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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Almost there...
Persona 4
Well since i can't go outside and play tennis due to the sun shines right in my eye which makes my eyes water, i am suck inside so i decided to update! Well I am happy because it is finally almost the weekend so only one more day left of school and then weekend and i could only wish it was summer vacation lol. Well Laseatia and I are going to try and get Tomo to spend the night tomorrow since she wont get home till like 10 she says. But at least Laseatia is coming and she better lol but Aneko i am not sure as of now, I'll ask her tomorrow. Well next week is going to be kind of stressful for me i am trying out for color guard and that will be the first time i have every tried out for anything sports like. So yeah i hope i get accepted must prepare lol. Well i guess that is all of my day so how was your guys?

"Will Turner: [gestures to drawing of key] You want me to find this?
Jack Sparrow: No. *You* want you to find this. Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-er-face."


oh and i cut my hand while ripping off a piece of tape today at school. |
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Monday, April 30, 2007
dang it
Persona 4
Well it looks like once again it's the new week and i am back at school. But at least there is only four more weeks! Yeah as you can tell my theme has changed to Little Mermaid because Laseatia wanted to do a disney theme together and i reluctantly agreed oh well it's cute. Well i grew up with the movie and it was my favorite along side Aladdin. Well today at school was ok nothing special happened. But this Friday my friends are coming over and it is going to be so much fun especially since my dad is going to buy smores so we can have some when the fire is set up Friday night! So yeah i can't wait and i hope this week goes by really fast so that the weekend will be here! Well i guess that is it so i will go now buh bye!

"What are you saying!? Your confusing me! STOP IT!" I said this at lunch and people just started laughing

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Friday, April 27, 2007
Persona 4
Wow it seems the only time i really can update lately is the weekends how sad lol. Well this week wasn't very eventful ok maybe it was...
My friend Yuika fell in the hallway at school and well you see she is very fragile to say the least. She has spent most of her life in a halo. So yeah she was crying saying her knee wouldn't move so me and Aneko stayed with her till a teacher came and took her to the nurse. which made me mad because everyone kept walking past her as if she wasn't there i was about to scream.
I come home Laseatia's dog died but i made her laugh so i guess i should feel happy about that.
Yuika had to go home early the next day due to pain in her knee so i was worried about her the whole day. Then in algebra we had a practice test. At home i worked on a new video ideal all night till i finished it.
Went to my grandma's and we worked on my cosplay we got my jacket the right size but laseatia's needs to be bigger. I bought Romeo and Juliet, Japanese cook book, Abenobashi volume 1 and .hack//ai buster the novel. And there was a lot of anime dvd's there for 10 dollars including loveless!!!! But i couldn't get any...but we went to bob evans and a got a crepe after 1 a hour of waiting.
Same old same old but i showed my video to my parents and they loved it my mom looked like she was going to cry. Yeah i hope my friends can come over next weekend so i can show them it. When they see it i will tell more information about it lol.

"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them"


from left to right
Laseatia, Me, Tomo
counterclock wise from top left
Aneko, Tomo, Laseatia, me
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Persona 4
Well yesterday my dad took me to lowes with him because he needed help getting some supplies and while we were there i saw my favorite flower the Iris i was so happy but so i told my dad to buy me one later lol. Well then he ask me if i wanted a mp3 player and i was like 'what a ipod?' well i guess he bought me one with. It's not a ipop but a dell mp3 players but it plays video, music and can have pictures on it! Yeah well it was funny i asked what the occasion was when he told me because he would never just buy me something that expensive and he said that he bought it because he couldn't get me a new psp. But makes me really happy so until i get my new psp that will entertain me! Well last night i cooked dinner for everyone while cleaning the house which was difficult because i was making hamburgers, hot dogs, mashed potatoes, and noodles. So i was running around a lot lol. Toda i will be focusing mainly on cleaning my room, so this should be fun this place is a pigs pen! So yeah i am going to get started now bye!

"I will not have people talk about me in past tense!" Squall- Final Fantasy 8

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Friday, April 20, 2007
Persona 4
Sorry if i didn't visit back lol i couldn't remember if i ever visited. hope you guys are not mad or anything. Well i am happy that it is finally the weekend! This week went by so slowly that is was maddening i mean in the time it took for this week to go by, in normal time we would of gone by two weeks it seemed like! lol so yeah so happy even though we are cleaning all weekend to get to house refinance i am still happy for not having to wake up early in the morning! Well i did my report i was the only one who came so i only had to do it in front of my teacher. Happy days lol! But I think i did well she seemed to like it. My biology teacher is now my favorite teacher she is so nice to me, I mean since when do you get the secret option of staying after and giving the report or on a cold day having a teacher offer to let you sit in her car till your parents come. not that often! So yeah i love having her as my teacher i am going to hate not having her next year oh well i think i will actually visit her! Well i couldn't go to the drama play since yesterday my only ride was Laseatia but her mom was sick and this weekend well theres no way. So yeah that kind of makes me sad but i guess we were put on 2news cool! So I think i watch that tonight! Oh and is anyone else sad that this weekend is the last Eureka 7 episode (from the episode guide i saw) it sucks i loved that series oh well i plan on buying it anyway. Oh and last weeks was so cute! Dominic is so awesome i love him and he is so cute with Anemone. I can't wait for this weekend! Especially for Eureka 7 and Naruto of course. Omg this is so long so i shall quit now lol well bye!

