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not like I know
Ummm. . I can touch my nose with my toungue!!!! And the relationship I have with Chaos Eidolon. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
more than two years, still not long
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Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yuugi, Imadoki, Alice 19th, Genbu Kaiden, hell, anything Yuu Watase!!!!
to be somebody
drawing, writing, singing, hiking, running, lots of other random stuff.
uhh. . same as above?
| SilencetheDawn
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Another week another few million braincells gone. -_-
History. that's right. You know that braincells are the only cells that your body can't replace? So technically, once you lose them you can't get them back. XD Sucks especially bad for me. trust me. -_-
ah where are my manners?!
GREETINGS PEOPLE OF THE NIGHT!! (if it's day right now, it's always dark in silence's place so live with it.) XD
So. my week. okay. well. this was fun. >_< not. well, friday kinda was till I stole redtigress's chopsticks and she sent rin and damien after me to pull them out of my shirt. OMG. NO FAIR! (obviously I surrendered) *scarred for life* I'll get you'll see..*evil wicked grin*
And! and and and! NiTIKIA!! The violent little meanie. SHE RUINED MY POOR JAW AND NOW IT DOESNT WORK!! We were standing outside friday, and I was going to blurt something out that she didn't want other people to hear, and she clamped her hand over my mouth. so being the neanderthal I am, I bit her hand. she twisted, my jaw twisted with it. it sounded like this, "POP!" uh oh. Silence goes "AHHH OMG ITS BROKEN!! I'M GONNA DIEE!!!!!!"
and I didn't. --__-- wow lookit that. but! It still like, won't move right..and it makes this wierd popping noise if I try and open my mouth wide and it hurts. *sniffles* Nitikia, you'll pay for your wicked deeds too.
so who else notices that I always seem to be pushing my luck when something happens to me?! XD
Oh! And there was a remarkable character that evolved out of the depths of my insanity called Banana Bob. Yeah. he exploded though so no more bob.
ahem anyways. -_- enough about that. the rest of my week was crazy and I don't want to think about it. XD
OH! I totally almost forgot! Silence got contacts!! XO omg. someone please tell me that it gets easier to put them in after some time?! *sighs* now, I have to get up an HOUR earlier for school until I get it! *weak noises of torment* as if I already didn't have to get up at 5 30!! wah.
SO the eye dude was like, "coaching" me for an hour as I was trying to get them in, and tears were just like, running down my face, it was so embarrassing I swear I wasn't crying because I was upset!! XO
ahem just kidding. so I got it figured out, and I'm happy. only, dreading tomorrow morning when I have to do it all over again.
Mmm..I was pretty dissapointed with the world this week's pretty easy to lose faith in humanity I wrote a poem! XD yay poetry! Well, not really. *sigh* I'm thinking maybe it only makes things worse..
arg. I want to be in this top choir chantons at my school so bad, but I have to do an advanced tryout for it in a few weeks, and I'm totally sad. there are so many people more talented than me, I just really wish that she sees that I'm set apart because it's not like, oh, I'm so talented I'm going to get into chantons and just sing..but, I may not be the best, but there's nothing I want more to be a part of that choir. and if only she knew that I would be the most passionate dedicated singer she'd ever seen because all I want to do is sing, and I'd give it my all... but it doesn't work that way. ;_; Instead, I do scales and sight reading (the second of whick really sucks) and sing a song of my own..yay..
ARGH! why can there not be a way for her to see who REALLY cares about making the choir good the most?!
And, because I'm a slacker and didn't do it last perverted biology is waiting for its dues tonight..ehhehh..*looks nervous*
me and mu bio book go a looong way back. it goes like this. it wants my soul, I want my homework neatly printed and sensable.
*says the loser who sells her soul to the horrid bio book every night in return for its secrets of the world*
oh, who wants to learn something?! (not us says the cow!) finee..;_; I won't tell you all about my resessive gene theory with people who have really fascinates me. lol. I'll have to ask about it on monday..
*hugs biology book* ANYTHING FOR YOU MASTER!!
oh dear..>_< It's starting to corrupt me with its ways..
oh, and just for a news flash, I think I had a dream about whales and swimsuits. and really tall treehouses that I fell out of. and there might have been a monkey too. But that's not important! (me and monkeys also have a history)
As in I used to be one before the zoo auctioned me to the highest bidder. ^_-
Yes. that is my deep dark secret. I am a highly educated primate that writes all the standardized tests you guys have to take. BAH HAH HAH HAH!!! NOW WE SHALL WRITE A QUESTION ABOUT THE MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF PRUNE JUICE IN THE STOMACH OF A HIPPOPOTAMUS!!!
well that would suck pretty bad.
hey I guess this is getting long again. which is a real shame because I like doing this..a lot..*sniffles* oh well.
Biology Book, my love, shall we dance?
**and they did. THE END**
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