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Thursday, December 22, 2005
I'm Back!
I've randomly made a return after not being here for a couple of years. Wow, things are diffrent. Oh, here is my other website with more updated stuff.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Hey everyone, wow. I have 4 new pictures!! Yay! It's in less than a week apart. *dances* Please check them out.
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
*looks around*
Wow...sorry I haven't updated in a while. *sweatdrop* I've been busy and stressed lately, but I do have new pictures up. I'm so proud, I actually did something. ^^ I'm going to try to update more often, but school is strenuous. *sigh* I went to a fair last night and hung out with some of my friends. It was fun. Halloween was st00pid, I got sick in the middle because I was under so much stressed and I was depressed and the heat. *gasp* But finally we are getting some cooler weather. Squee! I have to wear a jacket now. W00t! Well, I'll talk to you guys later, please check out the pretty pictures I drew. *hugs all*
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
New Post
I put up two new pieces of art. yay! I'm getting my butt back into gear! Horrah! Well, write to you guys later. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do. *trying to figure out photoshop* >< *dies of confusion/frustration*
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Finally, I did it *dies*
I made it to the scnanner and put up the pictures that I've actually been able to color. I've been so lazy. So, sorry. But, I hope you like them, I should have more but, I'm not going to give myself a time frmae becuase obviously, I DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! >< I really need to learn time management. -_-
P.S.- HI VINCENT!! *glomp*
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
 You are Zillah.
Poppy Z. Brite Quiz - Which Lost Souls Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
This is a character from the book I'm reading. He is soooo awesome. This book is fantastic. It's called Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite. I love vampires, so this is basically right up my ally. *goes back to reading*
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
ehh... and stuffs...
sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been uber busy and I have a damn pinch in my back the hurts like a mofo, so, I haven't really been able to work on pictures. *cries* I have them inked, and one colored. In total, I have *counts* like five I think. God, my back hurts soooo much. So, I'm not dead, just close to it. I'm so stressed, but I've been happier because I am going out with the one I love. *little hearts* Talk to you all later. Oh, yeah, I plan on having the oictures scanned in tonight or tomorrow. (( many times have a said that?)) The new Sum 41 cd sounds good......
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
*looks around*
Sorry I havem't posted in a while. ^^;;; I've just been distracted, I guess. I have new pictures on the way though. WAII! I still have to color them and stuff..... Yay! Halloween is coming up quickly. I have my costume already. I'm going as my new character Alice. I should have pics of him (yes, alice is a dude) done soon. I am also captivated by a new vampire book I got. It's called Lost Souls and it is the best thing. ^^ Well, talk to you all later.
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Yay! Two next pictures for you to look at. Hope you like them! ^^
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Homecoming Blew
I went to homecoming last night and it sucked. ;.; My feet hurt from those damn heels. I wanted to cry. I have a new picture on the way, I still have to color and scan it though. ^^;;
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