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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
do not make me gooooo!!
I hate leaving my house and staying away from it for more then three days. It's a relief to get away once in a while but I get homesick, yanno? I'm gonna be shacking up at three different houses and shizz and I srsly just wanna be all "Hey, tee tee (stfu, foo, ees what I call my aunt! -rawr- ..=]) I kinda just want to stay home.." Because, wtf, I was ONLY supposed to stay at her house for one day.
And then I have to go to my fathers. And it's fathers day.. and I don't have anything for him. =/ I ruined my moms mothers day by informing her that I detested mothers day. -___- and then I felt bad afterwards because she was all "Do I really mean nothing to you?!" blah blah blah.. But, srsly, I don't have any thing for my dad. I'm probably not going to get him anything either since he never helps me get my mom any thing. T__T
I feel like a man because I just turned around to glance at the t.v. and I saw this hot blonde in lacey pink lingerie.. D; And it caught my attention for a few minutes. Dx this bothers me for some reason but I cannot HELP IT! -cries.- I love lingerie.. and panites.. =3 -not a pervert.-
I was supposed to revamp my site but I never did. I'm so lazy. I can still see that it says I'm fourteen up in my info box.. xD I should change that considering I'm fifteen.. !
I wish my summer would liven up, wtf. I need to learn how to drive. I need to be sixteen so I CAN drive. D; Lyk, I wanna go to a rave. How come Missouri is sooooooooo boring?! And it's hot. My lord, it can never be warm or cool. It's always super freaking hot or super uber cold. One extreme to the other and it can never stay the same. And then all the humidity. Ew.. x__x
Well, I'm taking my moms camera with me.. shh! Hopefully I'll take some nice pictures. ;D And I'll more then likely be sketching and writing stuff.. WOO HOO!
I love musicals.. lol. I'm watching one right now. Ees from teh eighties. ¢¾
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
olol.. bless my kind heart
Because I am just to soft and nice, I'm going to be gone for five days. It's not like I have any thing better to do but lyk.. wtf. My aunt called and said that she wanted me to stay Wednesday night then was all "em.. how about Thursday too? 'Cause, it's just that Nathan is gonna be alone and blah blah blah" so I was like "sure.." and then I'm going to my grandparents house on Friday night and I'm going to be with my dad until Monday. Blech.
I hate being away from my house for so long.
I'll also be away from the sims! ;~; i got re-addicted to that game. It is SO much fun, oh em gee.. I need.. >___> I NEEEEED .___. expansion packs but we're to poor to afford any. As of right now, we're in deeeeep trouble because of money problems due to AOL. So, we're switching over to SBC(aka: highspeed) because AOL continues to screw us over. lawl. fuck AOL.
But, I do need to download AIM. o-o -nods.-
I'mma make a DGM fancomic soon.. I should be doing it right now but I'm kinda all...>___> on the internetzzz and such, soz. =] It's quite funny in my mind. Very funny. -nods.- Lawl. It's gonna take me forever. Hopefully I'll finish it. ;D
Okays. Well.. I'm off!!
Questions of teh day:
1) How's your summer going?
2) =] Do you like the sims?
3) =o How about panties?
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I'm going on a diet..xDD The more I sit around my house the more food I seem to consume. D; lolz.
Last night I was so bored that I did a Kyo Sohma cosplay! Go veiw it.. go on..xD I posted the pictures in the cosplay section. =]
And.. thas about it that's happened really..
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Monday, May 28, 2007
I want my hair cut.. But I'm stuck inbetween three..
Okay, so here is how my hair looks now:
and here is the three that I want:
(minus the long strips of hair)
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Eet ees storming right now..
I'm so glad to be out of school. Some people were really starting to annoy me and blah blah blah.
I'm gonna be stuck at my dads until monday! I WANT TO GO SWIMMING! BLAAAAAAAH!! And I wanna see PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3!! WTF?!
Someone come and saaaaave meeeeeee!!
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Posted a bunch of new art.
Gooooo look at it. ;D
Any ways. Nothing happened much this weekend. I mean well.. Friday night was pure hell but I'd rather not talk about it.
My friend thinks I'm mad at her but I admitt, she pissed me off because she was being a bitch when I just wanted to text her and see what was up.
D; fuck bitches, ya?!
Love ya guys
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Why must Brian insist on pissing me off? I AM NOT A LESBIAN!
We had a fight over it on the bus. I mean, it was a huge screaming blow out and we went over a wide range of subjects. It started off with him going, "lol, Birt's a lesbian" and me coming to her defense and saying, "No, she's bi." and then he had to run his mouth off and say "SHE LIKES GIRLS MORE THEN GUYS! SO SHE'S A LESBIAN!" No!
I feel bad because we went onto the subject of his weight. xD; I was like "At least my tits aren't there 'cause of my fat! At least I wasn't bulemic and anorexic to be skinny!" D; .. I shouldnt poke fun at that.
Aaah, and he just came to my door and we hugged and appologized. <3 thas good.
I'm teh first friend he's ever had in this city. ;D Neato.
But, really.. I like girls more then guys but I'm not a lesbian! D; wtf.. And I don't date for gender any ways.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
REMEDIAL! THIS IS REMEDIAL! When I heard (from Vic Mignogna) that ViZ (the Canadian based animation studio) had bought DeathNote, I wasn't pleased. I'd figure that, since it was such a popular anime, that they'd at least do good at getting some excellent voice actors...
WHO IS THIS TARD DOING LIGHT'S VOICE AND WHY DID THEY EVEN ALLOW SUCH A MISTAKE?! THAT IS DISGUSTING! I mean, I'm not one to pick on VA's because I love most of them but this is pathetic. This guys voice does not even remotely fit Light. It's to.. high pitched. Did anyone else imagine Light with a relatively low pitched voice? (Not like Crispin Freeman low..but still!)
Oh, I am so pissed off.
So, now it really comes down to this. When I watch the first episode will I be able to watch the rest?
I'm scared.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Te Hospital
I went to the nurse today and asked my mom if she could bring me a tylenol.
I ended up having to go to the freaking hospital and was there for HOURS just to find out that I have weird muscle aches and that I can't work out until they go away. RETARDED.
When they were drawing for blood, my veings kept rolling, so they stuck me with a needle in like..four different places before they had to use a butterfly needle. NEAT!
![]( Dement-ed Hosted By
![]( Edo On Graph Paper--gomen! Hosted By
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Monday, May 7, 2007
I got my plushies from Birt and they are so cute!! x33 She also drew me an Allen picature! SQUEE!
So, not a lot happened..;D I am officially going to start making dolls. I got all my stuff today and I freaking dropped 55 dollars..x.x Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum! I gotta get some practice in so I can become good at sewing..or..
I can be like birt and SUPA GLUE! ;D
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