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myOtaku.com: SilentLucidity

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sometimes, I wish I was a little kid again. I was walking outside to feed and water my dog and I looked down at my drive way (which is half gravel, half a field of clovers. srsly) and just wanted to sit down and look for a four leaf clover. Instead, I walked back inside to call my mom and tell her about the college I was looking into.

Speaking of which, our counselor came into English today to talk to us about colleges and blah blah blah. It's just so... soon. Like, I'm sixteen. I don't want to be stressing over a college. I need to be stressing over a job (which I'm going to apply at Mickey D's. Hopefully Brad won't forget to pick me up~) and homework. I hate how early this is pushed onto us.

It's like they're taunting me, really. Because I know I'll only be able to go to a community college for my first two years then afterward...? I'm probably going to go to Mineral Area College down the highway in Hilsboro. It's by a Thai restaurant, so, lol, I think that's why I'm going. And, I don't want to go to Jeff Co. Everyone is going to go to Jeff Co. I also heard they fail and transferring credits and what not.

But, back to the four year college I was looking into. Truman College. :o It's in Kirksville, which, as my mom so kindly put it, "way, way, way far away from here." And I was all, "OH GOOD~" Ha ha. But, I have to stay in state to go to college. And it's the ONLY college that is offering decent art and English classes. And they're not even offering that many art classes. Ugh. Tuition, off the top of my head, is six-thousand two hundred and room-and-board is like... five-thousand eight-hundred? Per year.

Why is college so expensive, dear god?

I don't even know what I want to be yet. We need a career counselor. We need actual counselors who will bring you in one by one to talk to you about a plan, but, alas... We don't. I'm looking into journalism since that's the only decent job that I know of (besides the obvious English teacher) that I can use my English major on. We all know I want to be an author, but I have to have a job to fall back onto, unfortunately. I'm also looking into the animation field. Cartoons and the like. Haha. I think it'd be fun to work on a cartoon.

The only problem with going to Truman is I have to have two language credits. I took French my freshman year, but I don't remember if I passed with a D or not. I should check that out. Otherwise, will I not be able to get in...? And, what about portfolios? The book didn't say it was required, but.. Nn.

I could go on and on about this. Seriously. I have so many questions and, unfortunately, Mrs. Esparza went on this fifteen minute rant about how students are annoying her and wasting our time and blah.

I was in a bad mood today.

My sociology class was really annoying me. Like, there's these two girls, Kanese and Tabitha, who talk way, way, way too much. Kanese just says stupid shit and Tabitha goes on and on and on about nothing. And we were watching Freaks and Geeks today, filling out a work sheet, and through out the whole episode I heard those two. It was so annoying. Blaaaah.


That was my day.

I'm going to Mickey D's around six-ish to fill out an application. I'm pretty much guaranteed a job there, apparently. I want to go work at the one across town where NONE of the kids from my school work at yet Ryan Cheney convinced me to put in an application at the McDonald's he and everyone else works at. He says it's, surprisingly, really fun. And we barely even know each other.

That crazy kid. I hope he makes it big. His band just got signed... any ways.

Feeling: Okay.
Tunes: Replace Me - Family Force 5
Drinking: Mountain Dew.
Eating: Nothing.

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