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myOtaku.com: sickpunk9

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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The Mask (01/30/04)

hello there! thanks for adding me as a friend! Thanks for droping by my site also!

darksoul (01/29/04)

Hi I like your site too it's red my fav color!!THanx for signing my GB!!


BoogerBrain (01/29/04)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook! (mmm boogers)

Verlin (01/29/04)

your right anime does rocik!!!;)

prideexe (01/28/04)

i thank you for signing my guestbook. and i am gald that you thought the pics there were cool. i wish you a good day or at least a day w/o bad things.

Pimpin Satan (01/28/04)

Redefined Bebop said that there was some one else who 1)liked to put lyrics up, 2)that liked nirvana, so I came by.

Kaedesan (01/28/04)

Heh. Nice site you got here. Love the quotes, and the site is just plain cool, heheh. Keep it up ^^

StarlightSakura (01/26/04)

Hey there. Nice site. I really like the quotes. Uh yeah, I know my site is kinda bright, (experimenting with colors & all that) and it actually did hurt mai eyes for a bit. So that's gonna change (eventually....) N.E.waiz, I'm gonna add you as one of mai friends if ya dun mind. ^.^ Well, gotta go. Bai!

aoshislover (01/26/04)

hey! ill add you as my friend as well then, i like your site, specially the red..... hmmmm thats a good song too *downloads it* . yeah i have no life either but thats OK!

JamalXIII (01/26/04)

Thanx for stopping by
Buddy list m'kay??

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