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Member Since
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Katsue Kururugi
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin Wolfs Rain Full Metal Alchemist
drawing writing,getting onine, playing softball
give me a pic a pencil a peice of paper and some music by linkin park and watch me and my friends Kira, Matsuo and Shizzy draw !^_^ youll be amazed!
| Silent Magician
Thursday, December 30, 2004
If you do not see your button above and your on my friends list PM me and ill either make you one or use one tht you have made for yourself.
 You're a sporty chick! You really enjoy sports and outdoor activities! You're fit and healthy but you still like sugary goodness once in a while ^_^
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a loner. There's nothing wrong with being a loner, it just means that you like your own company better than someone else's. However, you do enjoy animals and you are really a very nice person.
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your anime expression is bored!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Samurai.
You have trained the majority of your life. You are honerable, you follow your word. You spare no one once in combat, but that is expected, for your oponent would do the same to you. You use a two-handed katana.
What type of Swordsman are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a loner. You prefer to be alone, away from big crowds and away from the labeling scene. Quiet, peaceful havens are your favorite places to be. Reading, writing, and being at peace with yourself is what you enjoy most.
What social type are you? (with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat fear in your readers. You love to poke their brains with logic dealing with the darker side of the human mind and character. Truly surprising and a true individual, you'll do ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Most Like Kenshin!!!
gentle caring and very nice,even to those who don't really deserve it.despite his kind and caring nature he's an expert in the hiten sword.
What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
 you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in the middle of good and evil. you dont mind humans, but you like going along with your insticts as well. you show your opposite sides at very different times. you can be kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step and who knows! you love tranquill water, going with the flow. you are pretty nutral
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a saver...a protective worry a lot about your friends and like to be around when things get messy, so that you can help them! For you it's not only friendship but also a guardianship. Yep! Nice friends take care of each other...
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Youre a very mellow, care-free person. You exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean. You never overreact or panic in a bad situation and you always know what to do. Everyone goes to you for advice because you never lose your head so your very reliable. You tend to take everything in stride, like in school your moto is just sit back and relax not to say you dont pay attention and work, but you dont overexert yourself. Even though people come to you for counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite, your not good with making new friends, but your extremely close to the ones you have. Remember its ok to put your emotions out there even though there is a chance they might get hurt. Also in school sometimes its good to stress out a little, just because you think you dont need to study doesnt mean you shouldnt, and also try to push yourself more even though you might be good where you are doesnt mean you cant be better. Also Please Send Pics!!!
Whats Your Personality(with PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Edward Elric
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Okay thts alot of quizzes ^_^; lol but yea just wondering if the site looks okay to you guys?
Tough Girl Of the day:

Anime: Inuyasha
opinion: shes awesome and she proves tht sessys one of the greatest challenges at heart,mind and strength. but i believe all the fangirls have made up there own way to melt sessys heart =^_^=
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