams and stuff like uh whats a good example um...Paprika! You know that new anime movie, man i want to see it so badly! But yeah i need to think more about it but i think i will stick to my vampire story for now...oh and someone asked if i put my dubbings on youtube well i did but no one watched them but i am thinking about putting them on again. So if any one would like to see them just say something. Well yeah that is my eventful week lol but i wanted to update before i went to Laseatia's for the weekend and guess what we are going to kings island tomorrow!!!!! I can't wait i am going to ride Drop Zone and Fire Hawk oh and lets not forget the Beast hehe to bad not the Son of the Beast...But anyway...i think i shall go now! Well bye bye everyone!

"It's all gone! There is nothing there!" I will explain this later lol.


i actually wrote this at 11 am but my internet/phone and cable all went out and i couldn't update till now which is 5 pm. |
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Persona 4
Well sorry for the lack of updates, school is finally over and i did manage to get every one over after going to Aneko's house and picking her up without her knowing i swear she needs a phone lol. Well Friday night was fun we did a dubbing while Aneko was here and then she had to leave early so me, Laseatia and Tomo played video games while i went outside and made a fire and then we had smores! Saturday really all Laseatia and I did was sit around till we went to see 28 weeks later, they really shouldn't of changed some of the writers and workers from the last movie this time 28 weeks later sucked! that night we watched anime but we're exhausted and fell asleep early. Sunday we ate disgusting tortillas and we sat around again till she left then me and my dad went out to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at Worlds End! My god it was such a great movie kind of sad for one character though...but the ending for Jack was so funny! 'Why is the pearl over there!?' lol. Yeah then we went to Meyers and my dad bought me the soundtrack and i can't stop listening to the first song that played in the movie 'Hoist the colours.' oh and that is how colors is spelled on there. But it is scary i can sing the little boys part perfectly! Yeah and then this morning at like 1 something i woke up and felt i was about to puke so i was up watching tv till 4 something till i finally fell asleep so yeah i think i am getting sick. Well i guess that is it bye.

Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks. Never heard that before.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Persona 4
Well this week we have had exams that is why i haven't been on lately but tomorrow is our last day but i have my English(all we are doing is watching romeo and juliet), social studies, and biology exams tomorrow. Well after school my friends Tomo, Aneko and Laseatia are suppose to come over to celebrate school ending, well Tomo and Aneko i know are coming but everytime i call Laseatia she isn't home and this has been going on for 2 days straight now. I am started to get worried, like maybe Ed kicked them out or something...I don't trust that guy what so ever! But yeah i am worried and i wish Laseatia would be home so i know she is ok...hopefully when i call back at 6 when her mom is suppose to be home she will be too...or maybe she will get online anything would be great, if i could just see she was ok...well yeah gtg now ice my cupcakes for my friend chyannes b-day tomorrow. Hopefully i can get a hold of Laseatia later, god i hope she is ok...

"Ichigo! Party at your place tomorrow!" Tomo

Clockwise from top left. Yuika, Tomo, Aneko, Laseatia, Me.

starting from far left. Laseatia, Yuika, Tomo, me, aneko.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Persona 4
Man it stinks today is sunday and tomorrow i have to go back to school and take exams! Not that i am worried ok i am a little on algebra but i just don't want to take them. But at least i only have this week left...Well let's see yesterday i went out with my dad to keep him company while he but i was kind of mad because he was suppose to take me to Jungle Jim's it is this place where they sell food from around the world but he decided not to. But i did earn 5 dollars yesterday! I wonder what i can use that for...Well then we came home well i watched the Ninja warrior marathon (who loves that show?!) and my favorite contestant Shunsuke Nagasaki came on in the later episodes and during dinner he made it to the final round so every time they said his name i squealed yup I'm his fan girl. But then i watched Naruto when that came on then one piece, then i watched more Ninja Warrior while i recorded the Naruto special and really that was my night. I watched Ninja warrior till bleach came on then i watch Blood. Today my parents are at the flea market and my brother is working so i am by myself i think i may play the xbox 360 and kill some zombies or maybe play my wii and finally get farther in twilight princess lol. Well so that is it bye!

