Hello... as everyone can see my site is pretty emo. I am pretty much emo/goth/punk. I am a very strange combination of those 3 things, i dress in dark clothes and yet i am a very insane person. I love hanging out with my friends and I'm not afraid to act crazy. I am not hardcore emo anyone who knows me could tell you that. I am totally obsessed with cats, and i wish more than anything in the world i had black cat ears on my head. I also enjoy the taste of blood ( just something odd about me) OK just like my bff burukku we love pete wentz and if u eva say anything negative crap about him we will PUNCH UR FACE IN lol jk. Well, anyway i hope you enjoy my site! i love making freinds so jsut add me whenever u want.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Omg i got a haircut! i think it looks much better than before now i dont look so boring...
Anyways! i havnt took a pic of myself yet. tell if it looks ok and if u dont think so well.... to bad cuz theres not much i can do about it now lol.
So did anybody do anything intersting this weekend?
Emo Stuff
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Emo Stuff
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those guys are my two of my best friends one of them is like paranoid so i cant say their name lol. They one with really dark brown hair, his name is michael, my freinds and i are always making fun of him lol. Burukku, my best freind is also really good freinds with these guys we all hang out alot at skool.
Emo Stuff
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Emo Stuff
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Me and my best friend kelly

sorry to disapoint you but im not that pretty im th one with the dark hair
Emo Stuff
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Monday, February 11, 2008
OMG! its almost single awareness day
Emo Stuff
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its almost single awareness day
Emo Stuff
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My story
once There was a Girl named Mari.
She was in the 9th grade and up until high school her life had pretty much sucked.
Most of her life she didn’t have many friends and the few friends she did have always tried to make her life miserable. She hoped that in high school everything would change.
On her first day she didn’t expect to meet very many people.
On the 2nd day she was ignored.
She kept her hopes up.
Before long it was already half way into the year and the only time people talked to her was to say "get out of the way" or "move it freak"
No one had really took any notice to her so it wasn’t as if she was hated, it was as if she just didn’t exist.
One day she had given up all hope of ever making friends.
She was sitting on the ground and reading outside of the school when someone walked up to her and started talking.
She was confused because the girl was being really nice. Mari stared at her blankly. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t answer but the girl just kept talking.
Mari hadn’t had a conversation with someone her age in almost a year now, she had no idea what to say...
The girl was always smiling even when Mari didn’t answer.
Mari eventually spoke and the were talking for a while. After a while
the girl said she had to go home and left.
Mari sat there confused and went home home thinking about the girl, she realized she didn’t even know her name.
The moment she walked through the door to her house her mother began to scream at her.
Mari couldn’t even understand what her mother was saying or yelling about.
She stood there shocked as her mom kept yelling before she knew it, her mom had slapped her across the face.
Mari yelped not because it hurt really bad but because she was surprised.
Her mother pointed upstairs which meant for Mari to go to her room.
A few weeks past and mari's mother seemed to aslways be angry mari soon figured out that the reaon for all of this was because her parents were selling drugs and they were taking them.Her mother yelled all the time for no reason an her father just ignored it and never said a word to mari anymore. This didn’t bother her too much because she was never close with her father any way.
People had finally started to notice her but not in the way she wanted. They would beat her up. Mari didn’t know why she would do anything to be as invisible as she was before. Mari was somethimes too scared to go to school but if she didn’t her mother scream even more and strike her. Mari was tooo scared to skip school because even though before no one noticed her her teachers knew she exsisted an would call her parents if had not been there and of corse she would get yelled at or smacked either way. She had thought about running away but she knew she had nowhere to go.
She wished terribly that the girl who had spoken to her would comeback.
Mari had only spoke to that girl for a little while and she felt, as she was the only one in the world who cared, sadly Mari didn’t even know her name.
After about 2 months of this abuse Mari didn’t care about anything. She could hardly feel the pain when the boys beat her up. She could only hear her mother screaming wherever she went. She couldn’t even sleep. She stayed up all night crying.
She had bruises everywhere she had many scars on her arms.
