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not like I know
Ummm. . I can touch my nose with my toungue!!!! And the relationship I have with Chaos Eidolon. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
more than two years, still not long
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Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Imadoki, Alice 19th, Genbu Kaiden, hell, anything Yuu Watase!!!!
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drawing, writing, singing, hiking, running, lots of other random stuff.
uhh. . same as above?
| SilencetheDawn
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Hooo. . I'm an owl. . ^_____^
Hey folks!!!! Really not much to say today..exept, my friend got me this totally awsome c-pop CD, and it's soooo cool!!! I'm obsessed with J-pop and C-pop, which is basically, Chineses pop, and Japanese pop, if ya didn't know. ^_^ I think it's sooooo much cooler than the stuff we have over here. ^_^
Hmmmm. .what else. . oh!!!! It's raining! I love the rain, especially at night, when you can hear it rolling along the roof. . **sighs** peaceful.
OMG. . I was over at a firends house the other night, and we made these cheesecake fudge browies. .
YUMMMMMMMMMMMMY!!!!!! **runs around looking for more**
I'm so sweets obsessed!! I can't help it tho. . **sobbs** along with being retarded (the below post. ^_^) I'm also a chocaholic, how worse can it get?!?!
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Ooooh. . scary!!!
Hey guess what?!?!
My ranking is 4444, is that an omen or something? **laughs**
Maybe it's a sign for. . DIRTY LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!
**nervous laughter**
I don't . . ahve any of that. . what could. . you possibly. . be talking about. .
Wooo, I'm not so bored anymore because I have lotsa stuff to do now. :D **sings the busy as a bee song**
I am busy .. I am bee. . la la la la. . wee wee weeeeeeee . .
Um, stop reading this. . I'm retarded!!!! **cries**
Well I said that too late, it's over now anyways!!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ahahahahaahahaaaaaa. . .
I'm so flippin' booorrreeeeddd ..
So bored. . so bored sobored!!!!!!
(haha, that last one kind looked like sobered)
Ahem. . anyway, I'm really bored, in case you didn't know it, it's like midnight here, no one's online, I'm all alone. . AND I'M BORED which really sucks cuz this is one of my last few nights of freedom, and I can't think of anything better to dooo .. so I'm sitting here, all sore from practice >_< and wondering how long I can go before I have to actually write that essay that's due the first day of school. . (I'm sooooo looking forward to it, which is why I've HELD IT OFF THE WHOLE SUMMER!!!!!)
Okay, please. . somebody help me I'm bored and miserable. . and I don't have any buddies to annoy at the moment. . >:( and I'm BORED!!!!!!
Ahahahaaaaaa .. . **cries**
Maybe I'll go do an experiment on how dangerous it actually is to stick a wet finger in the toaster. . eheh heh. . wheeeeeee. .
I get crazy when I'm this bored. ^_^
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Hmmm. . .
Just a warning to anyone reading this. . I'm wierd, and I have a wierd question too.
Which you have permission to take however you want, should you choose to answer it, I just want to know people's thoughts. But one thing, I would never actually consider the topic below, for you know what I mean, I was just. . umm (for lack of a better word) pondering earlier.
What about suicide?
Do you think there's anyone who hasn't thought about it?
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Guess what?!?!?!
Hey people, I've started a Yuu Watase fanclub on Otaku!!!
There arn't any members yet, but I did get a lame excuse for a home site up and running, and I'm working on some badges now, so PM me if you'd like to jion! Please. . PLEASE!!!!!! Join!!!! I want more buddies!!!!
Haha, okay, well, I have to get back to trying to figure out html stuff, so later!
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Alright. . more poetry ..
Okay, once again, for lack of anything better to post, I update today, with nothing more than a poem. ^_^
Hmmmm, I guess I like this one alright, but lemme know what you think.
The wind has places to go,
Things to be.
One autumn day it's travels,
Brought it to a solemn pause
At the base of an old oak tree.
She sat there with her head laid back,
Young woman, shattered soul.
And as the wind whipped and coiled
Her long hair around her face,
The ghost of a smile that might have been there once,
Shadowed across her lips.
Oh wind, she sighed,
Won't you take me from this place?
Here there's nothing left for me.
Please don't blow away,
And leave me to myself again.
One warn, gentle breeze,
Reached out a finger, and slowly coaxed
One tear, one soul,
To roll along one cheek.
To leave a body, never whole.
Two eyelids slowly closed,
And cradling a single tear,
The wind swept off to journey free,
Once more.
Leaving only silence,
At the base of an old oak tree.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
BWA HA HAH AHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wooooo cookies. . I still havn't gotten one all this time I've been ranting. .but I did get ice cream the other day .. YAY FOR ICE CREAM!!!!
Okay, I'm hyper right now. .
no kidding.
It's funny, because this week I'm really obsessed with sweets..
So I must ask. . does anyone know how to make a really good milkshake?!?! Every time I try it's slighty catastrophic (although the incident with the fudgesicles was kinda funny..)
Okay. . must stop. . thinking. . about sweet things. .
Alright, I want to post more poetry. . **sighs** but I have to write it first. But whenever I write, it's like I have to be in 'the zone' if you know what I mean, I can't just write in any old mood!! It's the same with drawing too, who else knows what I mean?
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Hmmmm. . what to say today .. .
Huh, okay, my brain's kind of empty right now...
I'm bored, so I went (PEANUTS!!!) to go make some desktop wallpapers, except I couldn't focus. So that didn't work.
I can't seem to come up with anything drawing today (FUZZLEPUFF!!) either, as a matter of fact, I can't seem to do anything today except sit and stare at the screen (I want a cookie) and type random things into my posts. .
Hmmmmm. . it's a pickles world.
Did I just say pickles?
Oh my. . .
Well, IT'S A WIERD WORLD, ha, got it right that time!!!
Hmmm, I better get back to drawing now .. **laughs** in this state. . **hysterical giggles**
Wish me luck. .
but you know, I really do want a cookie. .
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More poems. . .o joy. .
Alright, here's another poem, I'm finally posting the one that I based a drawing off of..
Actually, the idea for the POEM came form a dream I had (big surprise)
And it turned kinda story-ish and less poemy-ish, and I'm not sure if I really like it, so lemme know what you think. ^_^
A cool breeze ruffles my feathers
Willing me, beckoning, calling my name
Brilliant wings spread wide as the night
I leap.
And soar.
Alight upon shimmering wings
The wind beneath my breast
The mountains stretch out below me.
Vast, endless.
The moonlight dancing at their feet.
I gasp as the cold air bites into my skin
And rolls along my back.
Exhaling sharply, I climb higher and higher
Until I can see.
With the world laid out before me
This is the way it was meant to be.
Until, my glorious wings are ripped from me
Leaving me stranded in a world that suddenly seems so harsh.
So unforgiving.
I scream out, and it echoes, cruelly.
Among the jagged peaks I plummet towards.
And there is darkness.
Fighting to escape a deathly embrace from my sheets, I sit up.
And sigh.
Cold sweat trickles down my back, and the wind outside my window
Whistles and laughs softly.
Mocking me.
Denying me the sky.
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I'm bored. ..

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