Silent Magician
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
If you do not see your button above and your on my friends list PM me and ill either make you one or use one tht you have made for yourself.
 You're a sporty chick! You really enjoy sports and outdoor activities! You're fit and healthy but you still like sugary goodness once in a while ^_^
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a loner. There's nothing wrong with being a loner, it just means that you like your own company better than someone else's. However, you do enjoy animals and you are really a very nice person.
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your anime expression is bored!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Samurai.
You have trained the majority of your life. You are honerable, you follow your word. You spare no one once in combat, but that is expected, for your oponent would do the same to you. You use a two-handed katana.
What type of Swordsman are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a loner. You prefer to be alone, away from big crowds and away from the labeling scene. Quiet, peaceful havens are your favorite places to be. Reading, writing, and being at peace with yourself is what you enjoy most.
What social type are you? (with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat fear in your readers. You love to poke their brains with logic dealing with the darker side of the human mind and character. Truly surprising and a true individual, you'll do ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Most Like Kenshin!!!
gentle caring and very nice,even to those who don't really deserve it.despite his kind and caring nature he's an expert in the hiten sword.
What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
 you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in the middle of good and evil. you dont mind humans, but you like going along with your insticts as well. you show your opposite sides at very different times. you can be kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step and who knows! you love tranquill water, going with the flow. you are pretty nutral
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a saver...a protective worry a lot about your friends and like to be around when things get messy, so that you can help them! For you it's not only friendship but also a guardianship. Yep! Nice friends take care of each other...
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Youre a very mellow, care-free person. You exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean. You never overreact or panic in a bad situation and you always know what to do. Everyone goes to you for advice because you never lose your head so your very reliable. You tend to take everything in stride, like in school your moto is just sit back and relax not to say you dont pay attention and work, but you dont overexert yourself. Even though people come to you for counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite, your not good with making new friends, but your extremely close to the ones you have. Remember its ok to put your emotions out there even though there is a chance they might get hurt. Also in school sometimes its good to stress out a little, just because you think you dont need to study doesnt mean you shouldnt, and also try to push yourself more even though you might be good where you are doesnt mean you cant be better. Also Please Send Pics!!!
Whats Your Personality(with PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Edward Elric
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Okay thts alot of quizzes ^_^; lol but yea just wondering if the site looks okay to you guys?
Tough Girl Of the day:

