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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Persona 4
Yay it's the weekend! How many people are excited about that probably everyone! Well someone in my last update said that my algebra teacher sounded cool well...he's not! He is so boring and always talks in this monotone which puts me to sleep practically. but why we get to listen to our ipods and just sit around for the last two days is because he just wants us out of the way so he can watch March Madness lol I'm not complaining. Well not much to talk about i am sure there is something else though...oh yeah who watches Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya well do you know the special dance at the end Laseatia and I are going to try and master it and cosplay as them I'm Haruhi and Laseatia will be Mikuru. But yeah i have already mastered the whole beginning without looking at the steps but the ending kind of confuses me lol. Well that's it! Buh bye guys!

"Girls are rough diamonds in nature. It's important that they find their shine on their own. "

Comments (7) |
Thursday, March 15, 2007
gross friends lol
Persona 4
Well yesterday fondue party was pretty fun lots of strawberries yay! Nothing really special though normal stuff and all and it didn't really last long but hey i was with my friends so i was happy. Well today seemed to go by fast but i was upset that it was raining and well big storm this morning especially since i over slept and had only nine minutes to get to the bus not very good morning. But yeah school was ok especially algebra we did nothing! He gave us new homework and then me and Brittany one of my friends listened to her ipod while i worked on the worksheet and she worked on the book work then we copied each other's work which got us done quickly lol. Well that is about it i am very excited right now Eragon comes out Tuesday yay must buy it! Well that is all bye you guys!

"Our baby's are bi!" We had to create well paper baby's in biology depending on what genotypes we got and all well both me and brittany got boys and we put our baby's above the water fountain holding hands and yeah that is where that came from. you do not i mean not want to know what brit said what they were doing when cheyanne put her girl baby on them...

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Persona 4
Yay so happy right now the weather here is terrific! Sunny and slight cool breeze i love it! Yeah so i am in a good mood. Want to know something weird? I think if i had a element it would be wind because when there is a gentle wind outside i am happy, hard wind mad, no wind i feel sick. I think it is weird lol but yeah. Oh and it seems a lot more people think i should watch the subbed version of Naruto of course i will be watching both versions but yeah...Well school was ok to say the least we had a hearing and eye exam today passed the hearing test of course but eye uh uh well i expected it because i don't have the best eyesight because i am constantly online writing. Tomorrow we have a fondu party for foreign language which i am looking forward to! Well not much else to say so i will go now and go outside to enjoy the nice weather bye bye guys!

"Rei: Mina... you're acting strangely today...
Minako: Of course I'm strange! Strange is fine! Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

Comments (4) |
Monday, March 12, 2007
Persona 4
Wow this is like the latest i have ever updated (3:15 pm) lol I usually update in the morning. Well i wasn't going to update but i need you guys opinion! Which Naruto should i watch the dubbed(American)or subbed(Japanese)which one is better. You see i am recording the american series that plays on tv so i can turn them into dvds to use on my amv's but which one should i watch. The japanese seems to be better and less cut out so should i just watch the japanese? Please if you could give your opinion it would help.
MY day was well a normal monday tiring and not wanting to be in school. But we didn't do much since everyone was taking the OGT's. So yeah that is all see ya!

"Growls at painting, clutching it tightly* "Damn you! Let me inside of you!! LET ME INSIDE OF YOU!" - Dark (D.N. Angel)

Comments (7) |
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Persona 4
wow only three comments hey at least i didn't have to visit many. Oh and why i chose to visit those who visit me is because if i visit everyone it usually took me a hour per night so do you guys blame me especially since i check late at night. Well let's see yesterday was fun me and my dad went to waffle house yesterday morning at 12 something am lol it was weird but yummy. Then we went out shopping and i bought me a few snacks. I spent most of my day yesterday in the car with my dad going to Sandy's (a place we work at me and dad rebuild houses, decks and that sort of thing.) and on the way to lowes we saw a house burning down kind of scary. well when we got to lowes my dad won a gift card and i kept bugging him to buy me a gift card to best buy after that lol. Then we came home ate rice and i watched tv all night i loved yesterday anime episode naruto was so awesome! (yes i watch the dubbings got a problem lol) well i guess that is it gtg bye.

