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• 1992-04-16
• In the Vatican.
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• 2005-03-03
• Being the Pope.
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• Tori
| SilentLucidity
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
le sigh, le cry, le stfu
Ohohoh, tu t'apple como? Ja m'apple Tori! Oui! Tu mere un grossier.
xD I dunno if I spelled any thing right..
Let's do a quick recap of yesterday. Went out to eat, mom was having a good day so I took advantage of that good mood and asked 'hey, can I dye my hair for the ani-con?' and she's like 'fiiine, but if it doesn't come out in a month, we're bleaching it.' and then she buys me a NIN c.d.! Fabu!
Any ways.. tonight we had a band concert. Anastasia was telling me about Bridgette's crush and I was like 'I wonder why she never tells me any thing..? I AM her bestfriend after all.' Because 'Stasia blabs it to the universe and I don't really say any thing. But, whatever. It's beneath me. I act like I don't care but in reality I really kinda do..xD; I'm think 'psh, whatever, I don't wanna hear about it. I don't care' but I really do!! 'Stasia thinks it's because we used to have crushes on each other so that's why Bridgette won't tell me. I don't care.. my crush is gone, dissolved, blah, blah, emo puke.
I maaaaade a button! I just need to know how to make a scroll box so you can copy and paste it. Lolzzzzzzz, if my site will let you (watch it not. xDD! Fabu!)... It's pretty.. and weird.. I like it.
I've been wanting to draw lately but everytime I try it's utter crap.
Ay, me, coz! Is the day still so young?
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