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10th grade and a ninja during the night o.o
Real Name
well my nickname is Ichigo not telling my real name.
I ended up getting all a's and b's during 8th grade the whole year and i place above average on my test scores compared to the whole nation. I think that i did good.
Anime Fan Since
8 yrs old
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Fruits Basket, loveless, Chrno Cuesade, naruto, Jeanne, Fullmetal Alchemist& Panic, Saiyuki, Peacemaker, DBZ, Sailor moon, Chobits, trigun, inuyasha, getbackers, spiral, decendents of darkness, Ouran High School
to move to japan and get a job in anime design
drawing,watching tv,playing RPG games, playing soccor and swimming, reading
drawing anime,beating my brother at fighting games,swimming
| shuichi2cute
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
school canceled yet again!
Persona 4
Yup school got canceled today to because yesterday we got 4-6 inches of snow. this is like weird we never get off school i wonder if parents are threatening the school lol. Well yesterday i spent the playing online and playing Zelda twilight princess nothing much but today i have a doctors appointment yay lol but hey i can get a doctors note for Friday finally! Well that is really all i have to say so i guess i will reply to the comments now...
samurai girl- Our school got canceled yesterday because of it being so cold outside.
Paper- The game i mentioned yesterday is Zelda Twilight Princess i mentioned it the day before but i forgot to mention it again.
Samurai kitty- Those url's go to the sites me and laseatia are creating that are suppose to match the Ouran characters.
Cosmic Rose- Spiral? Wow how to explain it well it is a show about the blade children who find out about Ayumu(main guy) and how he could save them from their curse so they test him with like different life threatening situations while Ayumu goes around solving cases to hopefully find his brother. I have only seen the first 3 or 4 episodes so i don't know much about it....
itachi4ever- actually we rarely get canceled that it is surprising we are being canceled now.

"Does a death wish cause you to talk to me that way?" - Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)


my baby from spiral! |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
no school again
Persona 4
Well our school has been canceled again today i think i shall have a anime marathon with Spiral and Exel Saga. Well yesterday was fun i finally beat the boss at the lake bed temple wow he was easy actually all the bosses in that game are so easy it is scary.well not much to say oh yeah i got all the my spaces done yesterday i tried putting information that i thought they would have so i will put the url's down if you want them. Well that is all by.

"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)


myspace url
nekozawa |
Comments (8) |
Monday, February 5, 2007
No school!!!!!
Persona 4
Hey everyone guess what my school got canceled! I'm so happy so i can visit everyone today. Lately i have been only visiting those who visit me because of last week you know with Tomo and then Laseatia being here. So yeah today i visit everyone since the only thing i am going to do all day is play games (mainly dead or alive extreme 2 and Zelda twilight princess) Oh yes i am a girl who plays that game but Laseatia and I love playing the volleyball and all the little mini games in the game. I have to play Zelda i am still on lakebed temple boss lol i stop playing it a while ago. Ok well this weekend was fun Laseatia and I spent most of it on my dad's tv/computer. His tv is hooked up to his computer monitor. Well we played the sims 2 and roller coaster tycoon. You guys should of seen me Saturday night playing roller coaster i was trying to make a lake but was failing miserably like the ground went all the way to hell well at least that is what me and laseatia were saying. I was screaming because when i wanted it to go down it went really far up and when i wanted it to go up it went even farther down. Laseatia was crying she was laughing so hard and i am pretty sure our ground opened up under china lol. Well then yesterday Laseatia and I decided to make myspaces of the members of Ouran so far we have Hikaru(me), Kaoru(Laseatia), tamaki(Me), Kyoya(Laseatia). And i am going to make hunny, mori, haruhi as well as Renge today. And we are going to act like them this should be fun lol. Well that is it so bye guys!