She came home bloody almost everyday...
its wonder she even survived. You would think she would have been beaten death.
One day the girl came back she was still smiling and Mari cried out in happiness to see her she hadnt felt that emotion in so long.
She and the girl talked for a long time.
The girl hung out with her all the time now. The girl listened to all of Mari’s stories and about what happened but the girl never shared anything about her life.
People didn’t beat her up as much as they usually did. Mari was weak but she was no match for 5 boys at the same time. The girl was very strong and normally got the boys to at least back off. Her mother still yelled. slowly the pain started to go away.
As they were walking home one day the girl (who's name turned out to be Sara)
Sara stopped in her tracks. She began to cry and said “ oh mari I cant take it anymore… there gone.”
mari stared a her and didn’t know what she meant. “What are you talking about” Mari replied.
Sara started to cry even more than before and then as they were about to cross the street a speeding bus was coming. “ you don’t get it” she screamed. Sara smiled.
Bye-bye, im gonna miss you.. sara said smiling but tears were running down her face.
She ran into the middle of the street and the bus hit her!
mAri screamed so loud, she had tried to grab sara’s arm before she ran but sara was fast.
The idiot bus driver kept going and then mari ran out to the street sara lie there dead and covered in blood from getting run over. Her mangled body lay on the ground. The bones in her ribs were most likely shattered. Her face looked red and severly bruised with blood running dwon her cheeks and lips. She looks so beat up because the bus had hit very hard then when she fell her body scraped against the street before getting run over.
Mari cried and layer her head on her hugging her still crying. Mari was covered in saras blood but she didnt care. Tears ran down maris face they wouldn’t stop she scremed she couldn’t believe it the one person who liked her was dead. Some of the people from her school had saw what happened but they didn’t truly care. They didn’t like sara much and defiantly didn’t like Mari but they had no real reasons. One of the boys began to laugh which made some other people laugh. They kicked mari and said” wow guess even your friends hate!” u gonna go write this in your journal?!” the said still laughing. “ u guys are sick…how can you laugh when someones just died” mari screamed but she didn’t look up she was still laying on top sara refusing to let her go. Mari had never stood up for self and she began to scream at them. The boys began to get annoyed and some of the girls had gotten offended by some of things mari had called them. One of the girls screamed” kick her ass!” and with that the boys began to beat her more brutally than ever before. Mari was crying more because of the pain. It began to rain and the students went home just leaving her there bloody and crying.
Mari was soaked in someone else’s blood crying. One boy still stayed there. “ you know” he said “I think she got sick of your whining and decided to kill herself” it was probably your fault” he giggled. Mari finally looked up and glared at the boy. He jumped back he hadn’t scene her face before this. Her lip was swollen and when she spoke little bits of blood dripped from her mouth. She was severly bruised and cut from being hit so hard. Her cloths were torn and she was the one who looked like she got hit by a bus. Mari didn’t understand how could this happen..."why" she thought to herself. There’s no way it as my fault.. She said she’d miss me… she turned her head and said outload “ sara why?! I don’t understand!
The boy ran. She lay there crying and bloody she couldn’t even tell if there was more of sara's blood on her or her own. She found the strength to get up and dragged Sara’s body out of the street.
Painfully she carried her body to her house. Luckily her parents weren’t home.
She went to her room and still refused to believe that sara hated her.
" i give up” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
She walked to her bathroom and opened the cupboard. She pulled out pain killer pills and took two at first and before she knew she had took almost the entire bottle.
She stared at Sara’s body on the floor and said "well sara i guess ill know the truth soon…"
Her whole body felt weak and numb from the pills
She picked up a knife and passed out before she could do anything else.
Within a few moments she had died after passing out.
At the funeral the only person who attended was sara’s older sister. The truth was sara had done this terrible thing because of her parents they had died. Her fathers commit suicide and her mother did the same after witnessing her husband dying. Sara was confused and decidied to do the same.
Mari’s parents went on living their lives as if nothing had happened…
Emo Stuff
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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Emo Stuff
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Emo Stuff
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