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myOtaku.com: SilencetheDawn

Sunday, October 30, 2005

yay, I have another poem to present! **feels releived that she finally wrote it and it's not drifting in her head anymore**

Well, it's pretty easy to figure this one out, so here you go!


I�m shrouded in darkness
Fighting to keep my head
Above the deep waters that surround me
I�m drifting in an endless sea

The dark water�s cold
I see no land
No anchor and no path
The tide is pulling me

At times it feels I�ll drown,
All alone
But for a tiny flame that flickers
And burns beneath my breast

The only lantern that lights my way
Is that in hopes someday
I�ll find someone like me
Who�s drifting in an endless sea
Someone just as lost as me

yay! lemme know what you think, please! ^___^ and enjoy your weekend.

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