"Who the hell contacts people like that. This is like some tv crime scene message written in somebody's own blood. And it better not stain my wall!" Ichigo- Bleach from last night lol

Comments (8) |
Friday, February 2, 2007
No school and other things
Persona 4
Well hey guys i do not have to go to school today because i have a doctors appointment well actually we couldn't make it in time so it got changed to wend. but hey it gets me out of school today right. Well let's see me and Tomo well we are not fighting anymore but i still am keeping a eye on her. I only forgave her yesterday because she actually came up to me and said she was sorry and that is very rare so i forgave her. We talked on aim last night and well it wasn't as good as conversations as we usually had but she said that i had to promise to smack her every time she ignored me. But it is funny because now laseatia is going to beat Tomo lol that is what she said! I'm so glad to have laseatia as my best friend. Ok well to get out of the friends thing i am going out to the pond shop and to hastings (a rental store for those who do not know) then out to eat with my parents soon. Well laseatia is coming over tonight again i know lol and maybe tomorrow Aneko and Tomo will come (We're all going to keep a eye on Tomo) and we can do more dubbing's maybe i should post them sometime what do you think? Well that's it bye!

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad man."
aw poor shuichi i still love you!

go shu-chan!
Comments (2) |
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Persona 4
Well thanks for all the concern you guys it really helped. Today was no more better with Tomo at least. We ignored each other all day until health where she wrote me a note saying stuff like she was sorry, that you was partly to blame and you know. Which made me mad because i did nothing to her so i just wrote back saying at the end at least i know who my true friends are. But when i went to lunch brittany was there and she ask me what was wrong i told her everything and she got really mad at Tomo so i heard when they were in english Tomo was mad and was like 'so what you are not talking to me either!'
Brittany...'Well i am talking to you even though i shouldn't after what you did to Ichigo (she used my real name)
'Well she use to be my true friend' That when brittany really got mad and said
'You do not do that to true friends, you just don't!' So yeah i have all of our friends on my side now. So that makes me kind of happy. Well i checked myspace and Tomo was saying she was sorry and all but i don't know if i can make her my best friend again. So i thought you think i should just forgive her but not exactly count her as a friend till i know that i can trust her? I really care about Tomo she is like a sister to me so it is hard to fight against her like this...well bye you guys.

"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks"

Comments (7) |
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Persona 4
Well yesterday sucked. Well everything was good at the beginning i mean i was able to update my site, all we did for the first two classes was watch movies, i got my math homework done and recycling went by good. But on my way to health class i met Tomo like always and she ask me why i was mad a t Brittany so i started telling her that it was because she was pretending to be Yuika online. Then these popular upperclassmen that she likes to say they are her friends were in front of us and they started talking to her while i was so i gave up because she wasn't listening. So when they left she rushed off upstairs and i tried catching up but she was like 'god what do you want!' so i was like 'never mind...'. When we got into health this is what she said to me...
'Now what do you want!? Tell me now! And never talk to me when i am talking to my friends!'
This upset me so i just sat down in silence and after a while i started crying and the health teacher noticed this and asked me if i wanted to go to the restroom i now wish i said yes...
Well i went home all mad and then got online as you know we can not go ice skating because laseatia twisted her ankle well brittany was like 'wait so since you can't go none of us can go k i will tell my mom that.' That made me mad because she wasn't even invited, she invited herself. So i am going to talk to Aneko today and tell her to go without me and laseatia even though she may say no i just want her to make the decision. Oh and last night Tomo said she was sorry on myspace and i told her what i really thought about how she was trying to be popular and how she ignored me that it hurt me a lot. Do you think that was right of me to do?

"Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend!"