"If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work. 'Hello, can't work today. Still queer.'" lol i love this quote!!!! I would so do that.

yeah i think my next theme may be naruto...oh a warning i will leave as short of a message as you guys do especially if i think you didn't even read any except what other people have said or a little bit of what i have written |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Persona 4
I will visit tonight sorry friend troubles kept me from really visiting anyone or doing much online just a lot of drama at school and at here. Well i just got back shopping with my dad 'Who does shopping at midnight?' you might be asking well simple answer we are a family of vampires HAH I wish lol. Actually my dad works nights and i am at school during the day so yeah. Well this weekend i am probably doing nothing but i think on sunday my brother, dad, and my brother's friends and me are going to see that new movie 300. I think it looks good. Well now to who got which question right for question one...every one to say the least but it was a dead give away because of my nickname Ichigo meaning strawberry.
Number 2- Everyone again my three favorite animes are Gravitation, Prince of tennis and Naruto.
Number 3- Broken Tears and Banzaiinu got this one. I am working on Sakura from Cardcaptor right now. Sakura from Naruto will be a later cosplay outfit and tifa i have already done.
Number 4- Lunar Wolf Demon,Kyoskitten, banzaiinu1 got this one. I own a kumagoro hat, laseatia owns a Yuki hat while donald duck i just like.
So the ones who got them all right were banzaiinu1 and Tohmalover but tohmalover dosn't count she knows why lol. Everyone else missed only one. Well that's all; thanks for playing by the way. See ya!

"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Comments (2) |
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Persona 4
Well just got home from school yup 1:30 it still feels like i just got home on normal times. Well most of my friends went to Cody's funeral. From what i have learned that it was 6 people who died in all in the crash kind of sad, But i didn't really know yeah. Let's see i don't have much to say so i will do a questionare you guys answer what you think is true about me and then i will say who was right and all just something fun well bye!
My favorite fruit is...
a. Strawberry
b. Banana
c. Apple
d. Peach
My three favorite animes are
a.Gravitation, Prince of tennis and Zatch bell
b. Zatch bell, .hack, and inuyash
c. Gravitation, Prince of tennis and Naruto
My next cosplay outfit or who i am working on now is
a. Tifa from FF7
b- Sakura- Cardcaptor
c- Sakura- Naruto
My cosplay hat do i own?
A. Yuki from Fruits basket
B. Kumagoro from Gravitation
C. Donald Duck
Just guess since some you may not remember. |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
stupid week
Persona 4
Nothing bad at school this week just out of school. Last weekend we heard that someone from our school Cody Holp died he graduated and all well everyone even the teachers are almost all depressed at my school now there is crying every day from someone. You guys may of heard of the accident baseball team bus got hit on their way to a game two of the players were injured and Cody died. I never really knew him but it is still kind of sad. So tomorrow we have a half day since everyone wants to go to his funeral. Not much to say guess that is it. Oh wait not sure if i will be here tonight probably will be but i may be at my grandma's so if i am i will visit those who visit me tomorrow. well bye.

"Tennis is tennis, all you do is chase and hit the ball." Ryoma Echizen - Prince of tennis

p.s how do you like my new theme. Thought the song sounded like ed. |
Comments (7) |
Friday, March 2, 2007
Persona 4
finally it's Friday! This week has been so easy since we had sophomore academy all we was like one worksheet or watched a movie in each class and talked well me that would be reading. But i have lunch with all my friends this whole week which makes me sad that the last day is today so i shall try and get them all over next weekend or the weekend after that lol. Well yeah tonight i am going to Laseatia's don't know for how long i told her whenever i get tired of her lol. So i promised i really do that i will visit those who visit me when i get home! And i am sorry for being lazy. Well i have to get ready for school talk to you guys when i get back from Laseatia ~hugs~ bye!!!!

"My name is VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out!!" - Vash (Trigun)

Comments (7) |
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Persona 4
Well i have no school today because it is waiver day whatever that is. And i am the only one here right now kind of quiet but nice. This weekend i am going to Laseatia's not sure for a day or the whole weekend so i will tell you guys later. Well let's see i rented Fatal Frame last Saturday omg i love the game (it's my theme right now) but it is to scary for it's own good! lol i find myself screaming a lot! Like Laseatia and I played it in the dark on Saturday night you should of heard us when the axed man came my dad sure did. Oh and the girl in the background's name is Rei Kurosawa she is the main character of Fatal Frame 3 in other pictures you will see her with another girl or by herself she is Miku Hinasaki main character of Fatal Frame 1 and then there are the twins Mio and Mayu Amakura. Someone asked me who they were so i just mentioned it. Well I think i will go downstairs and listen to my cd and make breakfast bye!

"Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse (Slayers)
