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• 1990-09-03
• Timbucktoo....
Member Since
• 2005-07-25
• Student
Real Name
• not like I know
• Ummm. . I can touch my nose with my toungue!!!! And the relationship I have with Chaos Eidolon. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
• more than two years, still not long
Favorite Anime
• Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Imadoki, Alice 19th, Genbu Kaiden, hell, anything Yuu Watase!!!!
• to be somebody
• drawing, writing, singing, hiking, running, lots of other random stuff.
• uhh. . same as above?
| SilencetheDawn
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The color's very pretty.
I really like purple...0.o well, today at least, It never lasts. XP
Hi people! I feel loved..but also kinda rotten. -_- I didn't get that far visiting everyone. *looks sheepish* so please, no one feel obliged to visit me, if this site gets covered in cobwebs, it's cus it deserves it. XD
But I'm gonna make it I promise.
So..I hope you all had really good umm..holidays..whatever you celebrate. ^__^ But I hope it was good.'ve been kinda active for me lately, the other day a good friend and I ran around the area looking for a CD for me cus we're retarded..but we found it. ^^ But anyways, we were walking down this sidewalk, and there was this dirty grey like..long underwear lying on the ground.. and I screached and I was like Jenny don't look it's something dead!! (omg I'm stupid, sorry but I've had traumatic incidents with dead animals on the side of the road) and she laughed at me and was like, it's underwear! -_-
screw that. *sighs* I was just trying to warn her..
So, we ended up at this bookstore called the tattered cover that I've never been to before, it's like a really posh place..o.0
And so, naturally, unknown magnetic fields in our brains pulled us into the romance section. (also something new to me..^^;) And there was this weird old man sitting in this rocking chair there, and jenny is just picking up these books with umm..interesting covers. lmao and reading the backs out loud! I'm so ashamed. eheehh..
So that's a little excerpt from my wacky life.
I swear I'm gonna get to everyone tonight..^_^
But all enjoy your evening, night morning afternoon, or day..whatever, I know some of you are in Australia. XD I'm just a stupid american. lol.
I'll stop being lazy and contibute to society, sheesh. ^_-
Seeeeee yaaaasss...
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