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not like I know
Ummm. . I can touch my nose with my toungue!!!! And the relationship I have with Chaos Eidolon. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
more than two years, still not long
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Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Imadoki, Alice 19th, Genbu Kaiden, hell, anything Yuu Watase!!!!
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drawing, writing, singing, hiking, running, lots of other random stuff.
uhh. . same as above?
| SilencetheDawn
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
**laughs** Actually, they're praying mantids, and they're just taking over my house. ^_^ Where I live, they're really uncommon, and I hadn't seen one in two years, until today, when my brother and I found like 20 in our yard in a short period of time, that's so wierd!!! So I took pictures of the ones that would stop trying to kill me long enough to pose. ^_^ (these things are BIG!!)

This one was the biggest we found, he takes up my whole knee!!

my brother kind of squashed this one with the lawn mover, so it's missing one of it's legs. .

For the record, this is my brothers hand, not mine!!! Whenever I touched this one it tried to eat my face, so I got my brother to hold it for me. ^_^
I'm such a geek, but these things are cool!
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Poetry time!!!!!!
Ooooookay, I really don't have anything interesting to say today, so it's time for another poem!!!!
And oh my god, it's not morbid like the rest of them. . **claps for me**
Pit pat, pit pat.
The rain brings itself
To roll along my roof
With murmurs
Of content
To fall onto the ground
Singing its song
As it goes.
Pit pat, pit pat.
I lay in my bed
And listen
To the whispers
Of the downfall
As it dances through
The night.
Pit pat, pit pat.
Over and over,
It plays in harmony
Each drops voice
Rising and falling
Like a choir of water
So loud
But yet so unnaturally
I close my eyes
And find myself,
Off into another place
Pit pat, pit pat.
The rain sweeping
Its long
Delicate fingers
Down my window
Its rhythm
Playing gently
In my ears.
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Oi, I'm such a dork.
Wow, I was searching through mp3 rotation sites looking for new artists to get obsessed with, and I found this really cool song from the Loin King 2, I LOOOOOOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!! So anyway, I keep playing it now **grins** I'm retarded, I know, but I can't help it!!!
And actually, I'm feeling inspired to. . draw. . something. . happy. . (wow, that was harder to say than I thought it would be) ^_^
OOoooooh, shocking, I must be mad!!!
Oh well, on to happiness inspired by lion king!!!!!

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Saweeee. .
I think I'm bipolar!
Okay, I'm in a much better mood now, but, one thing.
She's so mean to me, all I wanted was a cooooookie
(Wow, I'm definatly happier than I was a few hours ago. ^_^)
Okay, my deep question for the day. DO YOU LIKE THE CHEWY COOKIES OR THE CRUNCHY COOKIES??
Please tell me, I must know. .
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
I'm so angry!
**sighs** I'm really upset now...I'm normally in a happy mood if my parents just leave me alone and don't try to bond. . but. . they found out about me posting stuff here, I thought they would freal out and be like OMG! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! But nooooo. . my parents had to go and get thrilled, and insist that I show them everything I had up. Which ment them crowding in my room and leaning over me, which I can't stand. **growls** I mean, I don't draw stuff to show them! I'd prefer if they never saw a single thing I ever drew, because it's personal and they wouldn't understand. So I got mad and wasn't exactly nice to them, and now my mom thinks I'm hiding something. . o joy. . just what I need.
Wow, really sorry anyone had to read that! But I couldn't help it, I'm having some anger issues right now.
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Hmmmm. .
Ahh. . no poetry today. . I'm lazy and I don't feeeeeeeeel like it. **gins**
You lucky people get to read about the death toll by fuzzy slippers in 1983.
As far as I'm concerned..there wasn't any!!!
Well now that that's over with....hmmm... I havn't posted in a while, I've been pretty lazy.
Well, actually, I just had a good book. ^_^ But I'm done with it now soooooo, back to the sketchpad! I guess it's time to try to soak up the last good drawing opportunities to draw I'll have for a while. It's hard to do any long term drawing work during the school year, because there are so many other things you have to do once things get going...
I'm really not sure I'm ready to face another year, in the past years I've always been ready to go back when the time came, but this is the first year I've liked anime, and things are different now. ^_^
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Another poem!!! Yayness!
Well, putting a poem up is soooo much easier than actually having to talk about yourself. ^_^
So here I am with another one.
It's supposed to be a sonnet I did for english, soooo..depressingness.
Perched atop a hill in a dreamy silhouette
Among trees of brilliant red and yellow
The whispers of the wind sighing
And with the sunflowers slowly dying
Here sits the little house.
Lying in a pool of roses
On the creaky porch home to the cobwebs
And the dust that coated them in brown
Like some rejected gown
Here lies the mistress
In her eyes a saddened glassy stare
One labored breath she took
And a smile faintly flit across her lips
For if she strain herself just a little bit
She could see him where he lay
Him whose smile lit up the day
He that held her in his arms
That caressed and comforted her
The one who had given her so much
Now rested peacefully beside the bed
And on his shirt in scarlet red
Were lifeless flowers blooming
One sigh the mistress took
Her eyelids briefly fluttered
Before their final close
Her hands slowly loosened their grip
Leaving only fingerprints of the very deepest red
On the hilt of the blade that now protruded
From her grief-racked chest.
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Ooookay. . here;s a poem. **for lack of anything better to post**
Alright. If this goes well I'll post more. ^_^
Out Of Reach
I speak for all of the unseen
For every girl who plastered a smile
Over her tear streaked face each morning
To hide the pain inside
For every little boy
Who dared to reach for the sun
And missed
For all the painted masks and
The tortured souls peering from within
And every fallen tear
Of the girl that sits alone
And all the souls that dreamed of the sky
I speak for every on of them,
Every weighted heart, every sad smile
In that knowing with every fiber of their being
That they did not belong
I tell you this so that you may know
Of all the silent screams
And broken dreams
Of the life that they would seek
Every pair of feet with no fate
But to wander
And blow away like dust.
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Okay, I've tried posting this one drawing 3 times in the last few days, and it's just not coming up!
Does anybody know what I could do?
Please help.. . . X_x
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
How heavy is your soul?
Okay, I'm being philosophical today. But I have a question for anybody who cares.
Okay, suppose everybody has a soul, right? And I know they're not supposed to be material things, but people speak metaphorically about it all the time "so and so has a light soul" and so on, but suppose your soul COULD weigh something.
I know mine would be heavy today. . but humor me, how heavy would your soul be?
Wow, there was my deep thinking for the day. O.o
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