Still swamped with trades and gifts.
That’s okay; I like it that way. SIGH.
Sorry I haven’t been around. I’m a naughty
Otakuite. But…if it makes anyone feel any
better, I SINCERELY appreciate you guys
helping my Vincent Valentine make it into the
‘Featured’ section. I just submitted a Sephiroth
Pic—he seems to be a pretty popular dude, yo.
I had him posted on deviant ART some time ago…but
my insane schedule kept me from remembering to tack
him on, here.
SephirothHosted By
Oh, annnnnd …squeeeeeee, Ebony finished her part of
the trade with me! A wonderful Sascha-and-Kimi pic; I
love it—it’s so smexy! It reeks of ‘Come and Get It,
Sexay Thang’…har har. So you must all SIMPLY go vote
On it. Yes yes.
Mailëa TirilaHosted By
Wish I had something rant-worthy here. But I truly don’t.
Wow, things must be stabilizing.