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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Not so bad for an emo kid, eh? Foooo~ Played around in photoshoop because I was bored.
Still bored. Went back to the basics, too. It feels weird but I like it very much so.
You kids like my icon? I made it mahself. :B
It feels like a Friday. Seriously, why can't it just be Friday? I don't want to go to school.
Today, we had an assembly for a fund raiser to raise some moniez for teh prom nom nom and what not. Yeah. I dunno if I'm going but... Anyways. Brad, AC, my bestest buddiiiieeee Bridgette, and I were discussing the idea of ditching school after the assembly and going to Six Flags. Because we hate school that much. And, apparently, Bridgette was going to call Cota to have him call her out and I was like, "Get Charlie to call me out too. -nod.-" So, Charlie, you'll have to call me out if we ever decide to ditch school.
But why a California number is on the ID would probably be beyond the attendance ladies. Oh.. wait. Their phones lack ID's. TAKE THAT, LOGIC.
Any ways. I've been procrastinating. In everything. And I'm surprised I even got my paper for English done today. I've known about it since Monday... and didn't do any of it until today. I got everything done in school then typed it up once I got home.
Who reads this still besides Charlie? xDD I feel like a dork only having one person read it but, whatever. I'm escaping el jay and deviantart to blog here.
....I need more people to text me. Boooo.
What. The. Fuck.
Get out of my life, Smeyer. I love some of the characters in your book. I hoped that your books would get better. I can't believe I was a fan. I HAD TO READ ANNE RICE TO CLEANSE MYSELF OF YOUR BLASPHEMY.
But, I love Anne Rice. So. BUT...
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Monday, August 25, 2008
august 25 2oo8
I hate saying I need a cigarette.
Because it's not as if I smoke a lot or often. I smoke like.. once a weekend every other weekend. :/ How sad is that? I'm trying not to get addicted.
But, I was sitting in class today, going, "I need a cigarette."
But, then, I didn't really need it per say. I just wanted one. Maybe that's what the cigarette people want you to think.
I wonder what my friends would do if they knew I was an occasional smoker? One of my friends would flip the fuck out on me and call me a drug addict because apparently cigarettes are drugs. Boo. I'm not a drug addict. Or a druggie. Booooooo.
Any ways. Andy, from my art class, told me to pierce my nipples today since I said I wanted to pierce something. I just blinked then felt my boobs and considered it. I don't necessarily know if it will go over well, but I like the idea. Haha.
I'd also like to bleach my hair a beautiful bleached blonde. 8D
And, thanks, Charlie, for the comment. :P Haha. If you manage to look at this before I update, are those the kind of cigarettes you were talking about? Because, if so, those are rad.
And, yeah, you totally should go to a NIN concert. Fo' sho'. Lulz.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
august 22 2oo8
So, myo. You've done it again.
Sucked me back into your creepy little world.
Why do you do this to me?
I know I've lurked around but, seriously. I was honest to goodness planning on quitting, to never come back, and you sucked me back in.
My page is lookin' kinda plain there. Plain Jane.
If anyone is looking at this, how have you been?
I've been a-okay. Kinda missing my bestie. I barely see her now. Makes me sad faise. D: Baaaw.
I'm back in school. It's only the first week and I have an ass load of homework. Though, I suppose it doesn't help that I missed yesterday.
I went to a Nine Inch Nails concert Wednesday for my second time in my life. As always, I had "epiphanies" (as Brad so keenly calls them). Decided what I was going to do about certain people, certain things. It was fucking amazing. I could go on and on about it but I don't think anyone reads this still... Lol.
Oh well.
I feel kinda "cooru". I dunno why. Maybe it's because I'm getting older. When I went back to school, it felt natural. Like I had never left. Like it was another day. It really shouldn't feel that way but it did. I guess it doesn't help that I share a few classes with a sophomore or two who are constantly asking me things.
Like Speech and Drama.
Some kid thought I was a sophomore. I was not aware that I looked so young. It kinda made me sad... Deep down inside. Somewhere. But, then again, that kid is kinda dumb. Sociology is a Junior and Senior class. I wonder if he's aware of such a thing?
Probably not.
Any way... my links are kinda... messed up. Heh. They're on the top left of this little table. If you want to comment, feel free.
I'd love to know who all is still here and still vaguely interested in me.
Now... how to change my avatar...
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Friday, May 2, 2008
may o2 2oo8
forgot to leave some shizz if you wanna keep up with my boring life~
one night stand;;;
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
april 22 2oo8
mood: tired
I never update here any more. :/ I think I'm basically just gone. Might come back later, who knows.
Luh you kids. See you guys on the flip side.
