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In the Vatican.
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Being the Pope.
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| SilentLucidity
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
God dammit!! I'm extremely sick. Like, bronchitis sick. Jaysus, that's my luck. But, yeah, I missed Monday and today.. We have tomorrow off, though.. And I'm pretty much hoping that I'll be all better on Saturday. Because that's Pointfest and I really don't want to have to carry around an inhaler and a pack of cigarettes.
Because, how horrible would that look?
"You have asthma and you smoke? JESUS CHRIST, CHILD."
At least I haven't had the craving to smoke one in a really long time. Since Sunday, I guess. I had half of one today and now I just have one left in this pack. And then I gotta switch out my soft pack... blah blah blah. Why am I talking about this? I don't even know.
I keep saying I need to stop smoking and I really kinda do.
Oogh. I look so horrible. I felt horrible, too, until I took a shower and was all, "Woo. I feel betttteeeerrrr."
Aha. I think I missed four or five days of school already. That's really bad. We can only miss eight a semester. But, psh... I'm sick.
The other times, though, I just didn't want to go.
I need to turn in my application to McDonalds... I think I'm going to refill the blank one (since I had to use white out on my other one) I brought home then turn it in on Sunday or something. If I'm not a zombie on Sunday.
Because Pointfest is an all day thing. I'm already planning on taking naps out on the hill but, really, I know I won't be napping. I'm going to try to see as many bands as I can. Just to add to all the ones I've already seen.
Jeez.. I'm only sixteen and I've already seen over thirty bands in my life, I think... Yeah. Haha. I totally just beat my parents. Do I win?
My boyfriend suddenly got into Nirvana. He used to hate them. And now he likes them..? And he says it has nothing to do with me.
Uh huh.
Because NIN and Nirvana are my top favorite bands evar. Seriously, I cannot choose between them. Aha..
Huh. This was a pointless update.
I think I'm going to draw this...
And, you kids... Start wearing something when you go to bed. What if your house caught on fire or someone robbed your house? Geez. Lol.
Feeling: So so.
Tunes: Nothing -- I'm watching the t.v.
Drinking: Tea.
Eating: Nothing.
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