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myOtaku.com: shuichi2cute

Friday, February 2, 2007

   No school and other things
Persona 4
Well hey guys i do not have to go to school today because i have a doctors appointment well actually we couldn't make it in time so it got changed to wend. but hey it gets me out of school today right. Well let's see me and Tomo well we are not fighting anymore but i still am keeping a eye on her. I only forgave her yesterday because she actually came up to me and said she was sorry and that is very rare so i forgave her. We talked on aim last night and well it wasn't as good as conversations as we usually had but she said that i had to promise to smack her every time she ignored me. But it is funny because now laseatia is going to beat Tomo lol that is what she said! I'm so glad to have laseatia as my best friend. Ok well to get out of the friends thing i am going out to the pond shop and to hastings (a rental store for those who do not know) then out to eat with my parents soon. Well laseatia is coming over tonight again i know lol and maybe tomorrow Aneko and Tomo will come (We're all going to keep a eye on Tomo) and we can do more dubbing's maybe i should post them sometime what do you think? Well that's it bye!
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"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad man."
aw poor shuichi i still love you!
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go shu-chan!
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