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Thursday, September 21, 2006
For who ever that still looks here (which is no one at all, I believe) I will be revamping my site.
I love you all. <33
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
I started my comic. Hip, hip, hoo-ray! I haven't reinvented my site because.. frankly, people don't look here..~_~ and I've been gone.
So I decided.. that I might post my comic on here if it doesn't get into CG.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
All right! x3 I have decided that..=P I am going to be changing my theme to a Death Note theme. Ya! But I'm so tempted to change it to a Rocky Horror theme.
If any one actually reads this, can they tell me where I can find a midi to Dani California?
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All right! x3 I have decided that..=P I am going to be changing my theme to a Death Note theme. Ya! But I'm so tempted to change it to a Rocky Horror theme.
If any one actually reads this, can they tell me where I can find a midi to Dani California?
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Permalink long has it been? Probably a while, I rarely update this site.. as you can tell..
Nothing much has been going on. I'm tempted to change this site once more but I'm to lazy to.
Reading Death Note, it's awesome. Some n00b spammed my rp thread on Gaia, not awesome. I'm working on my KH story.. yeah.. Cousin's here, so I can't say much.
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
Well, today was quite lovely. Honestly, it really was a lot of fun and.. it could have been more fun! If my mom wasn't around. Does any one else seem to have those moms that tell you to shut the fuck up because your talking normally and she thinks your talking loud? Yeah, well, I got that all day long because while we were waiting in the fucking lines at Six Flags, every one was talking loudly, so I had to talk loudly to make sure AC could hear me.. and she doesn't listen.
And then she started bitching because AC and I rode the rides she wanted to ride but.. she didn't want to fucking ride them at the time we got there. And then she was pissed off because AC and I rode all these kind of spinning rides, the ones that make her sick. Good god. Other then that, it was a lot of fun.
I rode this new ride called the Tower of Power and it's this ride that's like a tower and it pulls your seats up all the way to the top and you're higher then any thing else in the park.. And then it waits for a few seconds and then it drops. I didn't scream but half way down, I squeezed my eyes shut. I was lifted out of my chair.. o.O It was freaky.
My legs hurt..xP They hurt very much...~_~ And I got a sun burn from yesterday because my madre is a tard and decided that.. since I'm pale and a redhead that I needed to go fourty five minutes with out sun block. Peachy. And 'cause of her I got some weird sun burn. Owch.
That's about it, kids. Oh.. and something's wrong with my comp.. yet.. again... So, tonight, I gotta use my moms..
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
~_~ Hm..
I still never made this page wonderful and stuff like I said I was going to. I also don't know a lot of codes. -tear.-
So.. my mom is out.. o.O I didn't want to go with her 'cause.. really, I'm just tired of her being around. ~_~ I wish she would go back to work all ready.
My foot fell asleep and it's waking up. D< It hurts.
I started a comic. o.O It's going slowly and eventually I'll publish it but not on myO. It's a strange art style.. they have weird eyes and skinny arms. They're long and lanky to, even if they are supposed to be short. I stole the comic name from..>> a song. =D !
Well.. thats it then, I'mma go play Silent Hill..Yes, the first one. xD Still can't find the other two keys. ;-; For the first time last night, I screamed bloody murder 'cause I was attacked and wasn't expecting it. xD
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Whoa, it's been a long time since I've been on here... o-o is any one still alive?
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ho my bob, ho my bob, ho my bob. I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOR EVER! SQUEEEEEEEEELELELELE! Sorry for that. I'm kinda hyper.. yuss.. Um.. I would post all the art I have done, but ya know, I don't really feel like converting them. AW, POO! Poo..HAHAHA! Ahem.. sorry..
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Sunday, December 11, 2005

I went and saw the Chronicles of Narnia and bawled like a bitch. That was such a great movie...EVERY ONE, GO OUT AND SEE IT, NAW! RIGHT NAW!!! FUCK YO COUCH! Sorry..xD
So...I got an early Christmas present. Me and my mom went up to Toys R Us and got DDR Max and the dance pad and I had to clean my room spotless in order to get it early. I did. >D And I played it for three straight hours and now my legs hurt like a bitch!
And now I'm off to rp! Thinkin' of gifts for my friends. Drop me a line of what ya want, kays? xD
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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