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Sunday, November 6, 2005

Here I am kiddies! Not a lot went on over the weekend but I must explain what happened on Friday! And I'll talk about Saturday to..xD
Three minutes before fifth hour starts, AC and I walk up to Mrs. Mickley's(school counsler) office. Well, I'm always nervous before I talk to her, so AC went 'She needs to talk to you!!' Then ran off. Mrs. Mickley invited me inside and I started explaining why I was there. Well, we talked for all of fifth hour and I got this pamplet for a free counsler. The school pays for it and stuff. I go back to fifth hour and what happends? MRS. VINYARD STARTS BITCHING AT ME! She's my band teacher..
'Well, why couldn't you have done it first hour? Why was it all hour? Why was it during my class?! Don't you know we have a concert coming up?! I'm going to have a talk with Mrs. Mickley at lunch!!' I started crying again after I got out of class..
When I got home, I called my mom and we talked and she was asking me questions 'cause Mrs. Mickley called. I didn't answer them. Adrien called and we talked..or it seemed I did most of the talking, since he is always playing his fucking video games when he calls. =.=
I called the office but they have yet to call back..
A huuuuge storm knocked out our damn cable at my dad's house. It had to do it when Naruto was playing! >< GEEZ!! It's okay though, I started my manga. =D
See, not a lot really happened. Just a bit bored. I miss mah nee-chan. ;-;
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Oh me gee! IT'S MEEEEEE! xDD w00t. Happy belated Halloween! o.o That's it. =D I'll get back tommorow..>>
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Okay, I'll make a super quick recap of my weekend then explain it all in one boring post. HO-RAY!
Got drunk of Friday, thought of suicide and Izume on Saturday(bad mix, he doesn't really want me to kill myself..xD !!), and I'm stuck in my house with my moms b/f today!!
We had a day off, so it was nice. I stayed up late on the computer rping my ass off with nii-kun and talking to other peoples and thinking of a certain few. Well..wait...that was Thursday..xD !! Then, on Friday my dad came and picked me up. When we went to Taco Bell it was closed and I started freaking because I thought they had some type of weird disease and that I was gonna DIIIIIIIIIE! I didn't. So, instead, we went over to BK and I had some nastay ass chicken fries..xD Those things are funkay tasting!
Blah, blah, blah, got up to Donna's, blah, blah, blah, Cheryl and Craig came over, blah, blah, blah.
I was watching some type of vamp. documentary on t.v. in my dads room. It was nifty, talked about all types of things and you met people who were like..uh...vampires. They either drank blood or fed off your psych. energy. That reminded me of an old buddy of mine that I never SEE ANY MORE! -glares at Izume.- ... So I got all sad then my dad came in and told me he bought some wine! AND THAT I COULD HAVE SOME!! Ho-freaking-ray! I drank about three fourths of the bottle and passed out on Brendan's bed. -snickers.- He wasn't there though.
I woke up and made some eggs, every one was all 'MMMMMMM! THESE ARE FREAKING GOOD!' I was all 'Yeah, I know..' Okay, not really, I just thanked them.
So, after watching my little brother and playing with him, my dad and Donna finally came back from shopping and I did nothing but lounge around, wondering how every one was and shit.
When it was like..all dark and stuff, I started watching 100 scariest most moments. After that, I watched Naruto then took a bath..xD While I was in the bath, I kept running my fingers over my old cuts that are finally just starting to go away and thought about all the people I let down. This inturn made me suicidal. I had to get out of the bathroom, there were to many razors around. After that, I passed out, woke up around three and left for home with my dad.
Came home, my moms b/f is here, I'm pissed, and I've got loads of fucking home work!
Yippee skipee!!
I think I might change my lay out again, prolly something FLCL-ish...I've been in an FLCL mood since I started listening to the sound track. Which is a good thing, I started re-writing my fic.
Well, I'm off to make some eggs then work on my home work. xD eggs..
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Friday, October 28, 2005

I'm off school today! Ho-ray!! I should be happy and all, but I'm not. I have to go to my dads this weekend, which means I'm gonna be booooooored all weekend! Yippe freaking skippee. The bright side is I'll be able to watch Naruto (which I haven't seen for three episodes straight..><) and FMA! =D ! Ho-ray!!
Any ways, I decided to rewrite my FLCL story, since I was in a FLCL mood. xD You know...just listening to the album makes me want to rp it or somethin'. But no one is on..;-; 'Cept for John and he's busy..-.-' Always is.
Weeeeeeeeeell, I'm cold, so are my toes and fingers, AND I'M HUNGRY!! I don't know what to eat either..xD
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005 am so tired..And hungry as hell! And in a bitchy mood! Ho-ray! o.o'' I don't have a lot to say, I just did this to take up space..xD But! I am in the mood for a flipping DN Angel rp!

