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myOtaku.com: SilentLucidity

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

ho ho ho Random image! Any ways, it continues to astound me.. how.. people say they're my friends and yet.. xD nothing happenes between us. -amused.- Or like, I guess it's mostly my fault, but I'm not on the internet until after six. Sometimes I get on in the afternoon but... not likely. -shrugs.- So, I have a few friends who always say they'll invite me over and never do. And in a few cases, they invite someone else over when I was supposed to come over xD; and when they were supposed to call me back and suchn's. Really starting to figure out who my real friends are. D': And Bridgette, if you're reading this, sorry I never called. xD; But you could have called me? Blah blah blah. My house is disgusting. I'm starting to clean it. Like, a super deep, bleach every thing kind of clean. xD It's amazing! I have never seen so much damn dust in my life!! ahahaha! -amused.- =] I have joined a lot of capslock communities. If you don't know what capslock communities are then it's.. like, for LiveJournal and you get together a whole bunch of people who like one thing. And talk about it, make fun of it, etc. in capslock. My favorite caps. community is the Bleach and DN. xDD W.W.A.D?!
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