(Btw, my sixteenth birthday was april 16 ;D)
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
march 26 2oo8
current mood:
head ache
New haircut. Ignore the name in the corner, that's my deviantart name.. xDD Chyeah.. :'D
Any ways. I'm tired. Dx I stayed home from school today because.. I DIDN'T WANT TO GOOO! Imagine that. I hate school with a fugging passion. xP Nyeh! But I also had this kids homework 'cause I promised him I would it for him but.. pfft.. Oh well. It wasn't due today anyways. POOR JOSHY!
D: So, yesterday, when I debuted my new hair, all these emo kids that usually ignore me where saying hi. x.x I was like, "aw, nice.." :O And Panda was actually talking to me and shizz. How funny. :/
So, pretty much, I should be cleaning and doing the dishes but I'm chilling. x__x And stressing over my wig, which does not want to curl. Like.. whatsoever. >/ If I don't figure out how to curl hair by Thursday, I'mma wear it straight to the anime convention. Which is Saturday, by the by.. BUT I'D RATHER HAVE IT CURLY. FUCK!
I'm done now.
¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
march 22 2oo8
current mood:
I don't know any more.
Was up until six in the morning. Roused myself out of bed around ten. Ate some pancakes.. Om nom nom. I really want some sleep, you know. It's ridiculous. But I can't sleep. Thiiiis is ignorant. True story.
And I might have to stay at my dads until monday. 'Cause, yanno, the family has to celebrate Zombie Jesus Day and what not. Om nom nom. Zombie Jesus. Haha. I think we might by dying eggs. Which is a damn shame because I want to draw faces on mine and take pictures but I do not have my magical colored sharpies and I don't have my camera. Epic faaaailure.
So, I'm failing two core classes. :'D Gonna bring up those grades. Sometimes I just think about dropping out. Highschool pisses me off and gives me too much stress. Fack offff, highschool.
And because I was bored, I made this beautiful thing..
¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
march 12 2oo8
current mood:
Oh my God. This week has been ridiculously slow and stressful as hell. It's also been utter shit. The only highlights would probably be I got my cosplay outfit together, save for the tights, watching Yu Gi Oh the abridged series, and getting a deck. A crappy deck but none the less a deck.
I just need to figure out how to style my wig into pigtails. Nn. I'm going as Miwako from Paradise Kiss, by the by, if I haven't told you guys before. I'll be sure to post some pictures. :]
Right now I should probably be doing my 50 point essay and finishing up my study guide. Since those are due tomorrow. I have no idea what to do with the essay.. Hm. I have three finals tomorrow too. ~3~ Oooh, yeah. Nom nom, baby.
How have you kids been?
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Thursday, March 6, 2008
march o6 2oo8
current mood:
Shoop da woop
So this is Version Vibrant huh? (OH I JUST NOW FIGURED OUT VV IS VERSION VIBRANT. AHAAAA! I'm dumb..) I like it, though it's still kinda confusing. I want to sumbit a fanfic/fanwords but apparently I can't without subscribing. Wtf?
And I see that we're back to only submitting one art a day.
That's why I stayed away from myO in the first place. I have ELEVEN new arts to upload and I only was able to upload one. SO LOOK AT FOR THAT. I COLORED IT IN PHOTOSHOP AND STUFF. YEEEAAAH!
We had a snowday yesterday and the day before. I think they should give us the rest of the week off. :/ Rly...
So, how is everyone?
Mind if I pimp a roleplay forum? Cool. Check it out if you can. Multiple roleplays for multiple people. :/ Semi-literacy is always nice but.. -shrugs.- We're all nice :'D and we don't bite, I promise.
Out of thirty-one members, only three are really active. :/ Which is sad. I'd like to make my own forum but Ree, the owner, insists that I don't. Shpah..
Love you kids.
♥ ♥ ♥
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
march o1 2oo8
current mood:
♥ show some heart ♥
| | | | | Self-Injury: You are NOT the only one. |
Wednesday, March 1, 2008 is SI Awareness Day.
"We are male and female. We are artists, athletes, students, and business owners. We have depression, DID, PTSD, eating disorders, borderline personalities, bipolar disorder, or maybe no diagnosis at all. Some of us were abused, some were not. We are straight, bi, and gay. We come from all walks of life and can be any age. We are every single race or religion that you can possibly think of. Our common link is this: We are in pain. We self-injure. And we are not freaks."
I cut for three years.. I have a few relapses every now and then. When I was afraid to use a razor because I didn't want any one to find out about it, I would burn myself with a flame and candle wax.
Do not judge us. This is the only way we can feel like we can cope. And all though I stopped three months ago (after breaking my one year streak yet again..), it's still a struggle not to go back to do it though I can tame the "beast", so to speak, better than some people and others can tame it better than I.
If you know someone who is an si, please do your best to help them in whatever way you feel is fit. Even if that means telling an adult. They may become mad but in the end they will thank you. Trust me.
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