(while falling from the sky)
Dominic: Well, then. Hi, there. Long time, no see.
Anemone: Idiot! What do you think you're doing, letting yourself fall into a place like this?!
Dominic: I... I'm sorry.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Persona 4
Well i am sick my throat is killing me right now and i get light headed easily. My friend today said i may have strep throat and all day i was like 'oh i do not care if i infect this whole school with it. I am not going to the doctors and having a stick put down my throat!' lol yeah i hate the swabbing i always gag. Well yesterday i was working on my biology report that was due today lol i got it done but i was scared of sharing it but my my biology teacher said i could stay after and just tell her it yay now i don't have to stand in front of everyone! oh in other news the weather here is wonderful so happy i get to have my windows open again!!! Oh and i am really addicted to final fantasy right now i started a new game on Final Fantasy 8 yesterday cause i got tired of dieing. I was on the part where you had to kill the same color of monster or they both come back it sucked they were like all bosses and i died quickly. Oh and lots of people asked what only the ring finger knows is. Well it is a yaoi to just tell you that or shouen ai. Well it is really good one of my favorites but it is really cute story and i recommend it to yaoi fans.Well i guess that is it well bye!

"Even if we are millions of miles away from another and find that we can not see each other. I am thankful that i am in your memories and heart till the day we are reunited." Me.

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Monday, April 16, 2007
Persona 4
Well the weekend was fun Friday night Laseatia and I practiced making rice balls it was fun but they were really salty. Saturday we went to the mall but we ran out of money really fast, oh and the dance machine was off again! Yeah it made us mad so instead we played shooter games and fighting games there. Well we bought Gravitation the novel, muri puri volume 4 and Only the ring finger knows novel 3. In all we got some pretty good book oh and sorry if i spell muri puri wrong i don't really read it that was Laseatia's main choice mine was Only the ring finger knows. Well then yesterday we didn't really do much actually i can't remember what we did lol sad i know well i think that is all nothing happened today either so yeah. Bye you guys.

"The most dangerous man in the world is a man who believes he's a hero".
Spike (Cowboy Bebop)


And since i have been saying this all day and i just did.
My saying of the day
"Oh shoot, I ran out of candy..." |
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Persona 4
Well finally it is the weekend happy days! Today at school wasn't so bad but we did have two test a social studies and algebra test both had some difficult problems but mostly easy. And i did start out my morning with some bad news seems my friend Yuika's lung is about to collapse like if she gets a cold or something it will and well she will die. That makes me sad but i know they can help her so i can only hope for the best right? Well i should get out of the depressing stuff today at my school we had a easter egg hunt but me and Tomo got no eggs lol but we didn't really care we had fun just kicking the empty eggs. Well what else oh i got glomped from my friend Aneko today it scared me lol she does that a lot and always comes up and scares me! Well i guess that is it got to clean my room before Laseatia comes over well bye!

"A world without you is not worth living. You have already seized me heart, so no one else can have it..." I daydreamed this last night that Bella from Full Moon said this to Edward i think she would say it.
what song is that again????
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Persona 4
Well yesterday's field trip was fun we used x-ray type microscope and took picture of many various things. I took a picture of a piece of hair man is hair actually dirty yucky! Oh and when we were in the conference room they gave us pops and my friend Brittany knocked over my pop so i real quick picked it back up lol i was embarrassed but it dried eventually yeah we didn't say anything. Well when we got back to school (yeah not much happened)i waited for Laseatia and her mom to pick me up since our phones were disconnected and i about froze outside then when Laseatia finally arrived my teacher wanted me to come to her car and she said i could get in but of course Laseatia had just came but i think that was nice of her. Well when i got home we had no internet or anything so boring! But i made it though by watching tv and listening to music. Well today was a easy day i found out i have like a 90 in algebra yay!!!! and i turned in some of my art projects 'SUPER!' lol so yeah i am happy and tomorrow is Thursday so i have to stay after and make up a french test but hopefully i will do well! Guess that is all well bye!

"You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel!" sorry but i love that song! Discovery Channel- Blood Hound Gang

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Monday, April 9, 2007
School day
Persona 4
Listening to- Discovery Channel (Do it like they do it on the discovery channel. Don't ask why it is just addicting!
Well today at school was ok it went by really fast! Like by time i got to lunch it felt like on 2 classes have gone by when 4 had. That made me really happy. Oh and in health i learned that my biology field trip is tomorrow of course only six people are going had to sign up for it but we are going to a air base and looking at a microscope and stuff. So yeah probably wont update tomorrow. Let's see um...well of course i am still addicted to prince of tennis! I love that show so much lol. ~stomach growls~ oh wow i am hungry...oh that reminds me last night i didn't get to eat any dinner because well my brother was making hambuger helper for dinner so i went up stairs after a while of no one telling me dinner was ready i went downstairs and asked my mom when dinner was ready and she was like 'you didn't eat any!?' and of course i was clueless so i found out my brother and dad ate all of dinner so i haven't eaten since yesterday morning really. Guess i should eat something especially since i am sick don't want to get worse. Well that's all bye!

"*points to Jet* "Don't give me that art of war crap! And you! *points to the other man* You take too long to take a sh*t"" - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) sorry bad words lol
