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myOtaku.com: sikaurai

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Grisly and Good Fun...

Hello, dolls and dudes…haven’t been on
in, like…ages, or something.
Busy with work…and my spare time
is spent on dA…and….yeah.
Don’t give a rat’s ass about the
ol’ excuses, right? Yeah, I thought so.

Anyway, nothing exciting to
report. Aside from potentially
starting up a new site…an online
associate of mine is a website
designer By occupation…and he’s
trying to Encourage me to set up
my very own Site—not as an
affiliate of any Larger network,
but my very own, Complete with
registered domain name. For…heh…
hentai. Yep. I’m hedging
the fence on it. Gotta think some more
about it.

See, I’m very skilled at it. But hesitant
to be associated with a public display
of my most scandalous talent. It could
come back and bite me in the ass, y’know…
In the long run.

Anyway, I made the mistake of
falling asleep to the song ‘Prey For
The Dead’, by Negative Format. That
night, I had this pretty gruesome dream
about raging hordes of zombies. So…
because I’m in a pretty vile mood, I’d like
to introduce a video by my favorite
aging rocker…whom has also managed
to produce a series of movies paying
homage to the old cheesy splatter-flicks
of the seventies.
Dude, I loved those movies. And I
Love Mr. Zombie. So, here’s a video
showing some of the finer points of
his first movie, ‘house of a thousand
Corpses’…and DUDES, lemme tell
ya, I LOVE this song. I always kinda
pictured this song being Akiramaru’s
little theme song (his OTHER one)…
You know, as he pouts his sexy pout.

Yeahhhhh, I need psychiatric

You wanna make something of it?

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