Comments (6) |
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
drama and laseatia's bad luck
Persona 4
Grrrr i hate my school yet again we have no delay why does everyone at our school hate us grrrrr. Well snow tubing was fun but was very cold! I wanted to go down the slopes so much but no one would go with me and the air was just to cold. but i eventually went down it with Tomo laughing the whole time. Then yesterday i had drama it was fun because i had to play the part of a oz girl with Tomo (that isn't our parts but we had to fill in) and after cleaning the main people we were suppose to gasp because the witch was in the air but i was daydreaming and didn't do anything so when everyone gasp i just looked at them all weird lol. And then when we were giving my drama teacher back her scrips she was like 'are you sure you do not want to keep them and practice your parts?' and me and Tomo were like...
'But we are not in the parts'
'You are now!' lol so now i have 4 parts in the next play yay... well then i went home and called laseatia to tell her that Aneko said we were going ice skating this weekend but before i could she went....
'I can't go ice skating...'
'I twisted my ankle in gym.'
'Moved it the wrong way.'
So yeah we are not going dang but they are coming this weekend and we are going next weekend to ice skate. Well i had more to say but i have to get ready for school ~sigh~ well bye everyone.

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Comments (7) |
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Persona 4
OMG i actually visited everyone's sites lol it's a miracle lol. Yeah as you can tell i am in a good mood! OMG so far tonights anime episodes have been so cool!!!!!!!!! It's makes me so happy! I have take down notes because laseatia went home today why is it the day that such excellent anime episodes play!? Oh and tomorrow is snow tubing! yay but i feel really sick like everytime i eat something or just any thing i do makes me feel like i will puke but lalala i just hope it get better! Hey have you ever heard of a song lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking of her clothes my god love that song!!! But panic at the disco seriousily needs to settle down on the names lol happy happy joy i scaring you guys! I'm just so happy for some reason. Maybe because my parents are gone...or maybe because i am watching excellent animes...or i finally updated my story...or i'm going snow tubing tomorrow...~looks at tv~ HAHAHAHAHA poor ichigo getting drooled on by those kids lol! hehe man i am happy and hyper all at once not good! Well yeah i will stop before i continue to scare you guys! BUH BYE!


"Stop making me repeat myself. It's bad for my health!" So true Stop it ~hides underneath blanket~

yay cute yaoi couple! yay yay yay ~runs around room then trips over shadow~ hahahahaha! |
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
dang it
Persona 4
I got school again! Not once this week have we even had a delay it makes me mad! Well i guess that is just my luck i mean even if cars go off the road and there are crashes right in front of my school they still make us come grrrr their mean. I can't believe it is only wendsday TT.TT I want to be able to sleep in! Mainly because i feel like i have no more energy i guess that could be because i have my friends over all the time and never can sleep in on the weekends. Maybe after this weekend (we are going snow tubing!!!) and next weekend (ice-skating with my best friends yay!!!!) I will just spend the weekends by myself and relax because i need to sleep more. Oh yeah i going to and apply to burger king i need a job! So wish me luck! Buh Bye!

"Its amazing how every time you open your mouth you prove that you're an idiot."


me and my three friends clockwise from top left aneko, tomo, me, and then laseatia. |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Persona 4
Gomenasai! I am so sorry! I tried visiting all the sites i could before Laseatia came i am sorry if i didn't get your sites! ~bows~ And i got 11 comments now i feel guilty i am so sorry! But maybe tonight i will visit because Tomo, Aneko and Laseatia will all be here so maybe when they are all talking away i will comment! But if i don't please don't be mad i just don't want to bore my friends! Gomenasai!!!! Well yeah i just summarized the whole weekend so far Laseatia is over right now and is lecturing me about saving sites before exiting ~sweat drop~ well better than our conversation of regurgitated Pepsi. (Laseatia- NOT MY IDEAL!) Um yeah yesterday we talked a bunch mainly about how it was weird we never even looked at each other before until Beonca introduced us. We also went to a basketball game last night but didn't even watch the game like always but instead talked lol. Well got to clean or my parents will have my head bye!


"I have never seen a guy that has made my heart spark a interest but i have met some guys who have made my stomach spark a interest of letting it's contents come up." ME! Lol i said that to laseatia last night and we both thought it was funny! What do you guys think?