Zpt Heart (08/06/07)
Hi, I like your site. ^_^ x_x
Blakend Soul (08/06/07)
thnx for signing my gb. sry it's taken me so long 2 get 2 ur site. i haven't been on in a few days. i like ur site 2 and i'll add you as a friend.
love(in a non-sexual way),
Rando07 (08/06/07)
Hey thanx for signing my gb! I love your site!!!!!! The bg is soo awesome! and the colors and everything, very nice job on it ^_^
Ill add you too!
Legacyof (08/06/07)
First I would like to apologize. I'm sorry that I haven't sign your site when you did mine. I am sometimes a very very busy person.
I like the way your site looks and I see you like cosplay. Thats cool.
Have a nice day
cya around
Enigmatic Turk (08/05/07)
Thanks for taking the time to visit my site/sign my guestbook, I appreciate it. ^_^
You have an awesome site as well. Purple is one of my favorite colors. Second only to blue. Lol I liked the Saiyuki cosplay video in your profile as well. Best anime eva�one of them anyways. ^_^;
I�m going to add you as well. Hope to see you around. ^_^
captin obvious (08/05/07)
love the music reminds me of a mix of lucana coil without the guiatrs and key of the twilight from .hack sign
demon2010 (08/05/07)
Thanks for signing my GB! I love you Background... It's so awesome! *Laughs* My mom loves it too! *Adds* I'll talk to ya later I guess! ^_^
thecapedphantom (08/05/07)
just returning the favor and signing your gb.this site is really...nice^^
pm me anytime u'd like to
untill then
Sincerey Kitsune (08/05/07)
Hellos! Ty for stopping by and signing my gb. I appreciate it! We should talk later...
spreading wings (08/05/07)
Hey thanks for adding me. i luv ur site, it's soooo pretty!