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myOtaku.com: sickpunk9

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Broken Blade (01/14/04)

you signed my guestbook a while ago, but i never signed yours...uh so I'm doing it now...Oh and I added you as a friend...um thats it *runs away* Stay in the fight!!!!!!!

rafa (01/12/04)

do you have any info about a guy that himself angelboy

kamemaster (01/10/04)

thanks, im glad you like my site.

UltimaSquall (01/09/04)

hiya check out my site and can u sign my guestbook

blackangel (01/08/04)

Thanks for signing my G book O_o im not much of an AFI fan anymore but the distillers are okay, im not much a punker anymore. Got tired of all the posers LOL.

Aerio of BT (01/07/04)

So you say you're also a fan of Zelda. Now that's something--a good something.
Thank you very much for your nice comments to my guest book. n_o I much appreciate it.
I hope you fare well!


DarkestDragon (12/28/03)

hey another person whos knot a freakin' poser and says their punk and their really knot.
so wut im sayin is that i don't really see a lot of true peeps that r punk like me and TOTALIMORTAL.
+ im a little goth (i can be a lot of times. i mean i don't go on a little dandy shopping spree at hot topic or anything like that. i have a lot of goth stuff that i've had 4 years).
im going 2 add u as a friend. hope thats ok.
well u can come and visit my site if u want 2.
or u can aim me at KoRn4eva7575 OR
HieiRuLz7575 OR
Dracula7575 OR
well bye
sry this was soooooooooooo long

onewingedangel (11/08/03)

me psycho? ummmm hehe, well, i guess the least i could do is say hi eh, so HHHHIIIIIIIII!!, and to answer the other question you asked no(btw, you have been added! mauahahhah)

sickpunk9 (11/08/03)

uummmm... HEELLLOOOOO..
thanks for the "Awesome Profile"..... umm.. why is it awesome???... n-e-way....... well... thnaks....l8er

animeprince (11/04/03)

hey u have an awsome profile!!
can u sign my guestbook??

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