Heeeeey...look, kiddies, a DNA piccy! Ho-ray.
No stealing the piccy or any of the icons, 'cause they dun belong to me, they belong to mah nee-chan. xD I think they're pretty..;-; So I posted them, because that's how I feel all the time. ;-;
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Yes, yes, lotsa quizzes. o-o Sorry. ^^'' I just felt like posting them on here instead of the quiz result page, yep..I could care less where it could go. xD Any ways! Birt and Lilo got caught on their attempt on running away and I couldn't be happier (I cried a lot because they're my bestest buddies), so it's all good. My moms being a bitch, what's new? When I'm dead, it's gonna be all her fault.
'Your a lazy ass,' 'Your so fucking stupid!' 'Get over yourself why don't you?'
A few words of advice, mom! Don't date guys younger then you, MOM! Get some happy pills, MOM! Stop bitching at me when you have a bad day, MOM! Why don't you stop taking fucking two hours to primp yourself, MOM! Why don't you get over yourself, MOM! Stop wasting all of our fucking money of booze, MOM! Stop wasting all of the child support on yourself, MOM! And that's my rant for today.
Yeah...well, that happened last night..xD
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Woo!! xD That took forever to take all those screenies then put them in this post! BAH! This is to all you Sasuke crazed or Itachi crazed fans. I took these pictures with mah nee-chan and Leanne-chan and Sakura-chan(fadedsakura) in mind. xD YA GO, GUYS! o.o Some are good, some are bad...Sorry..^^''
-Wonders when she'll ever get her Gaara screenies.- ... ._.
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Oooh, I love this song!! >< And the amv that goes with it.
Heres the lyrics:
Trust me
There's no need to fear
Everyone's here
waiting for you to finally be one of us
Come down
You may be full of fear
But you'll be safe here
When you finally trust me
Finally belive in me
I will let you down
I'll let you down I'll
When you finally trust me
Finally believe in me
Trust me
I'll be there when you need me
You'll be safe here
And when you finally trust me
Finally believe in me
I will let you down
I'll let you down I'll
When you finally trust me
Finally believe in me
Never want to come down
and the link to the amv:
Well, since I don't fell like linking it, copy and paste.
Here's a summary: Lotsa good Sasuke and Itachi moments, the amv is revolved around the two. Theres great fighting scenes and greeeeeeeat shots of Itachi and Sasuke.
xD!!! So it's not really a summary but it's a good amv and YOU should go check it out, kays?! ^_^ Pretty please with sugar on top?
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Saturday, October 22, 2005

I got a Marilyn Manson and Hellsing shirt and you dooooooon't! o.o'
So, I'll try to make a recap of what went down last night at the party I went to, what's gonna happen in the future, and what I'm working on at the moment.
Last night I was Birt's party and it was freaking fun! I think I freaked out her brother(he's an amazing artist and draws hentai..xD ! when he's mad..xDDDD I was like 'What? Does he think about raping those girls when he draws them?!' and Birt goes 'Probably.' xD !). But, any hoo, around seven we were talking about how Leah and Birt were gonna run away on Sunday and they wanted me to come with them. Well, I said I wanted to go tonight because Hallie(who was at the party to) was moving today(saturday) and that we needed to go today. Hallie agreed. Well, we were all talking about it and AC said she wasn't going. She didn't tell us why. So, she called her mom and told her that she got sick and she needed to come home. Her mom picked her up and we all watched as she drove away, a bit sad.
Then we were back inside, getting dressed and getting ready to go. But Birt wasn't sure if she wanted to just yet. So, all of us were trying to coax her to go, even Leah. It failed. So, I'm still here and they still want me to go with them on Sunday. I'm pretty sure that I won't, since I wanted to go yesterday. I'll miss them so much but I find that I cannot cry...I wonder why...
Any ways, that's what happened last night. At the moment, I'm trying to work on a lay out for my LJ(which I just got back up and running) and still working on my fandom blanket. xD ! w00t!
I got a theme for the lay out but I just can't find the right picture. The theme is 'Star Fuckers'(which is a song by NIN, yes.) and I'm in deseperate need for a good pic for it. I'm also searching like mad. If you would like to help, I would prefer something gothic and risky(not something really sexual thought, maybe just making out) or it could just be picture of one person. Doesn't matter. It'd be great if you could help! <3
I'm also working on a picture for my background on teh posts. This'll be fun but complicated, I can all ready imagine. I don't have a lot of time either.
I'm also debating whether or not I should turn one of my stories into a manga(which will be a bitch, seeing as I'm not that artistically great yet xD!) or maybe I won't..
And I am in the mood for a bitching DN Angel rp! >< Something a bit depressing that involves a heart broken girl, please! xD w00t!!
That's all! See ya on the flip side!!!
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Eeeeeeeeee!!! Look, you guys, DAI-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! -Squeals like a fangirl.- >< OOOOOOH! HE IS SO FLIPPIN' KAWAII!!! -Huggles teh picture.-m >__________< I LUFF MAH DAI-CHAN!! ;-; <333333333
I got grounded last night, woo!! I was being a smart ass to my mom but what does she do? Takes me to the mall and buys me stuff. xD !! I got rewarded for being bad!! w00t!!!!
I want you all to get something for me. I want you to check it out, for it's a very awesome manga that I believe ya'll should read. It's called 'The Tarot Cafe' and it's very awesome. For all you yaoi lovers out there, theres a few yaoi moments in the mangas! ^^ And, if your a fantasy lover, there's many creatures galore! From pixes to werewolves, dragons to vampires, cats to alchemists, they have it all!
Love is something that is constant in this manga, so if you like romances, this is for you.
It's a bit on the goth side to, which is always a nice touch, no?
Meet Pamela, the owner of The Tarot Cafe-what she offers on the menu isn't always a treat for her customers. Pamela is also a clairvoyant who caters to an elite clientele that frequents the cafe for more than just tea. Vampires, faeries and other creatures that live amongst the humans come to learn of their future from the predictions of this young woman. But Pamela must come to terms with a deep dark secret before she can move onto the next life...
Preivew end.
I just wanted to add that this manga has excellent detail and beautiful drawings. If you thing Natsuki Takaya is good, wait till you get a load of Sang-Sun Park's drawings!! They're so detailed and have a human quality to them all! You'll be amazed, I know I was.
Silent screams and lucid dreams--
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