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Member Since
10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Monday, February 26, 2007
Persona 4
Well sorry for not visiting site this weekend. It hasn't been good. One of our goats has been not acting to good lately and Saturday when we went out there (my dad, me and laseatia) Shelbie wasn't even moving it was so sad. Well we took him to the vet's and they said his bladder broke and he was was to swelled up to yeah had to put him down. I may not like the goats that much but it was still very yeah that is why i haven't been visiting. I will try tonight though bye. |
Comments (7) |
Friday, February 23, 2007
Test and all...
Persona 4
Sorry i didn't visit sites yesterday i went to bed kind of early. Well let's see today i have like 4 test...I will probably fail them all lol i know i am not that positive. Well on wendsday night my mom ask me to vacuum well i guess i didn't do a good enough job because my dad called and well cussed me out. So yeah that wasn't a good day for me. Then well i practically starved my self these last two day...but when i came home yesterday my dad was sitting in his car and he apologized saying that he bought me a cheese streak sub (my favorite food besides Asian) and crispy creme donuts. Yeah so i let it go. But my parents still said none of my friends could come over which makes me upset i don't want to tell Laseatia she is forced to stay at Ed's all weekend ( her mom's boyfriend mean old man...) So i haven't called her guess i will tonight got to get it over with. Well that's it got to get ready for school bye.

"Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something!" Jack Sparrow lol i love it when he said that!

Comments (7) |
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Stupid bus
Persona 4
Hi thanks for the comments. Well i have a 2 hr delay to much fog...but well i did not know that till now. So i just spent 13 minutes outside in the snow, on a driveway that was all ice, waiting for a bus that wouldn't come for another 2 hrs! Yeah i couldn't feel my fingers. So now well i may play Final Fantasy X-2 again to level up my characters have to be level 98 to beat this one boss ~sigh~ Vegnagun is already going to be easy for my characters. I don't want him to be that easy...So yeah just going to relax hey i can actually eat breakfast lol. Well that is all i know random post lol bye!

"How troublesome."- Nara Shikamaru


i love shikamaru if you haven't noticed lol. He is just like me! |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Don't know....
Persona 4
well i finally decided to update my site lol. As you can tell i have a new theme it is Fatal Frame (all three games) it's my favorite horror adventure game and i plan on renting it this weekend. Well let's see i really do not want to go to school today but i guess i have to go back sooner or later right. Well yesterday my dad finally bought me a tennis racket it isn't the neatest looking but he said once he sees that i intend on playing the sport he will buy me a red one! Well what else oh yeah i have been playing Final Fantasy X-2 a lot lately finally i received episode complete on all places and got my mascot outfits! Their so cute lol and powerful. But i still have the Via Infinto or whatever that place is called underneath bevelle I finally reached Floor 100 and like every 20th floor there is a boss that can kill you in one hit ~sigh~ this one killed my whole party and i have to find a way of killing it fast because right after that is the main boss! Dang it that is going to be hard but i want my 100% for game completion. Well i guess that is all. Bye!

“I haven’t the slightest idea where we are. I only played this stupid game once and that’s when you were with me!”

Comments (6) |
Thursday, February 15, 2007
No school!
Persona 4
Yay i just looked at my tv and we have no school for the longest time we have had 2 hr delay but not anymore lol and i was almost ready for school too lol. WEll Tomo has strep throat which sucks so i do not think she will come this weekend and Aneko hasn't replied back to any of Laseatia's messages on her cellphone so we do not believe she is coming either. But oh well i will make Laseatia's birthday the best one ever! Oh and by the way today is Laseatia's b-day so could you visit her site and wish her a good one please her site name is TohmaLover14 please visit she is a really good friend of mine like a sister! Well let's see today besides talking to Laseatia i will be mostly working on my homework so i do have to worry about it this weekend (no school tomorrow teacher conferences) and also work on Laseatia's birthday card i made one where i drew a vampire (his name is Edward!) and he sees me and Laseatia walking down the street from a convention(we are cosplayed as Ino and Sakura from Naruto) and we scream bite us when he is about to he walks away to try and avoid us saying he will tomorrow. Which makes us happy but the next day he didn't come and Edward ditched us! I thought it would be a funny ideal we both keep saying we are vampires and love vampires so much lol. Well i guess that is it bye and thanks for the comments everyone!

