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myOtaku.com: sickpunk9

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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yusuke05 (10/30/05)

hey nice site returning the favor of signing my G-book and adding u as a friend

darkheart13 (07/06/05)

my life couldnt be better right now. that was random. but i like yer site a lot! usually im so depressed and now im happy. shocker! well im gunna add you as a frend ok? ok!

nirvana faerie (06/05/05)

I like yoor name (sickpunk). I'm not into "punk" myself but it's cool. Nice avatar.

iluvsasuk (04/19/05)

love ur avatar..
rock on ^^

EvilKrad (04/17/05)

I like your site visit my site whem you get a chance ok.Oh! Can I add you as a friend?

Sesshomaru0 (09/15/04)

dudette kool site I never knew we have so much in common any ways I'm adding you as a friend and good luck with art college!

little kagome (07/26/04)


Cool site...

Cool Lyrics...



babypetsarekool (06/04/04)

I love your avatar pic! It's so cool..

Kenshin Himura (04/09/04)

sempai cat (03/24/04)

exuse me but.. how should i put this, somebody deleted my entry. well, what can i do about it... *sigh* this happened to me 2 or 3 times already!! it's wierd...well, see ya round and plz add me as yer freind. (i wonder if i spelled that right because that whole "i before e, unless after c", crap.) anyway, you should come see my site and sign my gb! see ya round! -sempai cat 83k

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