"this is 10% percent luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and a 100% reason to remember the name." Remember the name- Fort Minor I saw a video for Shunsuke Nagasaki with this song yesterday!

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Friday, May 18, 2007
Persona 4
Well it is finally the weekend thank god! And i only have five more days till school ends yay! But next week is exams so that sucks but i am not that worried. Hey who watches supernatural? I love that show so much but it is so sad at times like yesterdays episode which i am watching now. Poor Sam, poor DEAN! Lol i love this show and i love the song that plays at the beginning Kansas- Don't you cry no more. It is a pretty old song but still pretty good in my opinion. "Carry on my way my son, there will be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more!" hehe good song. Well this week at school was normal that is pretty much why i haven't updated lately unless you want to hear my adventures of watching my cats being idiots but then you must be a very bored well in algebra he is giving us the ogt which makes a lot of us mad since we shouldn't have to take it till next year when we sophomores but the ogt -Ohio graduation test- is actually easy! But some of the questions were hard and i ran out of time so it isn't going to be a good grade T.T Well what else i am going to change my theme soon it is a secret though and i am pretty sure no one has actually done it or will i have never seen one at least lol. So i guess that is it so bye bye.

"I came to laugh at you!" - Chars Aznabal (Gundam)


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Friday, May 11, 2007
Persona 4
Well sorry i haven't updated lately. I haven't really had that eventful of a week and yesterday i couldn't even bring up my homepage. Well yesterday was the most eventful so i will talk about then. Ok well in my home room a fight broke out right behind me which was so scary i swear i was going to get ran into and then on the way to art another fight broke out right in front of me! I swear yesterday i was a fight magnet! Well in health we have had this spokesperson and she showed us pictures of STD s which was really gross looking and then shortly after at like 10:45 my dad picked me up and we went and ate Chinese then went to the mall for some drink for my mom. Well when we came back out to go home the security system on our car which we don't even need turned on and the car wouldn't start. I then found out of my family i have the most patience and cool about situations...that is sad because i was laughing and counting pennies while my dad was cussing lol so sad. Well when we got home my dad left for work and the phones and internet went out well the internet was just to slow almost as if it went out. So instead of being mad/crying/freaking out like my mom and brother were i read .hack//AI which is very good but got me wanting to play .hack//fragment you know the online/off line .hack game but sadly it only sold in Japan and i heard someone passed out while playing the game so they stopped selling them! But i hope they remake it but if you think about it, it is kind of scary people are passing out while playing the world just like in the show/game! If that person was any worse i bet they could of gone into a coma! SCARY! But i pray they remake it and for the u.s too! Well that is all bye!

"My goat Hershey has to have mad cow disease! Or maybe it would be Mad Goat Disease!" We had small animal day today and i said this to Tomo who bought her goat.

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Monday, May 7, 2007
monday sucks
Persona 4
Well sorry i didn't update till today but during the weekend i was a little to busy having fun. Well friday night was ok actually i can't really remember what we did friday night besides waiting for Laura to call i think we watched tv all night and played online. Well saturday we went to see Spider man 3 wow that movie was good but the ending was so sad! But still a good movie parker goes emo lol. Then when we got out of the movie it was puring outside which sucked! But when we got home we went upstairs and did something lol can't remember but we watched one piece and a lot of other shows before thinking up a hilarious video ideal which we ended up not working on till sunday. Sunday we worked on the video some before going to Eaton tennis courts we spent like 4 hours there before coming home and laseatia leaving shortly afterwards. Well now due to playing tennis for 4 hours i am sunburned on my legs, arms and face and my whole body hurts i can barely walk but it was still fun. So yeah that is the main summary of my weekend how was your guys?

"Azmaria is amazing. She's already learning how to kiss up to rich people at such an age..." - Rosette (Chrno Crusade)