"A best friend is somebody who knows every last thing about you, yet still manages to like you anyway." lol sounds like me and Laseatia
avatar/s -dedicated to laseatia

Laseatia on the left (one hugging) Me on the right |
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentines Day!
Persona 4
Well hi guys just wanted to come on and wish you all a happy Valentines Day! So are you guys having any parties or anything? Me well we may just all get together to celebrate both Laseatia's b-day and valentines day Saturday. So yeah that is it well bye you guys!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
snow day!
Persona 4
Well we ending up getting a snow day today and probably tomorrow to since we are getting more ice and snow. Well i visited everyone yesterday unless you updated after 9:46. Let's see well yesterday i went back to school after a whole week and one day of being gone lol mainly because of snow days and then me getting sick. Well no one really bothered me but i have a lot of homework!!! TT.TT I hate homework.... I'm trying to decide on my next theme i want it to be Prince of Tennis since that is like my favorite anime now but Laseatia wants me to continue with the Rubedo from Xenosaga so she can do Momo so yeah not sure what it will be...Oh mentioning prince of tennis i have been looking up so much of it i want to buy all the dvds, manga, pins, cushions just anything that is prince of tennis right now. The show even made me start to want to play tennis and my dad is going to take me out to get a racket later! Well that is all i will put a video at the end tell me what i did best ok!! Bye you guys!

"Mada Mada Dane!" Ryoma says this a lot from prince of tennis

Comments (3) |
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I'm feeling better.
Persona 4
Well i am feeling a lot better that i was earlier. I still feel a little sick but nothing that will matters lol. Well let's see my friends are coming today god i missed them since i couldn't see all my friends all week I'm really happy i can spend the day with them today. But i can't really do anything that well active still but hey as long as i can see them i'm ok. well i can visit people tonight but i will only visit those that visit me because laseatia will be here and who knows how long Aneko and Tomo will be here. Oh and if i decide to put some of the amv's i made would you guys watch them. Like i made a Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2 dedication yesterday and so far has gotten two 5 stars on it so it's doing pretty good and i was wondering what you guys would think so if i put my videos down would you watch? Well that's it gtg see ya later everyone!

"Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." Jack Sparrow-Pirates of the Caribbean. I watched this when i was sick and loved this quote so i had to put it.

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Friday, February 9, 2007
home again
Persona 4
well thanks for the concern you guys it helped. sorry i didn't visit sites yesterday i kind of got worse as the day went midday i was shivering from having a cold sweat you know when you are freezing but your sweating well also my whole body hurt that every time i moved pain would go right though me. And everything that touched my skin hurt badly including my cloths ~sigh~ well that wore off after a while but i still had pain shooting though my body at times and i was sweating badly with a high fever. So yeah didn't really feel like doing anything today and i do not want to risk going to school and that happening at midday again cause right now i feel nauseas and have a bad headache like yesterday morning. I hope it doesn't get worse again...well bye you guys sorry no pics maybe i will visit tonight if i feel better. oh and coolcatkyo sure you can call me sis that actually makes me kind of happy i sound like a person people would want to call sis hehe. |
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Persona 4
I'm sorry i didn't visit sites yesterday when i went downstairs after i updated my dad said i was going to stay at my grandmas until he got off work to make it easier for him on getting to work on time. Well of course the doctors appointment sucked she told me that i had very bad eye sight (knew that already....) and then when i thought it was all over i had to get two shots one in each arm. Now i have a severe headache and feel very nauseous so i am not going to school today. Yeah first day i go back and i am to sick to. But i will tell you about being at my grandmas tomorrow since right now i feel so sick that i have been crying all morning. Stupid shots (if you were wondering one was for something called hoppycoughs 0.o and a type of cancer only females can was the hoppycoughs shot that made me sick....) well bye everyone....
No pics or anything today sorry....