Anime: Inuyasha
opinion: shes awesome and she proves tht sessys one of the greatest challenges at heart,mind and strength. but i believe all the fangirls have made up there own way to melt sessys heart =^_^=
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Ohayo *yawns*
well its 1:20 in the morining no really tht late oh crap! i just missed inuyasha -_- dang it dang it dang it!!! okay if anyones still up on in the morining if you know which episode it ws can ya tell me^_^; anywayz i got some serveys for you this morining
You as a Harry Potter Character... | Created by SnapesMistress and taken 50 times on bzoink! | The basics | Your wizarding name | Shiruri | Age | 14 | boy, girl, man, woman, or other? | Girl | Your lineage | Pureblood or not? Please explain... | PureBlood my father once served voldermort | Are you related to anyone noteworthy? | Sirius Black | How long have you known about your wizarding abilities? | My lifetime | School and friends | Are you a Hogwarts student? Teacher? other? | Student | Where do you live? | Far off island | What house are you in if you are a student? | Griffindor | Favorite class? (past or present) | Defense against dark arts | Least favorite class? | Potions | Your friends... | Fred George,Harry,Hemione,Ron | Your enemies? | Snape,Malfoy,Lucius,Voldermort, Peter Pettigrew | Life as a Wizard | Do you have any special abilities? (i.e., animagus, parseltongue, etc...) | Demonice Poweria | Of the Hogwarts professors, who is your favorite? | Professor Magonigal | Least favorite? | Snape | What do you think of Harry Potter? | A wizard with extroidonary powers | Hermione Granger? | okay but to pure for my taste | Ron Weasley? | Hes the bro of my best bud of cose hes cool | Draco Malfoy? | hes worth no words | Neville Longbottom? | no comment-_- | Cho Chang? | Eh... | If you are an adult, what is your profession? | in not | If a student, what would you like to do as your profession? | Quddich, Chaser | Are you on Dumbledore or Voldemort's side? | Dumbledore | How are you preparing for Voldemort's coming (assuming you know...) | Training | Your opinion of the following... | Albus Dumbledore | awesome | Rubeus Hagrid | Awesome | Minerva McGonagall | Great | Sirius Black | Awesome | Mad Eye Moody | strange but okay | Remus Lupin | great | Severus Snape | weird | Sibyl Trelawny | lost it years ago | the village of Hogsmeade | pretty fun | Random... | What person from the wizarding world do you have a crush on? | Fred | What kind of clothing do you wear when not in school or work uniform? | Baging bant, tanktop and arm and wristbands | Who do you hang out with after school or work? | fred,george,ron,harry, hermionie,snape,hagrid | Favorite place in Hogsmeade | anywhere joke worthy | Favorite wizard candy | sizzle stix | Favorite Bertie Bott's flavor | ear wax j/k green apple | Have any pets? | An Eagle | What's your wand made of? | Unicorn Hair | Favorite spell or potion... | Riddiculous | Do you enjoy any Muggle things, like rock music or television? | music | How are you on the Quidditch field? | chaser, one of the best | And since you've made it this far... | Did you like this survey? | its neat | What should I add to or take away from this survey? | add personality traits | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!
Design A Character | Created by madhatter and taken 485 times on bzoink! | Basics | Type of 'World' Character lives in | Demon/human world | Name | Shiruri Kururugi | Age | 14 | Gender | Female | Appearance | Eye color | Peircing Red | Hair color | Hyper Glow Blonde | Skin color | White | Build | Strong | Weight | 130 | Scars, tattoos, etc. | three slashes on the back | Other | four stripes on stomach two on each side | Personality | Virtues | shorttempererd independent quite somtimes, doesnt tell others her problems | Vices | never betray a friend an to destroy the demon who killed my fox clan | Likes | fighting,argueing with the guys, challenges, andthing out of ordinary | Dislikes | hentai's, girls who never shuttup about friendship speaches and never giving up | Talents | good with a sword,shapeshiftig,power over lightning,and copy | Hobbies | fighting,drawing,writing,creating | Social Circle | Mother | Lady akiya | Father | Lord Kizou of the Eastern Lands | Siblings | Shippo | Other Relative(s) | Onigumo (half brother) | Pet(s) | none | Friends | inuyasha-gumi, naraku-gumi (not for long), kohaku,koga-gumi... | Enemies | later naraku-gumi, and Haahukishindo | Sexual orientation | ? ?no?? | Love interest | Sesshoumaru | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!
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Monday, December 27, 2004
i finally got paint shop pro for christmas!! unfortunately im still learning all its advantages =^_^=
me and my friend went shopping i have a replay card and eairlier i had got a $30.00 reward back in the mail ^^ anywayz i went to get something free and came accross some intresting stuff, they had a guy there who was sorting the shirts when i noticed a weird guy in black, those of you who know my old site, sessyand shiruri04 should remember him. -_- but for those who donts pm me and ill tell you about it...
but anywayzhe was watching me and finally i asked the guy who he was,and the manager looked over there and told me he was a samurai in the dark ages of japan -_- of course i hit him on the arm cause i knew he was joking but then he apologized and told me he new nothing. the man didnt say anything so i got a new dvd and left ^_^: well anywayz enough of my "amusing life" (little voice: yeah right) lol well...
oh a friend of mine Matsuo-san or SesshTaisho has a thing going on called character of the day, ill be doing anime tough girls of the day (youre doing a nice job on tht by the way matsuo)
so for the first tough girl of the day we have:

Name: Izayoi
Anime: Inuyasha
Data: shes inuyasha's mother, not really show in the series but without her wed have no main character. plus who wouldnt want to be her i mean shes the wife of the talk handsome Inutaisho *_* ^^.
its your turn:
What do you think of Inutaisho?
What do you think of Izayoi?
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Saturday, December 25, 2004

thankies carolynn for the holiday piccy above.
and to all my friends happy holidays hope its wonderful ^^
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
hey everyone ive got a new wallpaper up and a bunch of artwork thts pending right now ^_^ yay!
i cant wait till christmas!!!!
Rin: mrs katsue can we put in a contest?
sesshoumaru: yes tis would be a good idea
naraku: how bout this picture? mwahahahaha suffer inuyasha!!!!

shiruri: aheh well you heard them. whomever can come up with the funniest dialogue for this pic will win the contest!
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sry for the lack of updates
hey i wanted to shoe w you guys a picture a friend made for me ^^

Thanks SesshTaisho
please visit her site evryone ^^
p.s: the OC in the pic with Sessy is not my character, it belong to my friend Sizzy Sessy.

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Sunday, November 28, 2004
boring day
hey everyone not much to saytoday considiering my parents are gone right now im sitting in my room by myself and noones online for me to tlk too -___- so lets see a question....ah! If you were an anime character wht would be closest to your stereotype?
would you be a
A) Tomboy
B) Fighter
C) the person who need saving
D) The evil character
E)A evil henchman
F) a minor character but with a terrifying past
G) just a background character
pic of day:

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Friday, November 26, 2004
todays the day many have been waiting for, and yet many dread aswell, its the beginning of the christmas shopping season ^^ im excited about it all so how about a simple question
What r the top 3 things on your Chrismas list?
Picture of the day:

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

hey good to meet everyone just take a look around and sin my guestbook if you like what you see
Picture of the Day: (found online,not done by me)

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