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myOtaku.com: sikaurai

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ending the YEAR with RANDOMNESS!!!! ^^

OMIGOD¡¦I, like, found more pics. And this time, my youngest is in ¡®em!!!! XD

Ehhhhh, and Lolly~Chan did a very nice piccy for me¡¦thanks for the sentiments!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Feel free to go to her site and vote and/or comment. I'm a dork; I can't embed links...so...here:

Also, cuz I like her Azriel so much, I did this:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It¡¯s her original character, Azriel. I dig ¡®im; he amuses me. (And yeah, Lovelife7, I got your comment on dA¡¦annnnnnnnd, no, it¡¯s NOT GARY. Heh.

And by the way, Ebony, did you see the Lycaetris pic, yet? Just curious. I like the way he turned out. Apparently, so did my friend Scott. Although¡¦Yaoikiss101 declined to respond. Damn him.

EEEEEEEEE, I will be in my hometown this week! I promise to take pictures; no drunken piccies, though; I promised myself I would stay sober for the proceedings.

But anyway, here¡¯s those pics:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yeah, yeah, I¡¯m one of those obnoxious parents, posting pics of their kids. Suck it up! ANd by the way, I have some art up?

HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR¡¯S¡¦I shall spend it at work, tucked safely away from the dangerous amateurs.

OMIGOD, more random!!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!! I found a FOREIGN BORN video, and I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! ANd none of my music browsers can ever find this band...so feel free to check it out--for once, it's not techno...LMAO!!!!!

Lust:Very High

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on 4degreez.com

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